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Alessandro Frigeri : Curriculum Vitae



Peer reviewed journal articles

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Cartacci, M. et al. MARSIS over Elysium Planitia: mapping a subsurface structure in an area with a complex geological history. in Geophysical research abstracts - european geosciences union general assembly 2007 (ed. 2007, E. G. U.) EGU2007-A-07887 (Vienna, Austria, 2007).
Ammannito, E. et al. A close look at the Vestan Rheasilvia basin. in European planetary science congress vol. 9 EPSC2014-217 (2014).
Formisano, M. et al. Thermal stability of water ice in Ceres’ crater Oxo. in AAS/Division for Planetary Sciences Meeting Abstracts vol. 48 506.06 (2016).
Tosi, F. et al. Thermal Behavior of Bright Spots on Ceres. in Lunar and Planetary Science Conference vol. 47 1883 (2016).
Frigeri, A. et al. Three Dimensional Structure of the Mars North Polar Basal Unit from MARSIS data. in Geophysical Research Abstracts - European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2012 (ed. 2012, E. G. U.) vol. 14 5134 (Vienna, Austria, 2012).
Desanctis, M. C. et al. Vesta’s mineralogical composition as as revealed by the visible and infrared spectrometer on Dawn. Meteoritics & Planetary Science 48, 2166–2184 (2013).
Capaccioni, F. et al. VIRTIS-Rosetta Observations of 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko Nucleus and Coma During the Mission Pre-Landing Phase. in AGU Fall Meeting (2014).
Frigeri, A. et al. Visualization of planetary subsurface radar sounder data in three dimensions using stereoscopy. in AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts (2010).
Raponi, A. et al. Spectral modeling of water ice-rich areas on Ceres’ surface from Dawn-VIR data analysis: abundance and grain size retrieval. in AAS/Division for Planetary Sciences Meeting Abstracts vol. 48 506.07 (2016).
Raponi, A. et al. Spectral modeling of Ceres VIR data from Dawn: Method and Result. in AAS/Division for Planetary Sciences Meeting Abstracts vol. 47 212.02 (2015).
Sanctis, M. C. D. et al. Spectral Analysis of Marcia Quadrangle of Vesta: Mineralogy of the Eucritic Equatorial Region. in EPSC 2014 vol. 9 283–283 (2014).
Ciarniello, M. et al. Spectrophotometric properties of dwarf planet Ceres from VIR onboard Dawn mission. in ArXiv e-prints (2016).
Frigeri, A., Minelli, C. & Pauselli, C. Stress distribution in an Anticline: a numerical approach. in Riunione annuale del gruppo italiano di geologia strutturale (Pisa, Italia, 2002).
Frigeri, A., Federico, C., Minelli, G. & Pauselli, C. Structural Analysis Of Wrinkle Ridges On Planet Mars: an extensive quantitative method. in 32nd International Geological Congress (Firenze, Italia, 2004).
Bruzzone, L. et al. Sub-surface radar sounding of the Jovian Icy Moons. in URSI-F Microwave Signatures Meeting (Florence, Italy, 2010).
Bruzzone, L. et al. Sub-Surface Radar for the Jupiter Ganymede Orbiter. in 2nd Europa Jupiter System Mission Instrument Workshop (Laurel, Maryland, USA, 2009).
Frigeri, A. Radar soundings  of the North Polar Cap of Mars. in 3M-S3 (Russian Academy of Sciences. Moscow, Russia, 2012).
Geminale, A. et al. Retrieval of the Martian surface reflectance by means of Principal Component analysis and Target Transformation using OMEGA/Mex data. Memorie della Societa Astronomica Italiana Supplement 87, 30 (2016).
Capaccioni, F. et al. Rosetta-VIRTIS sees the nucleus of 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko: first results from the rendez-vous and nucleus characterisation phase. in European Planetary Science Congress 2014 vol. 9 867–867 (2014).
Frigeri, A., De Sanctis, M. C., Ammannito, E., Capaccioni, F. & VIR Team. The GIS data model of the Visible and Infrared mapping spectrometer (VIR) onboard NASA/Dawn. in AAS/Division for Planetary Sciences Meeting Abstracts vol. 48 321.04 (2016).
Palomba, E. et al. Search for olivine spectral signatures on the surface of Vesta. in Geophysical Research Abstracts - European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2012 (ed. 2012, E. G. U.) vol. 14 10814–1 (Vienna, Austria, 2012).
Frigeri, A. et al. The Role of GIS in Geometric Processing of Dawn/VIR Spectrometer Data. in Second Planetary Data Workshop vol. 1846 7046 (2015).
Seu, R. et al. The SHAllow RADar (SHARAD) Experiment, a subsurface sounding radar for MRO. in VII Convegno nazionale di Scienze Planetarie (San Felice del Circeo (LT), Italia, 2006).
De Sanctis, M. C. et al. One Year of Observations of Dawn at Ceres: Composition as seen by VIR. in EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts vol. 18 11994 (2016).
Hughson, K. et al. Preliminary Geological Map of the Ac-H-5 Fejokoo Quadrangle of Ceres: An Integrated Mapping Study Using Dawn Spacecraft Data. in AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts (2015).
Frigeri, A. et al. Preliminary Geological Map of the Ac-H-8 Nawish Quadrangle of Ceres: An Integrated Mapping Study Using Dawn Spacecraft Data. in EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts vol. 18 5165 (2016).
Kneissl, T. et al. Preliminary Geological Map of the Ac-H-3 Dantu Quadrangle of Ceres: An Integrated Mapping Study Using Dawn Spacecraft Data. in AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts (2015).
Scully, J. E. C. et al. Preliminary Geological Map of the Ac-H-4 Ezinu Quadrangle of Ceres: An Integrated Mapping Study Using Dawn Spacecraft Data. in AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts (2015).
Picardi, G. et al. Mars Advanced Radar for Subsurface and Ionosphere Sounding (MARSIS): Subsurface Performances Evaluation. in Mars Advanced Radar for Subsurface and Ionosphere Sounding (MARSIS): Subsurface Performances Evaluation (Adelaide, Australia, 2003).
Giuppi, S. et al. MARSIS Data Bad Time Stamp: Analysis and Solution of an Anomaly Event in a Space Mission. in Geophysical Research Abstracts - European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2012 (ed. 2012, E. G. U.) vol. 14 5376 (Vienna, Austria, 2012).
Picardi, G. et al. MARSIS, a radar for the study of the Martian subsurface in the Mars Express mission. in VII Convegno nazionale di Scienze Planetarie (San Felice del Circeo (LT), Italia, 2006).
Plaut, J. et al. MARSIS subsurface sounding observations of the south polar layered deposits of Mars. in Geophysical Research Abstracts (ed. 2006, E. G. U.) vol. 8 (2006).
Cicchetti, A. et al. MARSIS: The North Polar Cap Campaign. in Geophysical Research Abstracts - European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2012 (ed. 2012, E. G. U.) vol. 14 5158 (Vienna, Austria, 2012).
Frigeri, A. et al. Mineralogic and Geologic Maps of Vesta: Correlation Within a GIS Environment. in Asteroids, Comets, Meteors 2012 vol. 1667 6267 (2012).
Zambon, F. et al. Homogeneous spectral units on Ceres as inferred from Dawn/VIR. in AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts (2015).
Frigeri, A. et al. Insights from the correlation of the preliminary Geologic and Mineralogic maps of Vesta from the Dawn mission data. in Geophysical Research Abstracts - European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2012 (ed. 2012, E. G. U.) vol. 14 4895–12 (Vienna, Austria, 2012).
Martín-Sánchez, J. et al. Full Dynamic Control of In-plane Elastic Stress Tensor in Nanomembranes. in ArXiv e-prints (2015).
Frigeri, A. Free and Open Source Software for Geospatial in the field of planetary science. in AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts (San Francisco, 2012).
Zambon, F. et al. Classification and analysis of the Rudaki’s Area. in AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts A1586 (2011).
Zambon, F. et al. Color variations on Victoria quadrangle: support for the geological mapping. in European Planetary Science Congress 2015, held 27 September - 2 October, 2015 in Nantes, France, Online at <A href=””></A>, id.EPSC2015-826 vol. 10 EPSC2015-826 (2015).
Palomba, E. et al. Compositional differences among Bright Spots on the Ceres surface. in AAS/Division for Planetary Sciences Meeting Abstracts vol. 48 511.02 (2016).
Palomba, E. et al. Compositional Characteristics of Ceres Bright Spots. in Lunar and Planetary Science Conference vol. 47 2198 (2016).
Ammannito, E. et al. Composition of Rheasilvia Basin on Asteroid Vesta. in AGU Fall Meeting (2014).
Frigeri, A. et al. Correlation between the mineralogic and geologic maps of Vesta: spatial analysis and perspectives towards the mapping of Ceres. in European Planetary Science Congress 2015, held 27 September - 2 October, 2015 in Nantes, France, Online at <A href=””></A>, id.EPSC2015-715 vol. 10 EPSC2015-715 (2015).
Pieters, C. M. et al. Dawn at Ceres reveals an ammoniated surface. in AAS/Division for Planetary Sciences Meeting Abstracts vol. 47 103.02 (2015).
Combe, J.-P. et al. Dawn at Vesta: Composition of the Northern Regions. in Lunar and Planetary Science Conference vol. 46 2098 (2015).
De Sanctis, M. C. et al. Dawn at Vesta: surface mineralogy after the mapping phases. in AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts (San Francisco, 2012).
Ammannito, E. et al. Distribution of the Ammoniated Species on the Surface of Ceres. AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts (2016).
Frigeri, A., Pauselli, C., Federico, C. & Minelli, G. Elaborazione di immagini e sistemi geografici informatici per l’interpretazione di dati geologici e geofisici planetari. in VII Convegno nazionale di Scienze Planetarie (San Felice del Circeo (LT), Italia, 2006).
De Sanctis, M. C. et al. Ceres Composition by VIR on Dawn: Highlights of the First Year of Observation. in Lunar and Planetary Science Conference vol. 47 1832 (2016).
Ciarniello, M. et al. Ceres’ Spectrophotometric Properties from VIR on DAWN: Photometric Correction and Albedo Maps. in Lunar and Planetary Science Conference vol. 47 1866 (2016).
Palomba, E. et al. Characterization of Carbonates on Ceres. in Lunar and Planetary Science Conference vol. 47 2166 (2016).
Sanctis, M. C. D. et al. Characterization of Mineralogy across Vesta. in Geophysical Research Abstracts - European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2012 (ed. 2012, E. G. U.) vol. 14 4876 (Vienna, Austria, 2012).
Tosi, F. et al. A compositional view of Av-10 Oppia quadrangle. in EPSC 2014 vol. 9 320 (2014).
Yingst, R. A. et al. A Global Geologic Map of Vesta Based on High-Altitude Mapping Orbit Data. in Geophysical Research Abstracts - European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2012 (ed. 2012, E. G. U.) vol. 14 6225 (Vienna, Austria, 2012).
Pauselli, C., Frigeri, A., Di Matteo, L. & Ercoli, M. A multidisciplinary approach for the study of an ancient drainage tunnel: preliminary results. in Geoitalia, sesto forum italiano di Scienze della Terra (Rimini, Italia, 2007).
Frigeri, A. A note on Fibonacci number of even index. ArXiv e-prints (2017).
Scully, J. E. C. et al. Geologic History of the Ezinu Quadrangle of Ceres, Derived from a Geologic Map Based on Data from the Dawn Mission. in LPI Contributions vol. 1920 7018 (2016).
Frigeri, A. & Neteler, M. Geographic Resources Analysis Support System. in Webbit (Padova, Italia, 2003).
Kneissl, T. et al. Geologic Mapping of the Ac-H-3 Dantu Quadrangle of Ceres from NASA’s Dawn Mission. in Lunar and Planetary Science Conference vol. 47 1967 (2016).
Scully, J. E. C. et al. Geologic Mapping of the Ac-H-4 Ezinu Quadrangle of Ceres from NASA’s Dawn Mission. in Lunar and Planetary Science Conference vol. 47 1627 (2016).
Hughson, K. H. G. et al. Geologic Mapping of the Ac-H-5 Fejokoo Quadrangle of Ceres from NASA’s Dawn Mission. in Lunar and Planetary Science Conference vol. 47 1556 (2016).
Frigeri, A. et al. Geologic Mapping of the AC-H-08 Nawish Quadrangle of Ceres from NASA’s Dawn Mission. in Lunar and Planetary Science Conference vol. 47 2271 (2016).
Frigeri, A., Federico, C., Pauselli, C., Minelli, G. & Scarselli, S. Geological and Structural analysis of Mars’ compressive structures in Planum areas. in FIST Geoitalia 2003 IV Forum Italiano di Scienze della Terra (Bellaria, Italia, 2003).
Hughson, K. et al. Geological Mapping of the Ac-H-5 Fejokoo Quadrangle of Ceres from NASA’s Dawn Mission. in EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts vol. 18 5022 (2016).
Kneissl, T. et al. Geological Mapping of the Ac-H-3 Dantu Quadrangle of Ceres from NASA’s Dawn Mission. in EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts vol. 18 7749 (2016).
Scully, J. E. C. et al. Geological Mapping of the Ac-H-4 Ezinu Quadrangle of Ceres from NASA’s Dawn Misssion. in EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts vol. 18 5128 (2016).
Frigeri, A. GIS goes around the Solar System: insights of Free Open Source Software for Geospatial in planetary data. in FCE CTU Geoinformatics (2011).
Stephan, K. et al. Mineralogical Mapping of Quadrangle Av-2 (Belicia) and Av-3 (Caparronia) on 4 Vesta. in EGU 2012 (2012).
Combe, J.-Ph. et al. Mineralogical Mapping of the Av-5 Floronia Quadrangle of Asteroid 4 Vesta. in Geophysical Research Abstracts - European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2012 (ed. 2012, E. G. U.) vol. 14 6462 (Vienna, Austria, 2012).
Combe, J. P. et al. Mineralogical Mapping of the Av-5 Floronia Quadrangle of Asteroid 4 Vesta. in EGU 2012 (2012).
Zambon, F. et al. Mineralogical Mapping of Quadrangles AV-13 (Tuccia) and AV-14 (Urbinia). in EPSC 2014 vol. 9 767 (2014).
Zambon, F. et al. Mineralogical mapping of quadrangles Av - 14 (Urbinia) and Av - 15 (Rheasilvia) on 4 Vesta. in Geophysical Research Abstracts - European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2012 (ed. 2012, E. G. U.) vol. 14 8689 (Vienna, Austria, 2012).
Capaccioni, F. et al. Mineralogical Mapping of the Av-8 Marcia and Av-9 Numisia Quadrangles of Asteroid 4 Vesta. in Geophysical Research Abstracts - European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2012 (ed. 2012, E. G. U.) vol. 14 8584 (Vienna, Austria, 2012).
Frigeri, A., Marchesini, I. & Mirabella, F. Modern geological mapping: Free Software and satellite positioning system. in 32nd International Geological Congress (Firenze, Italia, 2004).
Mirino, M., Sefton-Nash, E., Witasse, O. & Frigeri, A. Multi-instrument data analysis for interpretation of the Martian North polar layered deposits. in EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts vol. 19 7185 (2017).
Pauselli, C., Di Matteo, L. & Frigeri, A. Multidisciplinary approach for the study of an ancient drainage tunnel: preliminary results. in FIST, Federazione Italiana di Scienze della Terra, Geoitalia 2007 (Rimini, 2007).
Rossi, A. P. et al. Multi-spacecraft synergy with MEX HRSC and MRO SHARAD: Light-Toned Deposits in crater bulges. in American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2008 vol. 89(53), Fall Meet. Suppl. Abstract P41B-1371 (American Geophysical Union, 2008).
Löwe, P., Klump, J., Wickert, J., Ludwig, M. & Frigeri, A. Tangible 3D printouts of scientific data volumes with FOSS -an emerging field for research. Geophysical Research Abstracts EGU General Assembly 15, 2013–1544 (2013).
Frigeri, A. et al. The Atlas of Vesta Spectral Parameters derived from the mapping spectrometer VIR onboard NASA/Dawn. AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 23, 1764 (2013).
Cardellini, C., Frigeri, A., Frondini, F. & Chiodini, G. The development of a new database of gas emissions in Italy: a collaborative web environment for collecting and publishing data on natural gas emissions. in AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts A1156+ (2010).
Frigeri, A., Federico, C., Pauselli, C. & Coradini, A. The digital Geologic Map of Mercury from the USGS Atlas of Mars. in The Surface Composition of Mercury from Ultraviolet-Visible-Infrared Spectroscopy: State of the Art and Future Strategies - Joint Thematic Workshop on Messenger-BepiColombo Missions to Mercury (Parma, Italy, 2009).
Frigeri, A. The geologic setting of the Mars North Polar Cap from three dimensional analysis of  MARSIS planetary radar sounder data Alessandro Friger. in Proceedings of the 34th International Geological Congress #3175 (Brisbane, Australia, 2012).
Frigeri, A., Orosei, R. & Plaut, J. The geologic setting of the Mars north polar cap’s Basal Unit from the three dimensional analysis of MARSIS planetary radar sounder data. in AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts (San Francisco, 2012).
Raponi, A. et al. Compositional Maps of Ceres Surface: The Ahuna Mons Region. in Lunar and Planetary Science Conference vol. 47 1946 (2016).
Ammannito, E. et al. Distribution of phyllosilicates on Ceres. in EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts vol. 18 10837 (2016).
Zambon, F. et al. Identification and Distribution of the Different Spectral Units on Ceres. Results from Survey and HAMO Phase. in Lunar and Planetary Science Conference vol. 47 2049 (2016).
Cartacci, M., Frigeri, A., Orosei, R. & Pettinelli, E. Surface and subsurface radar backscattering coefficient over the Martian South Polar Layered Deposits from MARSIS data. in Geophysical Research Abstracts vol. 10 (2008).
Frigeri, A. & Federico, C. Web-based collaborative interpretation of Earth and Space Geophysical data. in Geophysical Research Abstracts - European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2008 (ed. 2008, E. G. U.) vol. 10 EGU2008-A-11331 (Vienna, Austria, 2008).
Pettinelli, E. et al. Understanding the three-dimensional stratification of Mars Polar Layered Terrain seen by SHARAD using terrestrial analogues. in Exploring Mars and its Earth Analogues (Trento, Italy, 2007).
Orosei, R. & Cartacci, M. Three Dimensional Structure of the Mars North Polar Basal Unit from MARSIS data. Geophysical Research Abstracts 141, (2012).
Massironi, M. et al. The Payun-Matru lava field: a source of analogues for Martian long lava flows. in Exploring Mars and its Earth Analogues (Trento, Italy, 2007).
Löwe, P., Klump, J., Wickert, J., Ludwig, M. & Frigeri, A. Tangible 3D printouts of scientific data volumes with FOSS - an emerging field for research. in vol. 15 1544 (2013).
Orosei, R. et al. Subsurface sounding radar data over the putative sub-surface ocean in Cerberus Palus, Mars. Comparison with possible Terrestrial analogues. in Exploring Mars and its Earth Analogues (Trento, Italy, 2007).
Cartacci, M., Frigeri, A., Orosei, R. & Pettinelli, E. Surface and Subsurface Radar Backscattering Coefficient Over the Martian South Polar Layered Deposits From MARSIS Data. in AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts B1466+ (2008).
Cartacci, M., Frigeri, A., Orosei, R. & Pettinelli, E. Surface and subsurface radar backscattering coefficient over the Martian South Polar Layered Deposits from MARSIS data. in EGU General Assembly 2008 EGU2008-A-07982 (2008).
Picardi, G., Seu, R., Frigeri, A. & Melacci, P. T. Subsurface Sounding in Mars Advanced Radar for Subsurface and Ionosphere Sounding (MARSIS). in Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta Supplement vol. 69 p.A531 (2005).
Frigeri, A., De Sanctis, M. C. & Russell, C. Spatial correlation between the mineralogic and geologic maps of Vesta: a GIS based approach. Geophysical Research Abstracts EGU General Assembly Ernesto Palomba Francesca Zambon 17, 2015–10105 (2015).
Palomba, E. Search for olivine spectral signatures on the surface of Vesta. Geophysical Research Abstracts EGU General Assembly 14, 2012–10814 (2012).
Palomba, E. Search for olivine spectral signatures on the surface of Vesta. Geophysical Research Abstracts EGU General Assembly 14, 2012–10814 (2012).
Palomba, E. et al. Search for olivine spectral signatures on the surface of Vesta. in vol. 14 10814 (2012).
Orosei, R. et al. Science Results from the MARSIS and SHARAD Subsurface Sounding Radars on Mars and their Relevance to Radar Sounding of icy Moons in the Jovian System. in AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts A8+ (2010).
Orosei, R. et al. Radar Subsurface Sounding Over the Putative Frozen Sea in Cerberus Palus, Mars. in AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts B5+ (2007).
Heggy, E. et al. Radar Probing of Isidis and Amazonis Planetias: Exploring the Origin and the Bulk Composition of the Large Equatorial basins fills Using MARSIS and SHARAD data. in AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts D4+ (2009).
Rossi, A. et al. Multi-spacecraft synergy with MEX HRSC and MRO SHARAD: Light-Toned Deposits in crater bulges. in AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts B1371+ (2008).
Fulchinioni, M. et al. Mineralogical Mapping of the Av-5 Floronia Quadrangle of Asteroid 4 Vesta. Geophysical Research Abstracts EGU General Assembly 14, 2012–6462 (2012).
Stephan, K. et al. Mineralogical Mapping of Quadrangle Av-2 (belicia) and Av-3 (caparronia) on 4 Vesta. in vol. 14 11533 (2012).
Stephan, K. MINERALOGICAL MAPPING OF QUADRANGLE Av-2 (BELICIA) and Av-3 (CAPARRONIA) ON 4 VESTA. Geophysical Research Abstracts EGU General Assembly Th. Roatsch 14, 2012–11533 (2012).
Plaut, J. J. et al. MARSIS Subsurface Sounding Observations of the South Polar Region of Mars. in Fouth International Conference on Mars Polar Science and Exploration (Davos, Switzerland, 2006).
Picardi, G. A. et al. MARSIS subsurface sounding observations of the south polar layered deposits of Mars. Geophysical Research Abstracts 8, (2006).
Picardi, G. et al. Marsis Data Inversion Approach: Preliminary Results on Mars South Polar Region. in AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts B4+ (2007).
Picardi, G. et al. MARSIS data inversion approach: Preliminary results. in Geophysical Research Abstracts - European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2007 (ed. 2007, E. G. U.) EGU2007-A-07978 (Vienna, Austria, 2007).
Giuppi, S. et al. MARSIS Data Bad Time Stamp: Analysis and Solution of an Anomaly Event in a Space Mission. Geophysical Research Abstracts EGU General Assembly 14, 2012–5376 (2012).
Frigeri, A. et al. Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter SHARAD observations over the polar deposits of Mars. in IUGG 2007 (Perugia, Italy, 2007).
Frigeri, A. et al. Mars Express MARSIS observations over the polar deposits of Mars. in IUGG 2007 (Perugia, Italy, 2007).
Cardellini, C. et al. MAGA, a new database of gas natural emissions: a collaborative web environment for collecting data. Geophysical Research Abstracts EGU General Assembly 16, 2014–13715 (2014).
Cardellini, C. et al. MAGA, a new database of gas natural emissions: a collaborative web environment for collecting data. in vol. 16 13715 (2014).
Ercoli, M., Frigeri, A., Pauselli, C. & Federico, C. Indagine GPR lungo la faglia silente del Monte Vettore (Umbria). in 28o Convegno Nazionale GNGTS - Gruppo Nazionale di Geofisica della Terra Solida (2009).
Cardellini, C., Chiodini, G., Frigeri, A. & Frondini, F. Heat flow and CO 2 flux from western central Italy. in Geophysical Research Abstracts vol. 9 (2007).
Cardellini, C., Chiodini, G., Frigeri, A. & Frondini, F. Heat flow and CO2 flux from western central Italy. in Geophysical Research Abstracts - European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2007 (ed. 2007, E. G. U.) EGU2007-A-02937 (Vienna, Austria, 2007).
Chiodini, G., Valenza, M., Cardellini, C. & Frigeri, A. Googas: an on line database of Italian gas emissions. Geophysical Research Abstracts 10, (2008).
Chiodini, G., Valenza, M., Cardellini, C. & Frigeri, A. Googas: an on line database of Italian gas emissions. in Geophysical Research Abstracts (ed. 2008, E. G. U.) vol. 10 EGU2008-A-06457 (Vienna, 2008).
Minelli, G., Federico, C., Frigeri, A., Pauselli, C. & Caldarella, C. Geological analysis of wrinkle ridges of Mars. in International Workshop on Exploring Mars Surface and its Earth Analogues (Catania, Italia, 2002).
Yingst, R. A. et al. Geologic Mapping of the Av-15 Rheasilvia Quadrangle of Asteroid 4 Vesta. in Geophysical Research Abstracts - European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2012 (ed. 2012, E. G. U.) vol. 14 6349 (Vienna, Austria, 2012).
Plaut, J. J. et al. First Science Results from MARSIS Subsurface Sounding. in Eos Trans. AGU vol. 86 P13C-02 (2005).
Boisson, J. et al. Exploring the Martian Subsurface of Athabasca Valles Using MARSIS Radar Data: Testing the Volcanic and Fluvial Hypotheses for the Origin of the Rafted-Plate Terrain. in AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts A1346+ (2008).
Frigeri, A., Pauselli, C., Federico, C. & Minelli, G. Development of procedures for using GRASS GIS in planetary mapping. in FOSS4G2006 - Free And Open Source Software for Geoinformatics (Lausanne, Switzerland, 2006).
Cardellini, C. et al. DECADE web portal: toward the integration of MaGa, EarthChem and VOTW data systems to further the knowledge on Earth degassing. Geophysical Research Abstracts EGU General Assembly 17, 2015–7154 (2015).
Tosi, F. et al. Compositional mapping of Vesta quadrangle Av-10. in vol. 14 7970 (2012).
Palomba, E. et al. Compositional Mapping of Vesta Quadrangle V22. in Lunar and Planetary Institute Science Conference Abstracts vol. 43 2243 (2012).
De Sanctis, M. C. et al. Compositional evidence of magmatic activity on Vesta. Geophys. Res. Lett. 41, 2014GL059646 (2014).
Giacomini, L. et al. Comparative analysis between Payen and Daedalia Planum lava fields. Geophysical Research Abstracts 10, (2008).
Giacomini, L. et al. Comparative analysis between Payen Matru and Daedalia Planum lava fields. in Geophysical Research Abstracts - European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2008 (ed. 2008, E. G. U.) vol. 10 EGU2008-A-10728, 2008 (Vienna, Austria, 2008).
De Sanctis, M. C. Characterization of Mineralogy across Vesta. Geophysical Research Abstracts EGU General Assembly 14, 2012–4876 (2012).
Castaldo, L., Alberti, G., Cirillo, G., Frigeri, A. & Orosei, R. Calibration over North Polar Caps of SHARAD data. in Geophysical Research Abstracts - European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2012 (ed. 2012, E. G. U.) vol. 14 10155 (Vienna, Austria, 2012).
Buczkowski, D. L. et al. Brumalia Tholus: Magmatic Intrusion on Vesta? Geophysical Research Abstracts EGU General Assembly 15, 2013–13036 (2013).
Buczkowski, D. L. et al. Brumalia Tholus: Magmatic Intrusion on Vesta? in vol. 15 13036 (2013).
Calabrese, D. Basin infills at Ma’adim Vallis as seen by MARSIS subsurface sounding radar. Geophysical Research Abstracts 9, (2007).
Calabrese, D. et al. Basin infills at Ma’adim Vallis as seen by MARSIS subsurface sounding radar. in Geophysical Research Abstracts - European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2007 (ed. 2007, E. G. U.) EGU2007-A-07783 (Vienna, Austria, 2007).
Pauselli, C. et al. An active fault as imaged by ground penetrating radar investigation. in IUGG 2007 (Perugia, Italy, 2007).
Frigeri, A. A Python sweeps in the GRASS. in FOSS4G2006 - Free And Open Source Software for Geoinformatics (Lausanne, Switzerland, 2006).
Yingst, R. A. A Global Geologic Map of Vesta Based on High-Altitude Mapping Orbit Data. Geophysical Research Abstracts EGU General Assembly 14, 2012–6225 (2012).
Ercoli, M., Pauselli, C., Frigeri, A., Forte, E. & Federico, C. 2D-3D GPR signature of shallow faulting in the Castelluccio di Norcia basin (Central Italy). in Geophysical Research Abstracts - European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2012 (ed. 2012, E. G. U.) vol. 14 11484 (Vienna, Austria, 2012).