Andra Juganaru : Curriculum Vitae
Current Academic Affiliations
Post-doctoral researcher, Aristotle University in Thessaloniki
Teaching fellow, Eötvös Lórand University (ELTE), Budapest.
PhD candidate, Central European University (Budapest), Department of Medieval Studies, defended with the distinction summa cum laude;
MA in Medieval Studies, Central European University;
MA in Medieval Studies, Faculty of History and Faculty of Foreign Languages and Literatures, University of Bucharest;
MSc in Algorithms and Bioinformatics, Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Sciences, University of Bucharest;
BA, Faculty of History, University of Bucharest;
BSc, Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Sciences, University of Bucharest.
Language skills
Modern languages: Romanian native speaker
English, Greek and French: proficient
German and Hungarian: intermediate
Spanish and Italian: beginner
Ancient languages: Greek and Latin: advanced
Coptic: intermediate
Teaching Experience in Higher Education
Winter 2019-2020
- Early Christian Art in the Mediterranean (MA; 5 ECTS credits; ELTE University)
- The Cult of the Saints in Late Antiquity (BA, MA; 5 ECTS credits; ELTE University)
Spring 2018-2019:
- The Cappadocian Fathers: Theological and Monastic Reform in the Second Half of the Fourth Century (MA and PhD; 5 ECTS credits; ELTE University)
- Origins and Transformations of Monasticism (MA and PhD; 5 ECTS credits; ELTE University)
Pre-session 2016-2017:
Academic Latin. An Introduction to Research Resources (mandatory for MA students), in co-teaching;
February 2016:
Center for Teaching and Learning Certificate for completion of the program in excellence in teaching in higher education;
Winter 2015-2016:
TA – Friendship in Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages (MA; 4 ECTS credits; main instructor: Prof. †Marianne Sághy, CEU);
Fall 2015-2016:
TA – Late Antiquity: Perennial Questions, Post-modern Approaches (MA and PhD; 8 ECTS credits; main instructor: Prof. †Marianne Sághy);
Fall 2014-2015:
TA – Religion and Society in Late Antiquity (MA; 4 ECTS credits; main instructor: Prof. †Marianne Sághy);
June 2012:
Certificate for completion of the program for pedagogical training, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, University of Bucharest.
Other affiliations: Committee for Patristic Texts (Romania); AIEP (Association Internationale Des Études Patristiques), Magyar Patrisztikai Társaság (Hungarian Patristics Society), Center for Medieval Studies (University of Bucharest), Romanian Society for Byzantine Studies
- Co-editor of ‘Taste and See that the Lord is Good.’ Senses and Sense Perception in Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages. In Memoriam Marianne Sághy (1961-2018), "ΣΥΛΛΟΓΗ – Library of Late Antique and Byzantine Studies," vol. 1 (Arad: Trivent Publishing, forthcoming);
- “The Double Monastery as an Historiographical Problem,” co-authored with Alison Beach (Cambridge University Press) - forthcoming;
- “Macrina and Melania the Elder: Painting the Portraits of Holy Learned Women in the Fourth-Century Roman Empire,” 26-39, in “Set Me as a Seal upon Thy Heart.” Constructions of Female Sanctity in the Middle Ages, ed. Andrea-Bianka Znorovszky, Teodora Artimon (Trivent Publishing, 2018);
- “The Function of Miracles in Gregory of Nyssa’s Hagiographical Works,” Studia Patristica 95 (2017): 355-366;
- “Emmelia, Nonna, Monica: Mothers as Philosophers,” in Porphyra. Proceedings of the « VIIes Rencontres Annuelles Internationales des Doctorants en Etudes Byzantines » (2014) ed. L. M. Ciolfi et J. Devoge [Confronti su Bisanzio 3] (June 2016);
- “Living like Angels in the Near East: Men, Women, and the ‘Family’ Double Monasteries in Late Antiquity,” in Annual of the Medieval Studies Department, CEU 23 (2014): 3-25;
- “Friendship in God in Late Antiquity. Case Study: The Relationships of Olympias and Paula with their Spiritual Directors,” in Amitié vs. Hostilité au Moyen Âge, ed. Luminiţa Diaconu, Mihaela Voicu (Bucharest: University of Bucharest Press, 2013): 21-32;
- “From Social Death to Spiritual Rebirth. The Beginnings of Monastic Life for Christian Women between Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages (4th-6th Centuries),” Cogito 3, no. 2 (2011).
- Advanced Doctoral Students Award in the Academic Year 2017-18
- Pagans and Christians in Late Antique Rome. Conflict, Competition, and Coexistence in the Fourth Century, ed. Michele Renee Salzman, Marianne Sághy, Rita Lizzi Testa (Cambridge: CUP, 2016);
- Medieval Buda in Context, ed. Balázs Nagy, Martyn Rady, Katalin Szende, András Vadas (Leiden: Bril, 2016) – with András Vadas;
- Pierre Riché, Oktatás és Mûvelôdés a Barbár Nyugaton (6–8. Század) (Education and culture in the barbarian West, 6th – 8th centuries), trans. Anikó Ádám, Marianne Sághy (Budapest: Szent István Társulat az Apostoli Szentszék Könyvkiadója, 2016).
Conference co-organizer
“Dis/embodiment and Im/materiality: Uncovering the Body, Gender and Sexuality in Late Antiquity. In Memoriam Marianne Sághy (1961‒2018),” Budapest, 6-8 June 2019.
Conference presentations
- “The Early Reception of Saint Greggory of Nyssa in Byzantium,” at XVIII. International Conference on Patristic Studies, Oxford, 19-24 August 2019;
- “ ‘Eager to Go to the Desert:’ Ambiguous Views on Ascetic Women’s Holy Travels in Late Antiquity,” at 6th Biennial Conference of the Society for the Medieval Mediterranean (SMM), “Movement and Mobility in the Medieval Mediterranean,” Barcelona, Institut D’estudis Catalans (IEC), 8 ‐ 11 July 2019
- “The Virtue of Hope according to Gregory of Nyssa,” at Magyar Patrisztikai Társaság XIX. Konferenciája (19th Conference of the Hungarian Patristic Society), Győr, 28-30 June 2019;
- “From the Depths of Sin to the Highness of Holiness: The Female Body as Witness of the Journey to Sanctity in the Life of Mary the Egyptian,” at “Dis/embodiment and Im/materiality: Uncovering the Body, Gender and Sexuality in Late Antiquity. In Memoriam Marianne Sághy (1961‒2018),” Budapest, 6-8 June 2019;
- “«Τοῦ τὴν ἀγγέλων χορείαν ἐν γῇ μιμεῖσθαι». Κοινοβιακός μοναχισμός στον Πόντο και την Καππαδοκία τον 4ο αιώνα” [“ ‘To Imitate on Earth the Chorus of Angels:’ Cenobitic Monasticism in Pontus and Cappadocia in the Fourth Century”], at 2nd International Conference “Monasticism and Monastic Centers in Pontus,” Thessaloniki, 18-19 January 2019;
- “Transforming Earthly Families into Families of Angels in the Fourth-Century Family Double Monasteries,” at the 14th International Colloquium on Gregory of Nyssa, Paris, 4-7 September 2018;
- “Turning to the Life in Christ: The Choice of Living Virtuously according to Gregory of Nyssa,” at “The Life in Christ according to the Christian-Orthodox Tradition,” organized by the Aristotle University in Thessaloniki and the Metropolis of Austria and Hungary, Budapest, 27-29 August 2018;
- “The Use of Aristotle’s Akolouthia as Techne in Gregory of Nyssa’s Theory of the Holy Trinity,” at “Νέες τάσεις στην έρευνα για τον Αριστοτέλη (New Tendencies in the Research on Aristotle),” Department of Theology, Aristotle University in Thessaloniki, 16-17 December 2017;
- “ ‘The Virgin bears the Light and is not corrupted.’ Gregory of Nyssa's Mariology, at “Images of the Theotokos - International Conference on the All-Holy Virgin,” Budapest, Metropolis of Austria, Exarchate of Hungary and Central-Europe, 8-9 September 2017;
- “God between Target of Desire (Epithymia) and Enjoyment (Apolausis). Epektasis in the Writings of Gregory of Nyssa,” at “Senses, Emotions and the Affective Turn – Recent Perspectives and New Challenges in Cultural History, ISCH Annual Conference on Cultural History,” Umeå, Sweden, 26-29 June, 2017;
- “Theological and Monastic Reform in the Fourth-Century Near-East,” at 23rd International Congress of Byzantine Studies, Belgrade, 21-27 August 2016;
- „Utánozni a földön az angyalok kórusát”: A „vita angelica” – ról szóló diskurzus céljai a 4. századi szerzetességben (“To Imitate on Earth the Chorus of Angels.” Functions of the Discourse on Vita Angelica in the Fourth Century), Magyar Patrisztikai Társaság XVI. Konferenciája (16th Conference of the Hungarian Patristic Society), Nyíregyháza, June 30 – July 2, 2016;
- “Around the Legacy of Origen: the Early Dissemination of the Rules of Pachomius and Basil of Caesarea,” at Transfer of Knowledge II: Ideas and Norms Workshop, FOVOG, Dresden, 31 May 2016;
- “Macrina’s Portrait in the Writings of Gregory of Nyssa,” at VIIIes Rencontres internationales des doctorants en études byzantines, Paris, 2-3 October 2015;
- “Explaining the Beginning of Time: Gregory of Nyssa’s Apology in Hexaemeron,” at “Time and Culture. ISCH Annual Conference on Cultural History,” Bucharest, 7-10 September 2015;
- “The Function of Miracles in Gregory of Nyssa’s Hagiographical Works,” at XVII. International Conference on Patristic Studies, Oxford, 10-14 August 2015;
- “Ascetic Women and Learning in the Fourth-Century Roman Empire,” at CEMS Fourth International Graduate Conference, Ideology, Knowledge, and Society in the Eastern Mediterranean, 4-6 June, 2005, Central European University, Budapest;
- “Linking Cappadocian Monasticism to the Latin West. The Transmission of Basil’s Asketikon,” at Linking the Mediterranean. Regional and Trans-Regional Interactions in Times of Fragmentation (300-800 CE) International Workshop, Austrian Academy, Vienna, 11-13 December 2014;
- “From Religious Household to the Chorus of Angels: Emergence and Transformations of the Fourth-Century Monastic Family Associations,” at VIIes Rencontres internationales des doctorants en études Byzantines, 3-4 October 2014, Paris;
- “Family Saints and Monastic Reform: The Cult of the ‘Kindred Martyrs’ in Basil of Caesarea and Gregory of Nyssa,” at Church Reform and the Cult of the Saints, Zadar, 17-21 September 2014;
- “Representations of the Serpent in the Paleochristian Art,” reunion of the Medieval History Club (University of Bucharest), 21 May 2012;
- “Power and Authority in Eastern Female Monasticism in Late Antiquity and Early Middle Ages,” Annual Conference of the Faculty of History, University of Bucharest, 16-18 May 2012;
- “Friendship in God in Late Antiquity: the Relationships of Olympia and Paula with Their Spiritual Fathers,” Annual Conference of the Centre of Medieval Studies, 30 March 2012;
- “Fiant luminaria in firmamento caeli. Representations of Heaven and Luminaries in Early Medieval Illuminations (6th-12th Centuries),” Annual Conference of the Faculty of Foreign Languages and Literatures, University of Bucharest, 11 May 2012;
- “Creation Days in Illuminated Manuscripts from Early Middle Ages (6th-12th Centuries),” Annual Conference of the Faculty of Foreign Languages and Literatures, University of Bucharest, 6-7 May 2011;
- “Spreading the Monastic Ideal among Women in Late Antiquity,” Annual Conference of the Faculty of History, University of Bucharest, 3-6 May 2011;
- “The Desert in Nuns’ Imaginary at the End of Antiquity. Case Study: Egeria,” Versions of Space in the Middle Ages (II), Faculty of History and Faculty of the Foreign Languages and Literatures, University of Bucharest, 21 January 2011;
- “Emergence of Female Monasticism in Western Europe,” Annual Conference of the Faculty of History, University of Bucharest, 5 – 7 May 2010;
- “The Good Shepherd in Late Antique Iconography,” Terra Blaccorum, Faculty of History, University of Bucharest, 15 -18 April 2010;
- “The Demonic Other. The Diabolic in the Imaginary of the Desert Fathers,” Annual Conference of the Centre for the History of Imaginary Imaginary of Alterity. New Research Directions, Faculty of History, University of Bucharest, 3 – 4 December 2009.
Summer schools attended:
- Summer Intensive Course in Modern Greek, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, 20 August – 14 September 2018;
- « Les plaisirs à Byzance» - 8ème Université d’été, organized by Byzantine Thessaloniki and CéSor (Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales), 2-13 July 2018;
- Summer Intensive Course in Modern Greek, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, 21 August – 15 September 2017;
- Byzantine Greek Summer School, Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Collection (Harvard University), 5-29 July 2016;
- London Summer School in Classics – Coptic: UCL, London, 7-16 July 2015;
- Académie Belge pour l’étude des langues anciennes et orientales (ABELAO) – Langue copte: Université de Louvain-la-Neuve, 3-14 August 2014;
- “Luminosus Limes:” Geographic, Ethnic, Social, and Cultural Frontiers in Late Antiquity, Central European University, Budapest, 30 June – 5 July 2014 ;
- Medieval Codicology and Palaeography – Greek Palaeography – Central European University, Budapest: 15-20 July 2013;
- Medieval Codicology and Palaeography – Latin Palaeography – Central European University, Budapest: 18-23 July 2011.
Designed and coordinated the following exhibitions
- The Holy Week and the Resurrection of Christ in Medieval Illuminations (Faculty of History, University of Bucharest, 25.03- 28.05 2009);
- The Evolution of Christmas Representations. Nativity in Medieval Illuminations (Faculty of History, University of Bucharest, 5.12.2008- 15.01.2009).
Helped organize the following exhibitions
- Pater Emil Condurachi – 100 Years Since His Birth (Faculty of History, University of Bucharest, 18.01.2012 – 31.03.2012);
- Nicolae Iorga: “a Life of a Man As It Was” (Faculty of History, University of Bucharest, 24.11.2010 – 01.03.2011);
- Dimitre Onciul: Man, Time, History (Faculty of History, University of Bucharest, 27.10.2009 – 10.02.2010);
- Kitsch, a Lifestyle? (Faculty of History, University of Bucharest, 28.04 - 2.06.2009.
- DAAD-MOB “Communication and Knowledge Transfer in Medieval Monastic Network” (2016);
- The Virtual Library Unibuc Classica - Faculty of History, University of Bucharest (2009-2012);
- The Website of the University of Bucharest (in 2009).
Grants and scholarships:
- Global Teaching Fellowship Program, ELTE University, Budapest, Fall Semester, 2019-2020;
- Global Teaching Fellowship Program, ELTE University, Budapest, Spring Semester, 2018-2019;
- Internship Program, Postdoctoral Grant, at Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, 2018-2019;
- Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Fall term, 2017-2018;
- Doctoral Research Support Grant, Lund University, Winter term, 2016-2017;
- Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Fall term, 2016-2017;
- Research grant at Institut für Byzantinistik und Neogräzistik, Vienna, 19-30 September 2016;
- Henrik Birnbaum Memorial Scholarship Fund, 25 September – 4 October 2015;
- Conference grant for “XVII. International Conference on Patristic Studies,” Oxford, 10-14 August 2015;
- Summer School Grant provided by Central European University, 6-16 July 2015;
- Henrik Birnbaum Memorial Scholarship Fund, 30 September – 9 October 2014;
- Conference grant for “Church Reform and the Cult of the Saints” Conference, 17-21 September 2014, Zadar;
- Summer School Grant provided by Central European University, 3-14 August 2014;
- Research grant to the Patristic Institute Augustinianum and the American Academy in Rome provided by Central European University, 7-15 April 2013;
- ERASMUS Study Program, Université Lumière Lyon 2, Fall term, 2011-2012.