Archive for the 'Jobs' Category

Zotero is hiring a new developer!

The Roy Rosenzweig Center for History and New Media is hiring a full-time developer to help extend Zotero. You will have the opportunity to shape an award-winning digital humanities project and build critical research infrastructure.

You will work primarily on Zotero’s website and web application functionality, working with both front- and back-end technologies, including emerging standards for rich client-side web applications. You’ll be maintaining existing systems and implementing new functionality, helping to shape the Zotero ecosystem going forward. In addition to working on website functionality, that might mean extending the API, optimizing the cloud infrastructure, or building back-end services to power new features. As part of a small team, you’ll have responsibility over core components of the project and the freedom to find creative solutions to challenging problems. Most importantly, you’ll participate in a vibrant global open-source community with amazing community developers and passionate users.

You will be working at the Roy Rosenzweig Center for History and New Media, a leading center for digital humanities recognized internationally for its innovative projects. More details about the position are available at

We look forward to hearing from you!

Zotero Hiring Outreach Specialist

Team Zotero is hiring a full-time Outreach Specialist! Do you love Zotero? Love libraries? Love stickers and t-shirts? If you answered yes to any of these questions, you should consider joining us!

The Outreach Specialist will hold a wide range of exciting and critical responsibilities, including: leading project outreach; monitoring the support forums; building relationships with libraries and scholarly organizations; authoring software documentation; managing the project’s social media presence; representing the project at a range of conferences and events; and developing and leading workshops for higher education administrators, librarians, and scholars.

We are looking for an energetic, well-organized individual with excellent written and oral communication skills. The ideal candidate will have: a B.A. or advanced degree in library science, the humanities, or social sciences; proven communication and promotional skills; and experience working on software projects. Experience with Zotero and its user community highly desirable.

For more information, please visit and search for position number 10378z.

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