Daniel Spichtinger

Daniel Spichtinger is an independent European policy analyst & open science expert as well as policy and grants manager at the Ludwig Boltzmann Gesellschaft.

From 2012-2018 he was a member of the unit dealing with open science in the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Research and Innovation. In this capacity he contributed to the development of EU open access policies (for scientific publications) and open/FAIR research data policies, including the design and implementation of the Open Access to Research Data Pilot in Horizon 2020.

After finishing his 6 year contract with the Commission, Daniel returned to Vienna and registered as a self-employed expert for Open Science and EU Research Policy in 2018. In this capacity, he has been involved in a number of projects such as
• An Assessment of EOSC readiness in three European countries (for RFII)
• An analysis of Horizon 2020 Data Management Plans (for OpenAIRE/the University of Vienna)
• A study of Open Access and Open Data in Azerbaijan (for IDI/EuropeAID)
• Recommendations for an Open Access and Research Data Policy in Malta (for EC Policy Support Facility)

In addition, he regularly writes for Research Europe on broader EU research policy issues such as Open Strategic Autonomy, Science Diplomacy and the research budget negotiations under the Multiannual Financial Framework. He teaches on the subject of EU project development at the University of Vienna and the FH Campus Wien.




self-employed and Ludwig Boltzmann Gesellschaft

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