Emily Pfizenmaier Henderson : Curriculum Vitae
Academic: MA, Marquette University, History, [historical method with Francis Paul Prucha]
Near second MA, Theology
Experience: served two years as Civil War historian's Frank L. Klement's research ass't
Graduate Reference Assistant for Marquette Memorial Library
American History, antebellum, particularly religious history, Anglican History, Protestant Episcopal
Current Projects
History of the Church of the Episcopal Church of the Nativity, Maysville Kentucky
In 2013, Nativity will celebrate its 175 anniversary and its vestry would like an updated history prepared. In contrast to most congregations where the emphasis is mainly on clergy, we would like to focus on our people. Themes that I am working on in the antebellum period include: the relationship of church and education on the frontier, the pro-slavery/anti-slavery debate, social class and religion, "churchmanship," and unity of church and unity of state.
Research Opportunities and Challenges
Opportunity: Nativity owns a collection of letters, largely dealing with its search for a rector, written between 1851 and 1856. I have been cataloging and abstracting them. I believe them to be an asset for historians, especially social and intellectual historians. Our vestry, in consultation with the Diocese of Lexington, will be considering options for their final disposition.
- Identification and location of archives. I am learning that, in the case of church records in Kentucky, they may have 1. been kept and filed who knows where, (the church secretary, is busy, unable to recall, dead 2. turned over to historical societies, private (e.g. The Filson), or public (University of Kentucky) libraries. Church, etc. Diocesen or denomination records may have been divided in accordance with the archiving repository's guidelines; their integrity as a collection lost.
- The lack of a good academic library within 60 miles
Wish List
- Good Interlibrary Loan assistance. I have received wonderful support from the Union Library in Ripley Ohio but, as a public library, many academic libraries will not loan to it Also, its access is limited to OCLC.
- Developing a relationship with a grad student with access to ILL. Grad students at the Univerity of Chicago, GTU, Berkeley students who can gain access material for me.
- Access to Mansell, NUMMC Newpapers in Microfilm, Access to Gayle's online archive of 19th century newpapers, a budget for field trips
- Access to Masonic archives and libraries