Erik Champion : Curriculum Vitae
Champion, E. (2002a) ‘Cultural Interaction and A Sense of Place in A Digital Environment’.
Champion, E. (2002b) ‘Enhancing Engagement and Cultural Immersion in Virtual Travel Environments with Inbuilt Interactive Evaluation Mechanisms Erik Champion’.
Champion, E. (2002c) ‘Inbuilt Evaluation Mechanisms To Gauge Engagement in a Virtual Travel Environment’.
Champion, E. (2003) ‘Applying game design theory to virtual heritage environments’, in Proceedings of the 1st international conference on Computer graphics and interactive techniques in Australasia and South East Asia, pp. 273–274.
Champion, E. (2004a) ‘Heritage role playing-history as an interactive digital game’.
Champion, E. (2004b) Hermeneutic Richness from the Inside Out: Evaluation and Virtual Heritage Environments. VSMM.
Champion, E. (2004c) ‘The Limits of Realism in Architectural Visualisation’, in 21st annual conference of the Society of Architectural Historians Australia and New Zealand,(SAHANZ), pp. 88–98.
Champion, EM (2005a) ‘Astral Travel in Virtual Realms: Evaluating Conceptual Understanding in Digital Reconstructions of Past Cultures’, Leonardo Electronic Almanac, 13(6–7), pp. 1–7.
Champion, E. (2005a) ‘Cultural presence’, Encyclopedia of virtual communities and technologies [Preprint].
Champion, EM (2005b) ‘Interactive Emergent History as a Cultural Turing Test’, in VAST 2005, pp. 120–125.
Champion, E. (2005b) ‘Meaningful interaction in virtual learning environments’, in Proceedings of the second Australasian conference on Interactive entertainment, pp. 41–44.
Champion, E. (2005c) ‘Place Space and Monkey Brains: Cognitive Mapping in Games and Other Media’, Proceedings of DiGRA 2005 Conference: Changing Views–Worlds in Play [Preprint].
Champion, EM (2005c) ‘Real Time Rendering Engines for Interactive Learning’, in Apple University Consortium Academic & Developers Conference-Evolution: Universities, students and technology, pp. 46–58.
Champion, E. (2005d) ‘Twilight of the Zombies: The Rise Fall and Fragging of Virtual Worlds’, Vital Signs: Creative Practice & New Media Now, p. 16.
Champion, EM (2005d) ‘Twilight of the Zombies: The Rise Fall and Fragging of Virtual Worlds. Vital Signs New Media Conference’, in Vital Signs.
Champion, EM (2005e) ‘What is Culture in A Virtual Heritage Environment? Proceedings Cultural Heritage and New Technologies-Workshop 10 Archaeology and Computer’, in Archaologie und Computer Workshop 10.
Champion, EM (2006a) Chapter V-Enhancing Learning Through 3D Virtual Environments. Ideas Group Publishing, Information Science.
Champion, E. (2006a) ‘Enhancing Learning Through 3-D Virtual Environments’, Enhancing learning through technology, p. 103.
Champion, EM (2006b) ‘Essentialist Polemics in Architectual History’, in SAHANZ 2006, pp. 61–66.
Champion, E. (2006b) ‘Evaluating cultural learning in an online virtual environment’, International Journal of Continuing Engineering Education and Life Long Learning, 16(3), pp. 173–182.
Champion, EM (2006c) ‘Explorative shadow realms of uncertain histories: intangible content and translucent interaction in new heritage projects’, in New Heritage Conference 2006, pp. 242–264.
Champion, E. (2006c) ‘Playing with a Career in Ruins: game design and virtual heritage’, Treballs d’Arqueologia, (12), pp. 45–61.
Champion, EM (2006d) ‘Playing With A Career in Ruins: Game Design and Virtual Heritage. Learning in Cyberspace: new media for Heritage didactics and interpretation’, in Vie Seminari Arqueoogia i Ensenyament.
Champion, EM (2007) Games and geography. Springer-Verlag.
Champion, E. (2007a) Social Presence and Cultural Presence in Oblivion. PerthDAC.
Champion, E. (2007b) ‘When windmills turn into giants: the conundrum of virtual places’.
Champion, E. (2008a) ‘Explorative shadow realms of uncertain histories’, New Heritage. New media and Cultural Heritage. London, pp. 185–206.
Champion, E. (2008b) ‘Game-based historical learning’, Handbook of Research on Effective Electronic Gaming in Education, Information Science Reference, Florida USA, pp. 219–234.
Champion, E. et al. (2009) ‘A Surround Display Warp-Mesh Utility to Enhance Player Engagement’, IFIP Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), (5309), pp. 46–56.
Champion, E. (2009a) ‘Experientially Pollinating Virtuality and the Living Transcripts of Escape Space’, in Conference Media in transition 6: stone and papyrus, storage and papyrus, p. http-web.
Champion, E. (2009b) ‘When Windmills Turn Into Giants’, Techné: Research in Philosophy and Technology, 10(3), pp. 1–16.
Champion, E. (2011a) ‘Augmenting the Present With the Past’, Playing with the Past, pp. 157–176.
Champion, E. (2011b) ‘Cultural and Social Presence’, Playing with the Past, pp. 63–82.
Champion, E. (2011c) ‘Evaluating Virtual Heritage’, Playing with the Past, pp. 177–199.
Champion, E. (2011d) ‘Game–Style Interaction’, Playing with the Past, pp. 83–128.
Champion, E. (2011e) ‘Introducing Virtual Travel’, Playing with the Past, pp. 1–16.
Champion, E. (2011f) Undefining Machinima. MIT Press.
Champion, E. (2011g) ‘Virtual Environments’, Playing with the Past, pp. 17–26.
Champion, E. (2011h) ‘Virtual Places’, Playing with the Past, pp. 27–62.
Champion, E. (no date a) ‘24 Games and Geography’.
Champion, E. (no date b) ‘Keeping It Reel: Is Machinima A Form Of Art?’
Champion, E. (no date c) ‘Techné’.
Champion, E. et al. (no date) ‘VSMM2010 International Program Committee’.
Champion, E. and Arch, M. (2001) ‘Travels through the imagination: Future visions of VR and related technologies’, YVR2001, December [Preprint].
Champion, E., Bishop, I. and Dave, B. (2012) ‘The Palenque project: evaluating interaction in an online virtual archaeology site’, Virtual reality, 16(2), pp. 121–139.
Champion, E. and Chien, S.F. (2010) ‘IJAC Editorial’, International Journal of Architectural Computing, 8(1).
Champion, E. and Dave, B. (2002) ‘Where is this place’, Proceedings of ACADIA 2002: Thresholds Between Physical and Virtual, pp. 87–97.
Champion, E. and Dave, B. (2007) ‘Dialing up the past’, Theorizing digital cultural heritage: A critical discourse, pp. 333–348.
Champion, E., Dave, B. and Bishop, I. (2003) ‘Interaction, Agency and Artefacts’, Digital Design: Research and Practice, Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on CAAD Futures’ 2003, pp. 249–258.
Champion, E. and Dekker, A. (2011) ‘Biofeedback And Virtual Environments’, International Journal of Architectural Computing, 9(4), pp. 377–396.
Champion, E., Dekker, A. and Thomas, P. (2008) ‘LAZY PANORAMA MONOPOLY TABLE. Take Your City for a Spin’, in CAADRIA 2008> Beyond Computer-Aided Design, pp. 662–669.
Champion, E. and Jacobson, J. (2008) ‘Sharing the magic circle with spatially inclusive games’, in ACM SIGGRAPH ASIA 2008 educators programme, p. 9.
Champion, E. and Sekiguchi, S. (2005) ‘Suggestions for new features to support collaborative learning in virtual worlds’, in Creating, Connecting and Collaborating through Computing, 2005. C5 2005. Third International Conference on, pp. 127–134.
Champion, E.M. (1993) Influence, Idea and Ideology: A Philosophy of Organic Architecture in 20th Century Nordic Design. University of Auckland.
Champion, E.M. (2002) ‘Cultural engagement in virtual heritage environments with inbuilt interactive evaluation mechanisms’, in Proceedings of the Fifth Annual International Workshop PRESENCE 2002, pp. 117–128.
Champion, E.M. (2003) ‘Online exploration of Mayan culture’, in VSMM2003-Ninth International Conference on Virtual Systems and Multimedia, Hybrid Reality: Art, Technology and the Human Factor, pp. 364–373.
Champion, E.M. (2004) ‘Cultural learning in virtual environments’, in VSMM2004 Hybrid Realities: Digital Partners.
Champion, E.M. (2006) Evaluating cultural learning in virtual environments. The University of Melbourne.
Champion, E.M. (2007) ‘Fragging History: Why Gamers Don’t Learn It the Old Fashioned Way’, Table of Conte [Preprint].
Champion, E.M. et al. (2008) ‘First page preview’, International Journal of Heritage Studies, 14(3).
Champion, E.M. (2008) ‘Otherness of Place: Game-based Interaction and Learning in Virtual Heritage Projects’, International Journal of Heritage Studies, 14(3), pp. 210–228.
Champion, Erik (no date) Applying game design theory to virtual heritage environments, ACM portal. Available at: (Accessed: 12 March 2011).
Dekker, A. and Champion, E. (2007) ‘Please biofeed the zombies: enhancing the gameplay and display of a horror game using biofeedback’, Proc. of DiGRA [Preprint].
Erik Malcolm Champion (2011) Playing with the Past, Springer. Available at: (Accessed: 18 February 2011).
Hearns, M. et al. (no date) ‘He ara hou ka tū mai: NZ institutions of higher learning unpacking demands and facilitating change’.
Kalay, Y., Kvan, T. and Affleck, J. (eds) (2007) New Heritage: New Media and Cultural Heritage. 1st edn. Routledge.
Pujol, L. and Champion, E. (2012) ‘Evaluating presence in cultural heritage projects’, International Journal of Heritage Studies, 18(1), pp. 83–102.
Tost, L.P. and Champion, E.M. (2007) ‘A critical examination of presence applied to cultural heritage’, 10th Annual International Workshop on Presence, PRESENCE [Preprint].
Wang, L. and Champion, E. (2011) ‘A pilot study of four cultural touch-screen games’, in Proceedings of the 12th Annual Conference of the New Zealand Chapter of the ACM Special Interest Group on Computer-Human Interaction, pp. 57–64.
Wang, L. and Champion, E. (2012) ‘Chinese culture approached through touch: Chinese cultural heritage learnt via touch-based games’, in Virtual Systems and Multimedia (VSMM), 2012 18th International Conference on, pp. 87–94.