ISCO3 Data Base Manager : Curriculum Vitae
Office Address: Via Dalmazia 16 A, Ancona 60126, Italy. PI 02735670420 e CF: MRTGGR67T11Z504P - ' +39 3333358310 E-Mail: Skype: gregorcuba
College Degree: Pharmaceutical Sciences, cum laude of the Pharmacy and Foods College, Havana University, 1990 (harmonized in Spain 19/04/2011 0820646/2011/H08046). Master in Sciences, Pharmacy and Foods College, Havana University, 1998. Ph.D. in Pharmacy 2001 cum laude, Havana University.
Scientific Degree: Senior Researcher
He has participated in 27 careers related to his specialty with outstanding results. He has presented 140 scientific contributions in 123 national and international congress. He has sent 25 scientific reports to the Food and Drug Administration Office. He has been tutoring 19 Diploma Projects for Bachelor Degree, 12 for Master degree and 5 for Ph.D. degree. He has 207 scientific papers: 49 as abstract, 137 as extending manuscripts in international journals, 1 multimedia and 21 books. He was rewarded with the Havana University Annual Premium in 1995 and 1996 (Greater Economic Contribution) and in 2001 and 2002, 2005 (Human Health Contribution), 2006, 2008 (Top researcher). Active member of the Cuban Society of Pharmacology, International Society of Pharmacology, associated to the Cuban Toxicol. Soc., Soc. for Free Radical Biology and Medicine (a constituent member of the International Society for Free Radical Research), AMOZON, AIRO, SIMCRI, NuovaFIO, AEPROMO and ISCO3. He has worked in different research programs (Drugs Develop, Drugs from Medicinal Plants, Drug from Biotechnology), participating as technical manage in pharmacological and toxicological evaluations of many drugs, cosmetic and pesticides as brasinoesteroids and monoclonal antibodies. He has been awarded in scientific events including a special mention and relevant prize (1996, 1998, 1999, 2000) in the National Forum of Science and Technology. He obtained the Counterfeiters “Forgers of the Future” in 1997, 2000 and 2002. The Cuban Academy of Sciences (ACC) granted the Dr. Gregorio with the Commemorative Currency “XXX Anniversary” as recognition of the scientific results. In 1999, 2002, 2004-2006, the ACC granted him a yearly prize.
Their research activity is centered in the study of the antioxidant effects of drugs in in vitro and in vivo systems, the search of its therapeutic applications and the implementation of clinical diagnostic biomarker of redox balance and the basic action mechanisms of ozone therapy. It possesses theoretical experience in the field of the oxidative stress and regenerative medicine (Lectures in Cuba, Italy, Venezuela, Germany, Honduras, Spain, China, Viet Nam, Mexico, Jordan and Chile), and has technical experience in the study of the redox status at the level of: chemical reactions, cells and organisms. He spends a post doctoral training in Univ. of Milan, Italy (2000), in the Center for Research of Antioxidant Therapies (Humboldt grand), Germany (2004) and in the European Center of Oncology Italy, (2006). Prize “Top Scientist 2008” by International Biographical Centre of Cambridge. Professor in charge for the curse “Pharmacology of the Oxidative Stress” by the Univ. of Politecnica dalla Marche (2004-2011). Visiting Lecture at Univ. Saint George; Italia. Current president of the International Scientific Committee of Ozone Therapy (2015-2024) Member of the editorial staff of Rev Cub Pharmacy and Ozone Global Journal.