HC Haase : Curriculum Vitae
GIS Analyst
Fredensborg Forsyning A/S
August 2014 – Present Fredensborg, Denmark
Water and wastewater infrastructure
GIS (mapinfo and qgis)
sql database
International Election Observer at the Ukraine presidential election
SILBA - Support Initiative for Liberty and Democracy
May 2014 – May 2014 (1 month)Dnepropetrovsk and Kyiv, Ukraine
Inspection of protocols and procedures of voting and counting of votes, at the Ukraine presidential election of 2014.
Assistant Teacher in GIS
University of Copenhagen, Department of Geosience and Natural Resource Management
January 2014 – March 2014 (3 months)Copenhagen Area, Denmark
Assistant teacher in GIS and cartography course at masters level.
Studentermedhjælper, Informationsmedarbejder
September 2008 – September 2013 (5 years 1 month)København
Besvarede henvendelser pr. Telefon og e-mail både fra Danmark og udlandet vedr.
- Natur, miljø,
- fysisk planlægning,
- kort og matrikelforhold og
- klimaspørgsmål.
Jeg er også ansvarlig for at holde oplæg for udenlandske delegationer og har her igennem fået en god formidlingsevne på engelsk såvel som dansk.
Redigerer netboghandlen.
Project Assistance - Urband and Sustainable Planning
Copenhagen Innovation and Entrepreneurship Lab - CIEL
February 2013 – May 2013 (4 months)Copenhagen Area, Denmark
I was connected to the Beijing Copenhagen Urban Challenge (BCUC) program. A collaboration between CBS, DTU, University of Copenhagen, Guanghua school of management - Peking university, Copenhagen Cleantech Cluster, City authorities.
I provided case drafts conserning:
- Urban planning and governance,
- Urban greening and sustainable city development and
- City scape and infrastructure planning.
Danish Red Cross
2013 – 2013 (less than a year)
Field surveyor
EFTAS Fernerkundung Technologietransfer GmbH and Eurostat
May 2012 – August 2012 (4 months)Münster Area, Germany
Collected biological and cultural field data on Land Use and Land Cover, in connection with the LUCAS (http://www.lucas-europa.info) project under the Euro Stat.
Geophysical Surveyor
April 2012 – May 2012 (2 months)
Conducted groundwater investigations in the field by applying Continuous Vertical Electrical Sounding (CVES)
Københavns Universitet / University of Copenhagen
Master of Science (M.Sc.), Geography and Geoinformatics
2010 – 2013
Master thesis on disaster planning in environmental impact assessments (EIA)
The University of Tokyo
Computer and Information Sciences, in a Urban setting
2010 – 2011
Exchange student.
- project on simulation of evacuation from major disasters
- course in urban regeneration / urban planning
- Courses in Japanese language and culture. I speak everyday vocabulary
During my stay i experienced the Great East Japan Earthquake 2011 (東日本大震災)
Roskilde University
Bachelor of social Science (BSc), Technological and Socio-Economic Planning, Environmental Planning, 90
2006 – 2010
Bachelor thesis "Potential for a Distributed energy system and Demand Side Regulation in Lolland-Guldborgsund" on optimisation of the energy system to incorporate power from wind-turbines
Activities and Societies: Tutor, responsible for the finances and accounting of the tutor group
Danish Emergency Management Agency (DEMA)
Brandmand, Firefighter and emergency relife
2006 – 2006
-First aid. Extended
-psychological first aid
PRINCE2® Foundation - project management(Link)
Starting May 2014
Roskilde University
- Presentation and Communication
Independent Coursework
- Learn to Program (python) [Online, University of Toronto] (85%)
- Disaster Preparedness [Online, University of Pitsburg] (86%)
Volunteer Experience & Causes
Scout leader
Det Danske Spejderkorps
2006 – Present (9 years)Children
Ungdommens Røde Kors
July 2010Children
prepared food and arranged activities for the children form 15 to 18 years
2006 – 2008 (2 years)Disaster and Humanitarian Relief
-First aid. Extended
-psychological first aid
Coalition for the Homeless, Inc.
July 2005ChildrenCamp Homeward Bound is a residential summer camp for children in Bear Mountain, New York. The camp is designed specifically to address the children living in New York City’s homeless shelters.
Hans Christian Haase was employed as a general counselor, working with 7-11 year old boys. A counselor at Camp Homeward Bound works with one or more other counselors to lead and guide 6
7 children.They are the primary caregiver for these children.