Héctor Tuy

Guatemalan-kaqchikel - Natural resource manager with more than twenty years of experience in working with government agencies, NGO, and local communities in design, execution and evaluation of complex projects linking the environment to development. Currently, I am undertaking teaching and research at IARNA/URL. In recent years, I have been actively providing technical assistance to the World Bank’s Wealth Accounting and the Valuation of Ecosystem Services (WAVES), UNEP global environmental assessment process (GEO-5 and GEO-6), and USAID´s Monitoring and Evaluation Program (MEP). Among other things, I am also editor and collaborator of the Environmental Data Compendium of Guatemala (Statistics National Institute) and the Environmental Profile of Guatemala (IARNA/URL). And I am member of the Indigenous Organism for Development Planning (NALEB), I lead the Ecosystem Service Partnership Region Chapter 2 on Central America & Caribbean and sub region 2A on Central America, and participate in the Ecosystem and Society working group of the Latin American Council of Social Sciences (CLACSO).





