Juan Linares

PhD in Communication (Universitat Pompeu Fabra). Research interests: movements, networks and journalism. He holds a degree in Audiovisual Communication at University of Barcelona (UB). Master in Advanced Studies in Social Communication at Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF). Scientific Comittee of Hipertext.net and member of DigiDoc Research Group (UPF). Through this group he was involved in organizing seminars, workshops and conferences. He also designs and implements quality analysis protocols in cibermedia (in the e-Repositori you can download them). Member of the project “Interactive content and creation in multimedia information communication: audiences, design, systems and styles”. Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness” at UPF. He conducts research-action tasks in the Tecnopolítica network and in the Communication Networks & Social Change (CNSC) groups at UOC. Outside the academy he is specialized in devising transmedia communication strategies for institutions and electoral campaigns. He has also worked in Outliers Collective in analyzing tweets with techniques derived from natural language processing. He has been involved in 15M movement through the Iaioflautas movement in 2011 and later, during 2014-2015 period, in the Communication Commission of Barcelona in Comú.





Universitat Oberta de Catalunya



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