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Richard Karnesky : Curriculum Vitae

Contact Information

Dr. Richard Karnesky
Sandia National Laboratories
7011 East Ave.
Livermore, CA 94550
Phone: 925.294.3410
Email: for work; for personal
Web: Richard Karnesky
Fax: 925.294.3410


Research Interests

I investigate how nanoscale compositional variations in alloys influence bulk properties. At Sandia, I (i) measure hydrogen isotope transport and trapping in metals; (ii) characterize advance materials with atom-probe tomography (APT); and (iii) manage materials data.

Research Experience

Senior Materials Scientist, Sandia National Laboratories — Livermore, CA — Apr 2010 – Present

  • Lead of W80–4 Materials@Risk (M@R) Task for Materials Compatibility Qualification and Database Lead for the multi-lab M@R initiative, where we’ve brought Granta Materials Intel-
    ligence into the Common Engineering Environment, integrated it with Windchill PDMLink, and created tools to assess and report on risk factors that may lead to materials unavailability.
  • Sandia Tritium Sustainment Manager, responsible for leading and conducting experiments for Tritium-Producing Burnable Absorber Rod (TP–BAR) program.
  • Principal Investigator of multiscale/multiphysics laboratory-directed research and develop-
    ment effort to predict and characterize environmentally-assisted intergranular fracture in Ni, where I also characterized segregation in grain-boundary engineered nickel using APT.
  • Measured thermal stability, deuterium permeation and deuterium trapping of additively-manufactured stainless steels to support multiple materials qualification efforts.
  • Measured deuterium permeation and trapping in Al–Cu alloys, candidate fusion materials,
    and candidate barrier materials.
  • Reported on the compositional variation and accelerated aging of hard Au(Co) coatings for
    electrical contacts.

Postdoctoral Scholar, Sandia National Laboratories — Livermore, CA — Oct 2007 – Apr 2010

  • Determined the fracture toughness and compressive behavior of ultra-fine-grained Al–Mg alloys and correlated these with observations from optical and electron microscopy.
  • Assisted in fabrication and calibration of a deuterium permeation instrument.
  • Measured the deuterium permeability through various Al–Mg alloys, 304L stainless steel, SiC (through Ultramet’s SBIR), Au-coated Be, and other materials.
  • Quantified Mg grain broundary segregation in nanocrystalline Al–Mg powders and consolidated, ultra-fine-grained alloys using atom-probe tomography (APT).

Ph.D. Candidate, Northwestern University — Evanston, IL — Sep 2002 – Oct 2007

  • Utilized APT and transmission elctron microscopy (TEM) to measure the composition and morphology of nanometer-scale precipitates in Al–Sc–RE (RE=Dy, Er, Y) and Al–Er.
  • Measured elevated temperature creep and the ambient temperature strength (yield stress and microhardness) of Al–Sc–RE alloys and oxide-dispersion-strengthened Al–Sc(–Zr).
  • Predicted mechanical performance using a novel dislocation creep model and by using APT reconstructions in dislocation dynamics simulations (DISLOC2D) of yield strength.
  • Developed software for APT data analysis (ENVELOPE (originally by M. K. Miller and J. Hyde), ELLIPSOIDFIT , INTERPPT , and others).
  • Helped maintain Northwestern University Center for Atom-Probe Tomography.
  • Co-lead developer of refbase, a free/open source web-based reference manager.

Research Assistant, California Institute of Technology — Pasadena, CA — Jan 2000 – Sep 2002

  • Programmed the SMARTS EXPERT SYSTEM to assist in neutron diffraction experiments.
  • Studied beam divergence of the SMARTS neutron diffractometer.
  • Assisted in collection and analysis of neutron diffraction data for residual stresses.

Research Assistant, LIGO — Hanford, WA — Jun 1999 – Sep 1999

  • Formulated optimal epoxy bonding techniques to couple magnets and standoffs to test masses used in the high vacuum Laser Interferometer Gravitational Wave Observatories.


Northwestern University — Evanston, IL — Sep 2002 – Oct 2007
Doctor of Philosophy, Materials Science and Engineering
Mechanical Properties and Microstructure of Al–Sc with Rare-Earth Element or Alumina Additions
Advisors: Profs. David C. Dunand David N. Seidman

California Institute of Technology — Pasadena, CA — Sep 1998 – Jun 2002
Bachelor of Science, Engineering and Applied Science
Advisor: Prof. Ersan Üstündag


Skelton, R., Nowak, C., Zhou, X. W., & Karnesky, R. A. (2022). Molecular dynamics study of radiation effects on tritium diffusion in zirconium tritides (δ-ZrT2-x). Journal of Nuclear Materials, 565, 153765.
Skelton, R., Nowak, C., Zhou, X. W., & Karnesky, R. A. (2022). Tritium segregation to vacancy-type basal dislocation loops in α-Zr from molecular dynamics simulations. Journal of Applied Physics, 131(12), 125103.
Stevens, M., Bolstad, C., Cox, J., Hargrove, F., Gardner, D., Henson, K., Humphries, M., Karnesky, R. A., Korinko, P., Krentz, T., Moran, S., Murali, S., O’Brien, T., O’Neel, J., Orjuela, C., Pehrson, B., Rhoten, D., Rotella, T., Schembri, P., … Witman, M. (2022). FY22 At-Risk Materials Annual Report (No. LA-CP-22-20818). Los Alamos National Laboratory.
Humphries, M., Moran, S., Bolstad, C., Karnesky, R. A., Orjuela, C., Schembri, P., Stevens, M., Gardner, D., Rotella, T., Schotik, G., Steelman, S., Henson, K., Korinko, P., & Pehrson, B. (2021). At-Risk Materials: Programmatic Review - Fiscal Year 2021 (Nos. SAND2021-12482). Sandia National  Laboratories.
Skelton, R., Zhou, X. W., & Karnesky, R. A. (2021). Molecular dynamics studies of lattice defect effects on tritium diffusion in zirconium. Journal of Nuclear Materials, 555, 153099.
Benton, C., Orjuela, C., Karnesky, R. A., Humphries, M., Cordaro, J., Moran, S., Bolstad, C., Baca, A., Schembri, P., Stevens, M., Allen, P., Gardner, D., Garcia, B., Henson, K., Korinko, P., Milligan, R., Pehrson, B., Crowder, J., Rotella, T., … Schrock, D. (2020). At-Risk Materials: Programmatic Needs to Sustain Other Strategic Materials - Fiscal Year 2020 (No. NSC-614-3154). Kansas City National Security Campus.
Koplow, J., Smith, K., Jouravel, N., Buffleben, G. M., Sinha, A., Negrete, O., Barnett, T., & Karnesky, R. (2020). Supercritical CO2 sterilization of N95 Masks. Sandia National Lab.(SNL-NM), Albuquerque, NM (United States).
Rossman, G., Avina, I., Steinfeldt, B., Koplow, J., Smith, K., Jouravel, N., Buffleben, G., Sinha, A., Negrete, O., Barnett, T., Karnesky, R., Melia, M., Taylor, J., Sorensen, N., Ackermann, M., Bachand, G., Harmon, B., Jones, B., Miller, P., … Cole, Jr., E. (2020). Sandia’s Research in Support of COVID-19 Pandemic Response: Materials Science (No. SAND--2020-10950, 1681092, 691542; p. SAND--2020-10950, 1681092, 691542).
Zhou, X. W., Karnesky, R. A., Yang, N., & Yee, J. K. (2020). Kinetic Monte Carlo simulations of structural evolution during anneal of additively manufactured materials. Computational Materials Science, 179, 109605.
Karnesky, R. A., Drewien, C. A., Langhout, J., Orjuela, C., Du, S., Leslie, P., Hochanadel, P., Schembri, P., Adams, J., Stevens, M., Korinko, P., & Pehrson, B. (2019). At-Risk Materials: Programmatic Needs to Sustain Other Strategic Materials (Nos. SAND2019-12063). Sandia National Laboratories.
Archuleta, K. M., Drewien, C. A., Karnesky, R. A., Samberson, J. N., Hubbard, P., Cordaro, J. G., Kinnan, M. K., Enos, D., Wilson, P., Boese, C., Benton, C., Schembri, P., Smith, Z., & Espada-Castillo, L. (2018). Materials at Risk Information Management (M@RIM) - Feasibility (Nos. SAND2018-6746). Sandia National Laboratories.
Zhou, X. W., Dingreville, R., & Karnesky, R. A. (2018). Molecular Dynamics Studies of Irradiation Effects on Hydrogen Isotope Diffusion Through Nickel Crystals and Grain Boundaries. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 20(1), 520–534.
Karnesky, R. A., Chao, P., & Buchenauer, D. A. (2017). Hydrogen Isotope Permeation and Trapping in Additively Manufactured Steels. ASME Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference, 6A, V06AT06A019.
Lawrence, S. K., Somerday, B. P., & Karnesky, R. A. (2017). Elastic Property Dependence on Mobile and Trapped Hydrogen in Ni-201. JOM, 69(1), 45–50.
Zhou, X. W., Sills, R. B., Ward, D. K., & Karnesky, R. A. (2017). Atomistic calculations of dislocation core energy in aluminium. Physical Review B, 95, 054112.
Buchenauer, D. A., Karnesky, R. A., Fang, Z. Z., Ren, C., Oya, Y., Otsuka, T., Yamauchi, Y., & Whaley, J. A. (2016). Gas-driven permeation of deuterium through tungsten and tungsten alloys. Fusion Engineering and Design, 109–111, 104–108.
Chao, P., & Karnesky, R. A. (2016). Hydrogen Isotope trapping in Al-Cu binary alloys. Materials Science & Engineering A, 658, 422–428.
Dingreville, R., Karnesky, R. A., Puel, G., & Schmitt, J.-H. (2016). Synergies between computational modeling and experimental characterization of materials across length scales. Journal of Materials Science, 51(3), 1176–1177.
Medlin, D. L., Bowers, M. L., Ophus, C., Lawrence, S. K., Somerday, B., & Karnesky, R. A. (2016). Investigating Dislocation-Twin Boundary Interactions in Nickel using Diffraction Contrast Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy. Microscopy and Microanalysis, 22(S3), 1934–1935.
Dingreville, R., Karnesky, R. A., Puel, G., & Schmitt, J.-H. (2015). Review of the synergies between computational modeling and experimental characterization of materials across length scales. Journal of Materials Science, 51(3), 1178–1203.
Karnesky, R., Buchenauer, D., & Cowgill, D. (2015, November 3). Diatomic and Atomic Deuterium Permeation Experiments at Sandia. Tritium Focus Group, Los Alamos.
Kolasinski, R. D., Whaley, J. A., Karnesky, R. A., & San Marchi, C. (2014). Interactions Between Gaseous Hydrogen and Aluminum Surfaces. International Hydrogen Conference (IHC 2012).
Causey, R. A., Karnesky, R. A., & San Marchi, C. (2012). Tritium barriers and tritium diffusion in fusion reactors. In R. J. M. Konings & R. E. Stoller (Eds.), Comprehensive Nuclear Materials: Vol. 4.16 (pp. 511–549). Elsevier.
Karnesky, R. A., Bartelt, N. C., Huang, D., Teslich, N., & Kumar, M. (2012). Imaging and Quantification of Hydrogen Isotope Trapping.
Karnesky, R. A., Yang, N. Y. C., Marchi, C. S., Topping, T. D., Zhang, Z., Li, Y., & Lavernia, E. J. (2012). Solute Distribution and Mechanical Properties of Ultra-Fine-Grained Al-Mg Alloys (H. Weiland, A. D. Rollett, & W. A. Cassada, Eds.). John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Kolasinski, R. D., Whaley, J. A., Karnesky, R. A., San Marchi, C., & Bastasz. R. (2011). Characterization of the Ne-Al scattering potential using low energy ion scattering maps. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B, 269(11), 1229–1233.
Knipling, K. E., Karnesky, R. A., Lee, C. P., Dunand, D. C., & Seidman, D. N. (2010). Precipitation Evolution in Al-0.1Sc, Al-0.1Zr, and Al-0.1Sc-0.1Zr (at.%) Alloys during Isochronal Aging. Acta Materialia, 58(15), 5184–5195.
Karnesky, R. A., Dunand, D. C., & Seidman, D. N. (2009). Evolution of Nanoscale Precipitates in Al Microalloyed with Sc and Er. Acta Materialia, In Press.
van Dalen, M. E., Karnesky, R. A., Cabotaje, J. R., Dunand, D. C., & Seidman, D. N. (2009). Erbium and Ytterbium Solubilities and Diffusivities in Aluminum as Determined by Nanoscale Characterization of Precipitates. Acta Materialia, In Press.
Karnesky, R. A. (2007). Mechanical Properties and Microstructure of Al–Sc with Rare-Earth Element or Al₂O₃ Additions [Northwestern University].
Karnesky, R. A., Isheim, D., & Seidman, D. N. (2007). Direct Measurement of 2-Dimensional and 3-Dimensional Interprecipitate Distance Distributions from Atom-Probe Tomographic Reconstructions. Applied Physics Letters, 91(1), 013111:1-3.
Karnesky, R. A., Meng, L., & Dunand, D. C. (2007). Strengthening Mechanisms in Aluminum Containing Coherent Al₃Sc Precipitates and Incoherent Al₂O₃ Dispersoids. Acta Materialia, 55(4), 1299–1308.
Karnesky, R. A., Sudbrack, C. K., & Seidman, D. N. (2007). Best-Fit Ellipsoids of Atom-Probe Tomographic Data to Study Coalescence of γ’ (L1₂) Precipitates in Ni-Al-Cr. Scripta Materialia, 57(4), 353–356.
Karnesky, R. A., Seidman, D. N., & Dunand, D. C. (2006). Creep of Al-Sc Microalloys with Rare-Earth Element Additions. Materials Science Forum, 519–521, 1035–1040.
Karnesky, R. A., van Dalen, M. E., Dunand, D. C., & Seidman, D. N. (2006). Effects of Substituting Rare-Earth Elements for Scandium in a Precipitation-Strengthened Al 0.08 at.%  Sc Alloy. Scripta Materialia, 55(5), 437–440.
Üstündag, E., Karnesky, R. A., Daymond, M. R., & Noyan, I. C. (2006). Dynamical Diffraction Peak Splitting in Time-of-Flight Neutron Diffraction. Applied Physics Letters, 89(23), 233515:1-3.
Karnesky, R. A., Meng, L., Seidman, D. N., & Dunand, D. C. (2003). Mechanical Properties of a Heat-Treatable Al-Sc Alloy Reinforced with Al₂O₃ (K. L. K. Awadh B. Pandey & Materials Science & Technology 2003, Eds.). TMS.