
I was born in Istanbul on 11/15/1978. I graduated Ankara University, Faculty of Theology in 2002. I have got master's and doctorate's degree from Ankara University, Institute of Social Sciences, Department of History of Islam and Islamic Arts, Discipline of Turkish Islamic Literature. The subject of my PhD thesis is "The Metaphysics' and Literature's Change Between Administrative Reforms Period and Proclamation of The Republic Period". Between 2006 and 2011 I had worked in several high schools as a teacher. From October 2011 to now I have had an academic position in Sakarya University, Faculty of Theology. In that faculty I deliver lectures as Turkish Islamic Literature and Ottoman Turkish. Additionally, I give selective courses as Divan Literature and Sufi Literature. I have two books as a national publication, also articles published in periodicals that are national and international.





social sciences

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