Maxim Tyan : Curriculum Vitae
- 2010-2015: PhD, Department of Aerospace Information Engineering, Konkuk University, Seoul, Korea
- 2005-2009: BSc, Aerospace Department, Tashkent State Technical University, Tashkent, Uzbekistan
SCI/SCIE Journals
Alam, Mohammad Irfan, Zin Win Thu, Nghia Nguyen, Maxim Tyan, and Jae-Woo Lee. 2024. “Integrated Propulsion System Analysis Framework for Designing Advanced Air Mobility Aircraft.” IEEE Transactions on Transportation Electrification, 1–1.
An, Jae-Hyun, Do-Youn Kwon, Kwon-Su Jeon, Maxim Tyan, and Jae-Woo Lee. 2022. “Advanced Sizing Methodology for a Multi-Mode EVTOL UAV Powered by a Hydrogen Fuel Cell and Battery.” Aerospace 9 (2): 71.
Lee, Daeyeon, Nhu Van Nguyen, Maxim Tyan, Heun Geun Chun, Sangho Kim, and Jae-Woo Lee. 2016. “Enhanced Multi-Fidelity Model for Flight Simulation Using Global Exploration and the Kriging Method.” Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part G: Journal of Aerospace Engineering 231 (4): 606–20.
Lee, Jae Lyun, Maxim Tyan, Do Youn Kwon, and Jae-Woo Lee. 2023. “Enhanced Calibration and Performance Prediction Method for Entire Propulsion System of EVTOL UAV.” IEEE Transactions on Transportation Electrification.
Maw, Aye Aye, Tun Lwin, Maxim Tyan, Jae-Woo Lee, and Sangho Kim. 2018. “Efficient Approach to Database Integration for an Aerospace Vehicle Design and Certification Framework.” Advances in Engineering Software 118 (April):27–34.
Maw, Aye Aye, Maxim Tyan, and Jae-Woo Lee. 2020. “IADA*: Improved Anytime Path Planning and Replanning Algorithm for Autonomous Vehicle.” Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems 100 (3): 1005–13.
Maw, Aye Aye, Maxim Tyan, Tuan Anh Nguyen, and Jae-Woo Lee. 2021. “IADA*-RL: Anytime Graph-Based Path Planning with Deep Reinforcement Learning for an Autonomous UAV.” Applied Sciences 11 (9): 3948.
Nguyen, Le Viet Thang, Maxim Tyan, Jae-Woo Lee, and Sangho Kim. 2021. “Enhancement of Light Aircraft 6 DOF Simulation Using Flight Test Data in Longitudinal Motion.” The Aeronautical Journal 125 (1290): 1358–79.
Nguyen, Nhu Van, Daeyeon Lee, Maxim Tyan, Jae-Woo Lee, and Sangho Kim. 2016. “Efficient Stall Compliance Prediction Method for Trimmed Very Light Aircraft with High-Lift Devices.” Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part G: Journal of Aerospace Engineering 231 (6): 1124–37.
Nguyen, Nhu Van, Jae-Woo Lee, Maxim Tyan, and Sangho Kim. 2015. “Repetitively Enhanced Neural Networks Method for Complex Engineering Design Optimisation Problems.” The Aeronautical Journal 119 (1220): 1253–70.
Nguyen, Nhu Van, Jae-Woo Lee, Maxim Tyan, and Daeyeon Lee. 2015. “Possibility-Based Multidisciplinary Optimisation for Electric-Powered Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Design.” The Aeronautical Journal 119 (1221): 1397–1414.
Nguyen, Nhu Van, Maxim Tyan, Sunghyun Jin, and Jae-Woo Lee. 2016. “Adaptive Multifidelity Constraints Method for Efficient Multidisciplinary Missile Design Framework.” Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets 53 (1): 184–94.
Nguyen, Nhu Van, Maxim Tyan, and Jae-Woo Lee. 2015. “A Modified Variable Complexity Modeling for Efficient Multidisciplinary Aircraft Conceptual Design.” Optimization and Engineering 16 (2): 483–505.
Nguyen, Nhu Van, Maxim Tyan, Jae-Woo Lee, and Sangho Kim. 2016. “Investigations on Stability and Control Characteristics of a CS-VLA Certified Aircraft Using Wind Tunnel Test Data.” Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part G: Journal of Aerospace Engineering 230 (14): 2728–43.
Nguyen, Nhu-Van, Maxim Tyan, Jae-Woo Lee, and Yung-Hwan Byun. 2014. “Investigations on Missile Configuration Aerodynamic Characteristics for Design Optimization.” Transactions of the Japan Society for Aeronautical and Space Sciences 57 (4): 210–18.
Pham, Vinh, Maxim Tyan, Tuan Anh NGUYEN, Chi-Ho Lee, LV Thang NGUYEN, and Jae-Woo Lee. 2023. “Adaptive Data Fusion Framework for Modeling of Non-Uniform Aerodynamic Data.” Chinese Journal of Aeronautics, May.
Pham, Vinh, Maxim Tyan, Tuan Anh Nguyen, and Jae-Woo Lee. 2024. “Extended Hierarchical Kriging Method for Aerodynamic Model Generation Incorporating Multiple Low-Fidelity Datasets.” Aerospace 11 (1): 6.
Silva, Francisco Airton, Carlos Brito, Gabriel Araújo, Iure Fé, Maxim Tyan, Jae-Woo Lee, Tuan Anh Nguyen, and Paulo Romero Martin Maciel. 2022. “Model-Driven Impact Quantification of Energy Resource Redundancy and Server Rejuvenation on the Dependability of Medical Sensor Networks in Smart Hospitals.” Sensors 22 (4): 1595.
Thu, Zin Win, Maxim Tyan, Yong-Hyeon Choi, Mohammad Irfan Alam, and Jae-Woo Lee. 2025. “Possibility-Based Sizing Method for Hybrid Electric Aircraft.” IEEE Access, 1–1.
Tyan, Maxim, Cheol Kyun Choi, Tuan Anh Nguyen, and Jae-Woo Lee. 2022. “Rapid Airfoil Inverse Design Method with a Deep Neural Network and Hyperparameter Selection.” International Journal of Aeronautical and Space Sciences 24 (1): 33–46.
Tyan, Maxim, and Jae-Woo Lee. 2019. “Efficient Multi-Response Adaptive Sampling Algorithm for Construction of Variable-Fidelity Aerodynamic Tables.” Chinese Journal of Aeronautics 32 (3): 547–58.
Tyan, Maxim, Nhu Van Nguyen, Sangho Kim, and Jae-Woo Lee. 2017a. “Comprehensive Preliminary Sizing/Resizing Method for a Fixed Wing-VTOL Electric UAV.” Aerospace Science and Technology 71:30–41.
———. 2017b. “Database Adaptive Fuzzy Membership Function Generation for Possibility-Based Aircraft Design Optimization.” Journal of Aircraft 54 (1): 114–24.
Tyan, Maxim, Nhu Van Nguyen, and Jae-Woo Lee. 2015. “Improving Variable-Fidelity Modelling by Exploring Global Design Space and Radial Basis Function Networks for Aerofoil Design.” Engineering Optimization 47 (7): 885–908.
———. 2017. “A Tailless UAV Multidisciplinary Design Optimization Using Global Variable Fidelity Modeling.” International Journal of Aeronautical and Space Sciences 18 (4): 662–74.
Tyan, Maxim, Jungwon Yoon, Nhu Van Nguyen, Jae-Woo Lee, and Sangho Kim. 2019. “Design-Airworthiness Integration Method for General Aviation Aircraft during Early Development Stage.” Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology 91 (7): 1067–76.
Non SCI/SCIE Journals
Kim, Jimin, Nhu Van Nguyen, Jung-Il Shu, Maxim Tyan, and Jae-Woo Lee. 2013. “UAV Performance Improvement Using Integrated Analysis and Design Optimization Technology.” Journal of the Korean Society for Aviation and Aeronautics 21 (1): 30–38.
Lee, Chiho, Mukyeom Kim, Jae-Lyun Lee, Kwon-Su Jeon, Maxim Tyan, and Jae-Woo Lee. 2021. “Improved VFM Method for High Accuracy Flight Simulation.” Journal of the Korean Society for Aeronautical & Space Sciences 49 (9): 709–19.
Park, Jinhwan, Maxim Tyan, Nhu Van Nguyen, Sangho Kim, and Jae-Woo Lee. 2013. “Flap Design Optimization for KLA-100 Aircraft in compliance with Airworthiness Certification.” Journal of the Korean Society for Aeronautical & Space Sciences 41 (8): 649–56.
Pham, Vinh, Mukyeom Kim, Maxim Tyan, and Jae-Woo Lee. 2019. “Numerical Experience with Variable-Fidelity Metamodeling for Aerodynamic Data Fusion Problems.” Journal of Defense Acquisition and Technology 1 (1): 1–8.
Seong, Dong Gyu, Nadhie Juliawan, Maxim Tyan, Sangho Kim, and Jae-Woo Lee. 2020. “Flying-Wing Type UAV Design Optimization for Flight Stability Enhancement.” Journal of Korean Society of Aeronautical and Space Sciences 48 (10): 809–19.
An, Jae Hyun, Jae Lyun Lee, Maxim Tyan, and Jae-Woo Lee. 2021. “25kg급 Lift+Thrust 수소연료전지 수직이착륙 무인기 사이징 기법 연구.” In . Gangwon-do, Korea.
An, Jaehyun, Jae-Woo Lee, Maxim Tyan, and Dong-Gyu Seong. 2019. “축소모델의 비행시험을 통한 1인승 PAV 실기체 동안정성 예측 연구.” In . Jeju, Korea.
An, Jaehyun, Zin Win Thu, Jae Lyun Lee, Youngjae Lee, Jae Seon Min, Maxim Tyan, Seung Hyeog Nah, and Jae-Woo Lee. 2020. “수소연료전지 도심항공교통수단의 성능운용분석 연구 (Performance Operation Analysis Study on Hydrogen Fuel Cell Urban Air Mobility).” In 한국항공우주학회 2020 추계학술대회 논문집. Jeju, Korea: 한국항공우주학회.
Byeon, Ki-Jun, Zin Win Thu, LV Thang Nguyen, Maxim Tyan, and Jae-Woo Lee. 2025. “Transition Flight Trajectory Optimization for Tilt-Rotor Urban Air Mobility (UAM) Aircraft with a Box-Wing Configuration,” January.
Choi, Cheol Kyun, Aye Aye Maw, Mukyeom Kim, Maxim Tyan, and Jae-Woo Lee. 2018. “A Deep Learning Based Airfoil Design Algorithm Imitate Trial and Error Method.” In The Asian Congress of Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization. Dalian, China.
Choi, Yeon-Ju, Chi-Ho Lee, Vinh Pham Quang, Maxim Tyan, and Jae-Woo Lee. 2021. “정확한 공력 데이터베이스를 위한 SpaceMapping과 VFM 기반 다정밀도 외삽 기법 연구.” In , 2. Gangwon-do, Korea.
Chun, Hyunggeun, Seongjun Cho, Daeyeon Lee, Maxim Tyan, and Jaewoo Lee. 2014. “Flight Simulation of Guided Vehicle with Improved Aerodynamic Database Using Multifidelity Analysis.” In The Tenth Asian Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference (ACFD10).
Hyeon, Jeongseok, Chiho Lee, Le Viet Thang Nguyen, Minseok Jang, Maxim Tyan, and Jae-Woo Lee. 2022. “EVTOL 천이 비행을 위한 Tilt Corridor 도출 기법 연구.” In Proceedings of the Spring Conference of The Korean Society for Aeronautical and Space Sciences. Gangwon-do, Korea.
Jeon, Kwon-su, Maxim Tyan, Sung Hyun Jin, Seoung Jun Cho, and Jae-Woo Lee. 2014. “The Multidisciplinary Design Optimization Process and Design Framework Development for the Unmanned Gliding Vehicle.” In 2014 Asia-Pacific International Symposium on Aerospace Technology, APISAT2014.
Jeong, Gu Moon, Young Jae Lee, Tae Ho Kwag, Maxim Tyan, and Jae-Woo Lee. 2020. “Human Factor and Pilot Performance Quantitative Analysis for Flight Training Effectiveness in VR Simulation Environment.” In The Past, Present and Future of Flight Simulation - Technology, Training and Regulatory Challenges. London, UK: Royal Aeronautical Society.
Kim, Im Kwon, Tun Lwin, Eung Young Kim, Nhu Van Nguyen, Maxim Tyan, Jung Il Shu, and Jae-Woo Lee. 2012. “Integrated Design Certification System Development for Light Aircraft.” In KSAA 2012 Conference. Korea.
Kim, Jimin, Nhu Van Nguyen, Maxim Tyan, Jae-Woo Lee, Sangho Kim, Yung-Hwan Byun, and Seung-Hyeog Nah. 2012. “Performance Enhancement of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Using an Electric Propulsion.” In Asian Joint Conference on Propulsion and Power, Xian, China.
Kim, Min Ji, Maxim Tyan, and Jaewoo Lee. 2025. “Logical Development Framework for the Initial Concept of Eco-Friendly Advanced Air Mobility Aircraft.” In AIAA SCITECH 2025 Forum. AIAA SciTech Forum. American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics.
Kim, Minji, Jaehyun An, Maxim Tyan, and Jae-Woo Lee. 2021. “저속 및 순항 모드를 고려한 공력특성 향상을 위한 EVTOL 항공기 형상 최적화 기법 개발.” In Korean Society for Aeronautical and Space Sciences. Jeju, Korea.
Kim, Mukyeom, Maxim Tyan, Nadhie Juliawan, Sangho Kim, Joon Chung, and Jae-Woo Lee. 2019. “Data Fusion Method for Constructing Fighter Aircraft Aerodynamic Database Using Variable Fidelity and Space Mapping Techniques.” In 8th European Conference for Aeronautics and Space Sciences. Madrid, Spain.
Kim, Mukyeom, Maxim Tyan, Vinh Pham, Nadhie Juliawan, Sangho Kim, and Jae-Woo Lee. 2018. “A Data Fusion Method Using Combined Variable Fidelity Modeling and Space Mapping for Aerodynamic Database.” In The Asia-Pacific International Symposium on Aerospace Technology. China.
Kim, Wonkyong, Maxim Tyan, Woon Jae Won, and Jae-Woo Lee. 2021. “감항 기준을 고려한 EVTOL 항공기의 비행 하중 해석 기법 연구.” In Korean Society for Aeronautical and Space Sciences. Jeju, Korea.
Kim, Wonkyung, Maxim Tyan, and Jae-Woo Lee. 2020. “감항인증기술기준 연구를 통한 전익기형 수직이착륙 무인기 비행하중해석.” In .
Kwag, Tae Ho, Le Viet Thang Nguyen, Maxim Tyan, and Jae-Woo Lee. 2022. “SITL 인터페이스 기반 고정밀 EVTOL 가상 환경 구축.” In Proceedings of the Spring Conference of The Korean Society for Aeronautical and Space Sciences. Gangwon-do, Korea.
Kwon, Do Youn, Jae Lyun Lee, Zin Win Thu, Ahyun Choi, Maxim Tyan, and Jae-Woo Lee. 2022. “EVTOL 성능향상을 위한 수소연료전지-배터리 하이브리드 추진 시스템 동력 분배 기법 연구.” In Proceedings of the Spring Conference of The Korean Society for Aeronautical and Space Sciences. Gangwon-do, Korea.
Kwon, Do Youn, Zin Win Thu, Jae Lyun Lee, Maxim Tyan, Jae-Woo Lee, Sewan Park, and Jeon Dae Lee. 2021. “EVTOL UAV 성능 예측을 위한 수소연료전지 성능해석 기법 연구.” In Korean Society for Aeronautical and Space Sciences. Jeju, Korea.
Lee, Chiho, Maxim Tyan, and Jae-Woo Lee. 2020. “전익기형 UAV의 Tilt-Rotor 설계 및 비행시험을 통한 검증.” In 한국항공우주학회 2020 추계학술대회 논문집. Jeju, Korea.
Lee, Daeyeon, Hyunggeun Chun, Maxim Tyan, Seoung Jun Cho, Jae-Woo Lee, Hwajin Nah, and Jung-Jae Suh. 2014. “Enhanced Multi Fidelity Analysis Method Using Global Exploration and Kriging.” In 2014 KSAS Spring Conference.
Lee, Jae-Lyun, Do-Youn Kwon, Maxim Tyan, and Jae-Woo Lee. 2021. “풍동 시험을 통한 전기 추진시스템 해석 정확도 향상을 위한 성능 파라미터 예측 기법 연구.” In , 2. Gangwon-do, Korea.
Lee, Jae-Woo, Nhu Van Nguyen, Tun Lwin, Maxim Tyan, Seungbin Park, Sangho Kim, and Im Kwon Kim. 2012. “Development of Design-Certification-Analysis Integration Software for Small Aircraft (CADIS-SA).” In KSAS 2012 Fall Conference. Jeju, Korea.
Maw, Aye Aye, Hyeon Jun Lee, JunSeok Lee, Maxim Tyan, and Jae-Woo Lee. 2021. “Intelligent Mission Management for Urban Air Mobility Using MDP and RL.” In Asia-Pacific International Symposium on Aerospace Technology. Jeju, Korea.
Maw, Aye Aye, Zin Win Thu, Dasom Kim, Maxim Tyan, and Jae-Woo Lee. 2021. “Multi-AI Agents for Real-Time Mission Planning of Autonomous Unmanned Aerial Vehicle.” In . 강원도 삼척시.
Maw, Aye Aye, Maxim Tyan, and Jae-Woo Lee. 2019a. “Development of Flight Mission Planner Using Intelligent Anytime Planning and Replanning Algorithm for UAV Operation.” In International Conference on Computer Applications. Yangon, Myanmar.
———. 2019b. “Dynamic Obstacle Avoidance Using Deep Reinforcement Learning Network for Autonomous UAV.” In KSAS 2019 Fall Conference. Jeju, Korea.
Maw, Aye Aye, Maxim Tyan, LV Thang Nguyen, and Jae-Woo Lee. 2016. “UAV Mapping Mission Design Based on Operation Specific Requirements.” In Korean Society for Aeronautical and Space Sciences Spring Conference. Gangwon-do, Korea.
Naing, Hsu Myat, Daniel Neufeld, Nguyen Nhu Van, Maxim Tyan, Jae-Woo Lee, and Sangho Kim. 2013. “Possibility Based Small Aircraft Design Optimization Using Database Driven Uncertainty Approach.” In 2013 KSAS Spring Conference, Gangwon-Do, Rep. of Korea.
Nan Lao Ywet, Dasom Kim, Aye Aye Maw, Maxim Tyan, and Jae-Woo Lee. 2021. “Development of Image Processing Algorithms Using GMM and Lucas-Kanade Method for Autonomous UAV Obstacle Detection.” In . Gangwon-do, Korea.
Nguyen, Le Viet Thang, Tae Ho Kwag, Gumoon Jeong, Maxim Tyan, and Jae-Woo Lee. 2020. “EVTOL 비행체 추진시스템 모델링 구축 및 검증을 위한 실험적 연구.” In 한국항공우주학회 2020 추계학술대회 논문집. Jeju, Korea.
Nguyen, LV Thang, Gu Moon Jeong, Maxim Tyan, and Jae-Woo Lee. 2020. “Flight Test Maneuvers Design for Improvement and Validation of Multicopter 6DOF Simulator.” In The Past, Present and Future of Flight Simulation - Technology, Training and Regulatory Challenges. London: Royal Aeronautical Society.
Nguyen, LV Thang, Tae Ho Kwag, Gu Moon Jeon, Maxim Tyan, and Jae-Woo Lee. 2020. “Experimental Setup for Construction and Validation of Propulsion System Modeling for EVTOL Vehicle.” In 한국항공우주학회 2020 추계학술대회 논문집. Jeju, Korea.
Nguyen, LV Thang, Maxim Tyan, Gumoon Jeong, and Jae-Woo Lee. 2019. “Fighter Aircraft Virtual Flight Test and Certification Using Multi-Fidelity Aerodynamic Databases.” In KSAS 2019 Fall Conference. Jeju, Korea.
Nguyen, Nhu Van, Jae-Woo Lee, Dae-Yeon Lee, Maxim Tyan, and Seung Hyeog Nah. 2013. “Possibility Based Multidisciplinary Optimization for Electric-Powered Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Design.” In ADEX Air Show 2013, Kintex, Seoul, Korea.
Nguyen, Nhu Van, Maxim Tyan, Seok-Min Choi, Jong-Mu Sur, Jae-Woo Lee, Sangho Kim, and Yung-Hwan Byun. 2010. “Multidisciplinary Regional Jet Aircraft Design Optimization Using Advanced Variable Complexity Techniques.” In 13th AIAA/ISSMO Multidisciplinary Analysis Optimization Conference. American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics.
Nguyen, Nhu Van, Maxim Tyan, and Jae-Woo Lee. 2014. “Repetitively Enhanced Neural Networks Method for a Long Endurance UAV Airfoil Design Optimization.” In CFD Conference. Jeju, Korea.
———. 2016. “Efficient Framework for Missile Design and 6DoF Simulation Using Multi-Fidelity Analysis and Data Fusion.” In 17th AIAA/ISSMO Multidisciplinary Analysis and Optimization Conference. AIAA 2016-3365. Washington, D.C.: American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics.
Nguyen, Nhu Van, Maxim Tyan, Hyeong-Uk Park, Sangho Kim, and Jae-Woo Lee. 2013. “A Multidisciplinary Robust Optimization Framework for UAV Conceptual Design.” In WCSMO-10 Conference, Orlando, Florida.
Nguyen, Thang L., Taeho Kwag, Chiho Lee, Maxim Tyan, and Jae-Woo Lee. 2022. “Development of Validation Strategy for High Precision Simulation Model of Multicopter UAV.” In AIAA AVIATION 2022 Forum. AIAA AVIATION Forum. American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics.
Park, Jin-hwan, Sangho Kim, Nhu Van Nguyen, Maxim Tyan, and Jaewoo Lee. 2013. “Flap Design Optimization for Very Light Aircraft in Compliance with Airworthiness Certification.” In 21st AIAA Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference. American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics.
Park, Jinhwan, Sangho Kim, Jungwon Yoon, Nhu Van Nguyen, Maxim Tyan, and Jae-Woo Lee. 2012. “Flap Design Optimization for VLA by Incorporating Airworthiness Constraints.” In 7th China-Japan-Korea Joint Symposium on Optimization of Structural and Mechanical Systems, Huangshan, China.
Park, Jinhwan, Maxim Tyan, Nhu Van Nguyen, Sangho Kim, and Jae-Woo Lee. 2013a. “Flap Design Optimization for KLA100 Aircraft in Compliance with Airworthiness Certification.” In 2013 KSAS Spring Conference, Gangwon-Do, Rep. of Korea.
———. 2013b. “Light Aircraft High-Lift Device Design Optimization in Compliance with Certification Regulations.” In The 50th International Conference on Law and Policy in Air and Space Field. Seoul, Korea.
Pham, Vinh, Mukyeom Kim, Nadhie Juliawan, Maxim Tyan, Jae-Woo Lee, and Sangho Kim. 2019. “Data Fusion Technique for Noisy and Multi-Fidelity Data Processing in Support of Accurate Flight Simulation.” In KSAS 2019 Fall Conference. Jeju, Korea.
Pham, Vinh, Mukyeom Kim, LV Thang Nguyen, Maxim Tyan, and Jae-Woo Lee. 2019. “Improved Aerodynamic Data Fusion Techniques Using Local Fidelity Method for Accurate Flight Simulation.” In 2019 KSAS Spring Conference. Gangwon-do, Korea.
Pham, Vinh, Mukyeom Kim, Maxim Tyan, and Jae-Woo Lee. 2018. “A Multi-Level Kriging Approach for Variable Fidelity Aerodynamic Database Construction.” In 2018 KSAS Fall Conference. Jejudo, Rep. of Korea.
———. 2020. “Development of Advanced Data Fusion Techniques for Data Processing in Support of High-Fidelity Flight Simulation.” In Proceedings of the Asian Congress of Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization. Seoul, Korea.
Pham, Vinh, Chi-ho Lee, LV Thang Nguyen, Maxim Tyan, and Jae-Woo Lee. 2022. “Development of Advanced Surrogated-Based Data Fusion Approach for Aerodynamic Database Construction.” In AIAA Aviation, 9. Chicago, IL.
Pham, Vinh, LV Thang Nguyen, Nadhie Juliawan, Maxim Tyan, Jae-Woo Lee, and Sangho Kim. 2020a. “Multi-Fidelity Metamodel Network Method for Complex Engineering Data Processing Problems in Support of Accurate Flight Simulation.” In 한국항공우주학회 2020 춘계학술대회 논문집. Gangwon-do, Korea.
———. 2020b. “Repetitively Enhanced Multi-Fidelity Modelling Network Method for Complex Engineering Data Processing Problems in Support of Accurate Flight Simulation.” In Proceedings of the Spring Conference of The Korean Society for Aeronautical and Space SciencesProceedings of the Spring Conference of The Korean Society for Aeronautical and Space Sciences. Gangwondo, Korea.
Seong, Dong-Gyu, Maxim Tyan, Sangho Kim, and Jae-Woo Lee. 2019. “Flying-Wing Type UAV Design Optimization By Incorporating Flight Stability Constraints.” In Asia Pacific International Symposium on Aerospace Technology. Gold Coast, Australia.
Seong, Dong-Gyu, Maxim Tyan, and Jae-Woo Lee. 2019. “전익기형 무인기의 안정성 확보를 위한 형상 최적화 (Design Optimization of a Flying Wing UAV to Secure Aicrat Stability).” In KSAS 2019 Fall Conference. Jeju, Korea.
Thu, Zin W., Jae-Hyun Ahn, Jae-Lyun Lee, Do-Youn Kwon, Yeon-Ju Choi, Woon-Jae Won, Maxim Tyan, and Jae-Woo Lee. 2022. “Enhanced Performance Prediction of Hydrogen Fuel Cell Powered EVTOL UAV.” In AIAA AVIATION 2022 Forum. AIAA AVIATION Forum. American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics.
Tyan, Maxim, Abdulaziz Azamatov, Jae-Woo Lee, Sangho Kim, and Yung-Hwan Byun. 2011a. “Light Aircraft Parametric Configuration Design.” In Innovation 2011 Conference. Tashkent, Uzbekistan.
———. 2011b. “Parametric Configuration Model for Light Aircraft.” In 2011 KSAF Spring Conference. Seoul, Korea.
Tyan, Maxim, Seong Dong-Gyu, Jae Hyun Anh, Vinh Pham, and Jae-Woo Lee. 2020. “Configuration Sizing and Optimization of a 25kg VTOL-UAV Powered by a Hydrogen Fuel Cell.” In Asian Congress of Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization 2020 (ACSMO2020). Seoul, Korea.
Tyan, Maxim, Mukyeom Kim, Vinh Pham, Cheol Kyun Choi, Nguyen Le Viet Thang, and Jae-Woo Lee. 2018. “Development of Advanced Aerodynamic Data Fusion Techniques for Flight Simulation Database Construction.” In AIAA AVIATION, 10. Atlanta, Georgia: Amer. Instit. of Aeronautics and Astronautics.
Tyan, Maxim, Sangho Kim, Jae-Woo Lee, Soo-Hyung Park, and Young-Il Jang. 2011. “Light Aircraft Configuration Development Using Advanced Design Methods.” In 2011 KSAS Fall Conference, Jejudo, Rep. of Korea.
Tyan, Maxim, Aye Aye Maw, Kwon-su Jeon, Mina Jang, and Jae-Woo Lee. 2020. “Digital Twin System for Future Urban Air Mobility. Technology Overview.” In Korean Society for Aeronautical and Space Sciences. Jeju, Korea.
Tyan, Maxim, Aye Aye Maw, LV Thang Nguyen, Gumoon Jeong, and Jae-Woo Lee. 2019. “Development of Flight Dynamics Model for Wearable Display Device Drone Flight Simulator.” In 2019 19th International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems. Jeju, Korea.
Tyan, Maxim, Daniel Neufeld, Jae-Woo Lee, and Sangho Kim. 2013. “Integrated Analysis Program Development for Light Aircraft Preliminary Design Stage.” In 2013 KSAS Spring Conference, Gangwon-Do, Rep. of Korea.
Tyan, Maxim, Nhu Van Nguyen, and Jae-Woo Lee. 2014. “Improving Variable-Fidelity Modelling by Exploring Global Design Space and RBF Networks for Airfoil Design.” In 8th China-Japan-Korea Joint Symposium on Optimization of Structural and Mechanical Systems, Gyeongju, Korea.
———. 2015. “A Flying Wing UCAV Design Optimization Using Global Variable Fidelity Modeling.” In 11th World Congress on Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization. Sydney, Australia.
———. 2016a. “Development of Adaptive Sequential Sampling Algorithm for Efficient Generation of Aerodynamic Tables.” In Asian Congress of Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization 2016. Nagasaki, Japan.
———. 2016b. “Robust Optimization of Transonic Airfoil for Generic Fighter Aircraft Using Global Variable Fidelity Modeling.” In 16th AIAA Aviation Technology, Integration, and Operations Conference. Washington, D.C.: American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics.
Tyan, Maxim, Nhu Van Nguyen, Jae-Woo Lee, Sangho Kim, and Seung Hyeog Nah. 2014. “Tailless UAV Design Using Variable Fidelity Method with Global Design Search and Radial Basis Functions Network.” In EngOpt2014, 4th International Conference on Engineering Optimization, Lisboa, Portugal.
Tyan, Maxim, Nhu Van Nguyen, Jae-Woo Lee, Sangho Kim, Seung Hyeog Nah, and Jo-Won Chang. 2014. “Unmanned Flying Wing Aircraft Design Using Variable Fidelity Modelling with Global Design Space Exploration.” In Innovation 2014 Conference, Tashkent, Uzbekistan.
Tyan, Maxim, Jin-hwan Park, Sangho Kim, and Jaewoo Lee. 2012. “Subsonic Airfoil and Flap Hybrid Optimization Using Multi-Fidelity Aerodynamic Analysis.” In 12th AIAA Aviation Technology, Integration, and Operations (ATIO) Conference and 14th AIAA/ISSMO Multidisciplinary Analysis and Optimization Conference. American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics.
———. 2013a. “Design Optimization of Subsonic Airfoil and Slotted Flap Shape Using Multi-Fidelity Aerodynamic Analysis.” In 21st AIAA Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference. San Diego, CA: American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics.
Tyan, Maxim, Jinhwan Park, Sangho Kim, and Jae-Woo Lee. 2013b. “Multi-Element Airfoil Design Optimization Process Using Multi-Fidelity Aerodynamic Analysis.” In Korean Society for Computational Fluid Engineering.
Tyan, Maxim, Jinhwan Park, Nhu-Van Nguyen, Daniel Neufeld, Sangho Kim, and Jae-Woo Lee. 2012. “Aircraft Airfoil and Flap Optimization Using Multi-Fidelity Aerodynamic Analysis.” In 12th AIAA ATIO Conference, Indianapolis, Indiana.
Won, Woon Jae, Wonkyong Kim, Maxim Tyan, and Jae-Woo Lee. 2022. “EVTOL 항공기의 착륙장치 지상하중해석 기법 연구.” In Proceedings of the Spring Conference of The Korean Society for Aeronautical and Space Sciences. Gangwon-do, Korea.
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