Markus Reisenleitner : Curriculum Vitae
General information
Below is a list of my publications and presentations. You can find a full academic c.v. in PDF format here.
Books authored
Ingram, Susan, and Markus Reisenleitner. 2013. Wiener Chic: A Locational History of Vienna Fashion. Urban Chic. Bristol: Intellect.
———. 2018. L.A. Chic: A Locational History of Los Angeles Fashion. Bristol: Intellect ; University of Chicago Press.
Lutter, Christina, and Markus Reisenleitner. 2008. Cultural Studies: eine Einführung [Cultural Studies: an Introduction]. Vol. 6. Vienna: Turia + Kant.
Reisenleitner, Markus. 1992. Die Produktion historischen Sinnes : Mittelalterrezeption im deutschsprachigen historischen Trivialroman vor 1848. Europäische Hochschulschriften. Reihe I, Deutsche Sprache und Literatur, Bd. 1338 = Publications universitaires européennes. Série I, Langue et littérature allemandes ; vol. 1338 = European university studies. Series I, German language and literature ; vol. 1338. Frankfurt am Main ; New York: P. Lang.
———. 2000. Frühe Neuzeit, Reformation und Gegenreformation: Darstellung, Forschungsüberblick, Quellen und Literatur. Vol. 1. Handbuch zur neueren Geschichte Österreichs. Innsbruck: Studien-Verlag.
Books edited
Erlach, Daniela, Markus Reisenleitner, and Karl Vocelka, eds. 1994. Privatisierung der Triebe? Sexualität in der Frühen Neuzeit. Frühneuzeit-Studien, Bd. 1. Frankfurt am Main ; New York: P. Lang.
Ingram, Susan, and Markus Reisenleitner. 2003. Placing History: Themed Environments, Urban Consumption and the Public Entertainment Sphere. Vienna: Turia&Kant.
Ingram, Susan, Markus Reisenleitner, and Cornelia Szabó-Knotik, eds. 2001. Identität. Kultur. Raum: Kulturelle Praktiken Und Die Ausbildung von Imagined Communities in Nordamerika Und Zentraleuropa. Vienna: Turia+Kant.
Ingram, Susan, Markus Reisenleitner, and Cornelia Szabo-Knotik, eds. 2002. Reverberations : Representations of Modernity, Tradition and Cultural Value in-between Central Europe and North America. Frankfurt am Main ; New York: P. Lang.
———, eds. 2004. Ports of Call : Central European and North American Culture/s in Motion. New York: Peter Lang.
Ingram, Susan, Markus Reisenleitner, and Cornelia Szabó-Knotik, eds. 2005. Floodgates – Technologies, Cultural Ex/Change and the Persistence of Central Europe. New York; Frankfurt/M.; Vienna: P. Lang.
Morris, Meaghan, Markus Reisenleitner, and Caroline Turner, eds. 2008. Interasia Cultural Studies Special Issue: Urban Imaginaries in the Asia-Pacific. Urban Imaginaries. Routledge.
Reisenleitner, Markus, and Susan Ingram, eds. 2012. Historical Textures of Translation: Traditions, Traumas, Transgressions. Vienna: mille tre.
Book chapters
Erlach, Daniela, and Markus Reisenleitner. 1994. “A Prosopographical Onscreen Manual of the Austro Bohemian Nobility in the Early Modern Period.” In Storia e Multimedia: Atti Del / Proceedings of the Settimo Congresso Internazionale / Seventh International Congress Association for History and Computing, 161–70. Bologna: Grafis Edizioni.
———. 1995. “A Relational Approach to Computer Based Studies of Genealogy, Family Patterns and Social Bonding.” In Structures and Contingencies in Computerized Historical Research. Proceedings of the 9th International Conference of the Association for History and Computing, edited by Onno Boonstra, Geurt Collenteur, and Bart van Elderen, 199–207. Hilversum: Verloren.
Fischer, Wladimir, Karl Heinz, Markus Reisenleitner, and Vlasta Vales. 1997. “Sprache als Handlung und Träger sozialer Identität.” In Ästhetik und Ideologie – Aneignung und Sinngebung – Abgrenzung und Ausblick, 191–202. Vienna: Bundesministerium für Wissenschaft, Verkehr und Kunst.
Ingram, Susan, and Markus Reisenleitner. 2012. “‘Sodom Und Gommorha’ (1922), ‘I Love Vienna’ (1991), ‘Before Sunrise’ (1995).” In Film Locations: Vienna, edited by Robert Dassanowsky, 12–13; 94–95; 98–99. Bristol: Intellect Books.
———. 2014. “Zero History: William Gibson’s Post-Geographical Global Concerns.” In Literatures in English: New Ethical, Cultural and Transnational Perspectives, edited by Michael Kenneally, Rhona Kenneally Richman, and Wolfgang Zach, 191–203. SECL Studies in English and Comparative Literature 23. Tübingen: Stauffenberg.
———. 2016. “Hong Kong: Reflection on the City of Disappearence.” In Locations: Anthology of Architecture and Urbanism, edited by Kazi Khaleed Ashraf, 1:226–33. Khilkhet, Dhaka; Novato CA: ORO Editions.
Reisenleitner, Markus. 1990. “Ritterbild und Mittelalter Rezeption von der Aufklärung bis zur Gegenwart.” In Die Ritter, 164–74. Burgenländische Forschungen; Sonderband 8. Eisenstadt: Amt der Burgenländischen Landesregierung, Landesarchiv Landesbibliothek.
———. 1994. “Der Umgang der modernen Kulturgeschichtsschreibung mit Intertextualität in der Frühen Neuzeit.” In Intertextualität in der frühen Neuzeit: Studien zu ihren theoretischen und praktischen Perspektiven, edited by Wilhelm Kühlmann and Wolfgang Neuber, 1–30. Frühneuzeit-Studien; 2. Frankfurt/M; New York: P. Lang.
———. 1999. “History and Computing.” In Frauen in der Musikwissenschaft: Dokumentation des internationalen Workshops Wien 1998 = Women in musicology, edited by Markus Grassl and Cornelia Szabó-Knotik, 127–32. Vienna: Univ. für Musik, Lehrkanzel für Musikgeschichte [u.a.].äge.
———. 2001a. “Austria: To 1918.” In Censorship: A World Encyclopedia, 147–50. London; Chicago: Fitzroy Dearborn.
———. 2001b. “»Des Pudels Goldener Kern«: Legitimate Theater and Notions of European Culture in Dawson City, Yukon.” In Identität. Kultur. Raum: Kulturelle Praktiken Und Die Ausbildung von Imagined Communities in Nordamerika Und Zentraleuropa, edited by Susan Ingram, Markus Reisenleitner, and Cornelia Szabó-Knotik, 257–67. Vienna: Turia+Kant.
———. 2001c. “Grillparzer.” In Censorship: A World Encyclopedia, edited by Derek Jones, 990–91. London; Chicago: Fitzroy Dearborn.
———. 2001d. “Karl Kraus.” In Censorship: A World Encyclopedia, 1357–58. London; Chicago: Fitzroy Dearborn.
———. 2001e. “Karlsbad Resolutions.” In Censorship: A World Encyclopedia, edited by Derek Jones, 1317–18. London; Chicago: Fitzroy Dearborn.
———. 2002. “Beach-Haus vs. Traum(a) Factory: The L.A. Experience through Central European Eyes.” In Reverberations: Representations of Modernity, Tradition and Cultural Value In-Between Central Europe and North America, edited by Susan Ingram, Markus Reisenleitner, and Cornelia Szabo-Knotik, 241–58. Frankfurt am Main; New York: P. Lang.
———. 2003a. “Imaginationen von Los Angeles zwischen Ramonaland und noir-Apokalyptik.” In Placing History: Themed Environments, Urban Consumption and the Public Entertainment Sphere, 223–40. Vienna: Turia&Kant.
———. 2003b. “Once upon a Time: The Commodification of the Middle Ages in German Trivialromane around 1800.” In Placing History: Themed Environments, Urban Consumption and the Public Entertainment Sphere, 65–81. Vienna: Turia&Kant.
———. 2003c. “Public Entertainment and the Construction of a Public Entertainment Sphere in Nineteenth-Century Vienna.” In Placing History: Themed Environments, Urban Consumption and the Public Entertainment Sphere, 17–31. Vienna: Turia&Kant.
———. 2003d. “The American Traveling Detective and the Exotic City: Pépé Le Moko, Macao and The Third Man.” In Ports of Call: Central European and North American Culture/s in Motion, 259–68. Frankfurt/M.: P. Lang.
———. 2006. “Stuart Hall (*1932). Identitätsrouten Ohne Garantien.” In Culture Club II Klassiker Der Kulturtheorie, 312–28. Frankfurt a.M.: Suhrkamp.
———. 2007a. “Beyond Bildung: The ‘Disciplinarity and Dissent’ of Cultural Studies in the Global Managerial Academy.” In Hyphenated Histories : Articulations of Central European Bildung and Slavic Studies in the Contemporary Academy, edited by Andrew Colin Gow, 19–41. Leiden ; Boston: Brill.
———. 2007b. “There’s No Place Like Charmed: Domesticity, the Uncanny, and the Utopian Potential of the City.” In Investigating Charmed: The Magic Power of TV, 143–65. London; New York: L.B.Tauris.
———. 2008. “Das Belvedere – ein Palast mit Ausblick: Europäische Geschichte und Gedächtnis im urbanen Raum.” In Wien und seine Wienerinnen. Ein historischer Streifzug durch Wien über die Jahrhunderte, 355–72. Wien; Köln; Weimar: Böhlau.
———. 2010. “Gibson Country: Global City-Spaces in the North-American Imaginary of Pattern Recognition and Spook Country.” In The Canadian Mosaic in the Age of Transnationalism, edited by Brigitte Glaser and Jutta Ernst, 229–40. Heidelberg: Winter.
———. 2012a. “Translating the Past, Digitally: Nostalgia, the City and the Digital Image in Peter Jackson’s King Kong (2005) and Baz Luhrmann’s Australia (2008).” In Historical Textures of Translation: Traditions, Traumas, Transgressions, edited by Susan Ingram and Markus Reisenleitner, 175–83. Vienna: Mille Tre.
———. 2012b. “‘Under the Bridges/ Unter Den Brücken’ (1944-45), ‘Octopussy’ (1983), ‘The Bourne Supremacy’ (2004), ‘Thunder Perfect Mind’ (2005).” In Film Locations: Berlin, edited by Susan Ingram, 36–37; 74–75; 96–97; 110–11. Bristol: Intellect Books.
———. 2013. “Can(n)Ons of Accountability and the University 2.0: Knowledge Production and Research in Interdisciplinary Humanities and Cultural Studies under the Conditions of Global Knowledge Economies.” In Die Rückkehr Der Denkmäler: Aktuelle Retrospektive Tendenzen Der Musikwissenschaft, edited by Markus Grassl and Cornelia Szabó-Knotik, 6:13–26. Musikkontext. Vienna: milletre.
———. 2014a. “Runrig’s Celtic Revival: Folk-Rock, the Gaelic Language, and the Cultural Politics of the Scottish Islands.” In Musik und Erinnern: Festschrift für Cornelia Szabó-Knotik, edited by Christian Glanz and Anita Mayer-Hirzberger, 273–85. Vienna: Hollitzer.
———. 2014b. “‘The Company of Strangers’: Urban Cultural Diversity and Colonial Connections in Twentieth-Century Popular Fiction and Cinema.” In Cartographies of Place: Navigating the Urban, edited by Michael Darroch and Janine Marchessault, 203–16. Montréal: McGill-Queen’s University Press.
———. 2016a. “Heimat on the Range vs. Kosmo Noir: Edgar Wallace, Karl May, and Post-Second World War German Cinematic Translations of Anglo-American Popular Culture.” In Translation and Translating in German Studies A Festschrift for Raleigh Whitinger., edited by John L Plews and Diana Spokiene, 147–59. Waterloo, Ont.: Wilfrid Laurier Univ Pr.
———. 2016b. “Resetting the Clock: Theme Parks, New Urbanism, and Smart Cities.” In A Reader in Themed and Immersive Spaces, edited by Scott A Lukas, 279–87. Pittsburgh PA: Carnegie Mellon ETC Press.
———. 2017. “From Europe’s Early Iron Age to a New Urbanist Shanzhai Village: Themed Environments, Global Property Markets, and the Role of Hallstatt’s Cultural Lineage.” In The Changing Place of Europe in Global Memory Cultures: Usable Pasts and Futures, edited by Christina Kraenzle and Maria Mayr, 201–19. Cham: Springer International Publishing.
———. 2018. “Noir Transgressions: Bending Gender, Ethnicity, and Style in Recent LA Fiction and Film.” In Transgressions / Transformations: Literature and Beyond, edited by Brigitte Johanna Glaser and Wolfgang Zach, 25:209–18. SECL Studies in English and Comparative Literature. Tübingen: Stauffenberg.
———. 2019. “From Hippies to Hipsters: Urban Gentrification and Memories of the Counterculture.” In Geschichte und Gerechtigkeit, edited by Aleida Assmann, Jan Assmann, and Oliver Rathkolb, 231–35. Vienna: LIT.
———. 2020a. “Canadian Comparative Literature in Bits: The Impact of Open Access and Electronic Publication Formats.” In Comparative Literature in Canada: Contemporary Scholarship, Pedagogy, and Publishing in Review, edited by Susan Ingram and Irene Sywenky, 237–47. London: Lexington Books.
———. 2020b. “Narrativising the Connection of Lifestyle and Cultural Imperialism: William Finnegan’s Barbarian Days: A Surfing Life.” In Transcending Boundaries: Migrations, Dislocations, and Literary Transformations, edited by Igor Maver, Wolfgang Zach, and Astrid Flögel, 325–36. Studies in English and Comparative Literature. Tübingen: Stauffenburg Verlag.
———. 2021. “Cultural Studies in Österreich – ein (Rück-)blick aus Kanada.” In Cultural Studies revisited Nordlicht/Revontulet - Aufbruch in Österreich und internationale Entwicklung., edited by Johanna Dorer, Roman Horak, and Matthias Marschik, 253–62. Wiesbaden: Springer.
Reisenleitner, Markus, and Karl Vocelka. 1992. “Die Kultur des Adels der Habsburgermonarchie in der Frühen Neuzeit / Plemiska kultura v habsburski monarhiji v zgodnjem novem veku.” In Begegnung zwischen Orient und Okzident / Srecanje z Jutrovim Na Ptujsekm Gradu, 37–42. Ptuj: Ptuj Museum.
———. 1994. “Tourismus: geisteswissenschaftliche Ausbildung und Einsatzmöglichkeiten.” In Neuland: berufliche Horizonte fuur Geistes- und SozialwissenschaftlerInnen, edited by Gabriele Schuster, 43–50. Vienna: Wiener Universitätsverlag.
Journal articles
Editors, The, and Markus Reisenleitner. 2004. “Of Networks, Submerged Histories and the New (Central) Europe.” Spacesofidentity.
Ingram, Susan, and Markus Reisenleitner. 2001. “Imagining Modern Vienna: Two Recent Exhibitions.” Spacesofidentity 1 (2).
———. 2006. “Polarizing Avalon: The European Virtuosity and Global Virtuality of Mamoru Oshii’s Filmic Imaginary.” New Cinemas: Journal of Contemporary Film 4 (2): 129–38.
———. 2008. “The Identity-Producing Spaces of Hong Kong: Reflections on Ackbar Abbas’s City of Disappearance.” Spacesofidentity.
———. 2014. “Faking Translation in Hallstatt: A Visit to Hallstatt Revisited I.” TranscUlturAl: A Journal of Translation and Cultural Studies 6 (1): 43–52.
Lutter, Christina, and Markus Reisenleitner. 2001. “Cultural Studies in Österreich.” L’Homme. Zeitschrift für feministische Geschichtswissenschaft 12 (2): 353–55.
———. 2002a. “Introducing History (in)to Cultural Studies: Some Remarks on the German-Speaking Context.” Cultural Studies 16 (611–630).
———. 2002b. “Post/Colonial Studies Und/Oder Cultural Studies’? Oder: ‘Ist Diese Frage Wirklich Wichtig?” Kakanien Revisitied.
Morris, Meaghan, Markus Reisenleitner, and Caroline Turner. 2008. “Editorial Introduction.” Inter-Asia Cultural Studies 12:319–20.
Reisenleitner, Markus. 1990a. “Die Bedeutung der Werke und Theorien Norbert Elias’ für die Erforschung der Frühen Neuzeit.” Frühneuzeit info 1 (1.2): 47–57.
———. 1990b. “Wege zum Adel: Theoretische Zugänge zur Kultur einer Elite.” Frühneuzeit info 1 (1.2): 28–37.
———. 1992. “Kulturgeschichte auf der Suche nach dem Sinn. Überlegungen zum Einfluß poststrukturalistischer Theoriebildung auf moderne Kulturgeschichtsschreibung.” Österreichische Zeitschrift für Geschichtswissenschaften 3 (1): 7–30.
———. 1999. “Habsburgische Höfe in der Frühen Neuzeit – Entwicklungslinien und Forschungsprobleme.” Opera Historica. Editio Universitatis Bohemiae Meridionalis, 97–114.
———. 2001a. “Reluctance, Modernity’s Curse: A Review of Ales Debeljak’s ‘Reluctant Modernity: The Institution of Art and Its Historical Forms.’” Spacesofidentity 1 (4).
———. 2001b. “Tradition, Cultural Boundaries and the Construction of Spaces of Identities.” Spacesofidentity.Net 1 (1): 7–13.
———. 2002a. “Central European Culture in Search of a Theory, or: The Lure of ‘Post/Colonial Studies.” Spacesofidentity.
———. 2002b. “Institutionalizing Cultural Studies in Austria: A View from Afar.” Cultural Studies 16 (6): 896–907.
———. 2003. “Slashing Postcolonial Studies, or: Why This Debate Still Bothers Me. A Response to Clemens Ruthner’s ‘K.u.K. “Kolonialismus” Als Befund, Befindlichkeit Und Metapher.’” Spacesofidentity.
———. 2006a. “A Palace with a View: Imagining Europe in the Baroque City.” Spacesofidentity 6 (2): 167–84.
———. 2006b. “On the Road Again: Globalizing Humanities.” Spacesofidentity.
———. 2013. “Accounting for Scholarship in the University 2.0: Knowledge Production and Dissemination under the Conditions of Global Knowledge Economies.” Seminar: A Journal of Germanic Studies 49 (1): 9–14.
———. 2014. “It’s a Kind of Magic: Situating Nostalgia for Technological Progress and the Occult in Guy Ritchie’s Sherlock Holmes.” Imaginations: Journal of Cross-Cultural Image Studies (ARCHIVES) 5 (1): 122–34.
———. 2018. “Ruts of Gentrification: Breaking the Surface of Vienna’s Changing Cityscape.” Media Theory 2 (1): 281–306.
Reisenleitner, Markus, Andrea Scheichl, Peter Stenitzer, and Karl Vocelka. 1992. “Studien zur Mentalitäts und Wirtschaftsgeschichte – Geschichte des Adels der Frühen Neuzeit in der Habsburgermonarchie.” Opera Historica. Editio Universitatis Bohemiae Meridionalis 2:34–37.
Reisenleitner, Markus, and Karl Vocelka. 1993. “Höfe und Residenzen des Adels in den österreichischen Ländern im 16. und zu Beginn des 17. Jahrhunderts.” Opera Historica. Editio Universitatis Bohemiae Meridionalis 3:47–60.
Book translations
Abbas, Ackbar. 2013. Hongkong: Kultur und die Politik des Verschwindens. Translated by Susan Ingram and Markus Reisenleitner. Vienna: Löcker.
Donald, James. 2005. Vorstellungswelten moderner Urbanität. Translated by Susan Ingram and Markus Reisenleitner. Vienna: Löcker.
Fiske, John. 2003. Lesarten des populären. Translated by Stefan Erdei, Christina Lutter, and Markus Reisenleitner. Vienna: Löcker.
Invited Presentations
Ingram, Susan, and Markus Reisenleitner. 2023. “Digitizing Intangible Heritage beyond the Database: A Question of Listening.” Conference presentation presented at the Forschung zum kulturellen Erbe im digitalen Zeitalter, Austrian Centre for Digital Humanities and Cultural Heritage at the Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna, October 24.
Reisenleitner, Markus. 1993. “Aristocratic Elites in the Habsburg Lands in the Early Modern Period.” Presented at the Department of History, University of London, London, UK, November.
———. 1997. “Language Use as Solidarity and Division in the Early Modern Period.” Presented at the Institute for Early Modern Studies, Vienna, Austria, Vienna, Austria, January.
———. 1999a. “Cultural Hegemony and Popular Theatre.” Presented at the Department of History, Florida International University, Miami, Miami, FL, October.
———. 1999b. “Music and Culture in Fin- de- Siècle Vienna: The Image of a Period.” Presented at the Departments of Music and History, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, SK, September.
———. 1999c. “Social Control and Cultural Hegemony in Viennese Popular Theatre, 1780-- 1848.” Presented at the Department of History, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, April.
———. 2000. “Tradition, Cultural Boundaries and the Construction of Spaces of Identity in Central Europe.” Presented at the Florida International University, Miami FL, Miami, FL, October.
———. 2001a. “Imaginationen von Los Angeles Zwischen Ramonaland Und Noir- Apokalyptik.” Presented at the University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria, June.
———. 2001b. “Once upon a Time: The Commodification of the Middle Ages in German *Trivialromane* around 1800.” Presented at the University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, March.
———. 2002. “Taming Metro- Mazes: Cities in the Popular Imagination.” Presented at the Lingnan University, Hong Kong, September.
———. 2003a. “Cultural Studies, World Cities and Globalization.” Presented at the Center for Cultural Studies, L’viv National University, L’viv, Ukraine, June.
———. 2003b. “Situating Cultural Studies in Academic and National Contexts.” Presented at the Center for Cultural Studies, L’viv National University, L’viv, Ukraine, June.
———. 2003c. “The Chicago Columbian and the City Beautiful Movement.” Presented at the University of Victoria, Victoria, BC, February.
———. 2003d. “The City, The Colony and the Criminal: Transgression and Containment of Space in *Pepe Le Moko, Macao and The Third Man*.” Presented at the Lingnan University, Hong Kong, February.
———. 2003e. “World History and Postcolonial Studies.” Presented at the Department of History, University of Vienna, Austria, Vienna, Austria, June.
———. 2005a. “Humboldt’s Heritage? Humanist Erudition, Liberal Arts, and Cultural Studies in the Global Academy.” Presented at the Lecture, Canadian Centre for German and European Studies, York University, Toronto, ON, October.
———. 2005b. “What the Walls Remember: Sites of Memory in the Urban Environment.” Presented at the Institute for Humanities and Social Sciences, Lingnan University, Hong Kong, March.
———. 2007. “Hong Kong Global, Toronto Unlimited: Local Lifeworlds, Cultural Plurality and Urban Experience in the Global Metropolis.” Presented at the Wiener Vorlesung [public lecture organized by the Mayor of Vienna], Vienna City Hall, Vienna, Austria, June.
———. 2009. “A Question of Residence: Early Modern Court Society and the Urban Texture of Contemporary Vienna.” Presented at the Florida International University, sponsored by the Miami- Florida European Union Center of Excellence, the European Studies Program at FIU, and the Department of History Graduate Student Association (DOHGSA) at FIU, Miami, FL, November.
———. 2010a. “Keynote: Can(n)Ons of Accountability and the University 2.0: Knowledge Production and Research in Interdisciplinary Humanities and Cultural Studies under the Conditions of Global Knowledge Economies.” Presented at the International symposium “The Return of Monuments: Current Retrospective Tendencies in Musicology,” Vienna, Austria, December 1.
———. 2010b. “Pop and Politics before / after the Crisis.” Presented at the IFK Podium Roundtable with Lawrence Grossberg and Karin Harrasser, University of Applied Arts and University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria, April.
———. 2013a. “Musealizing Art, Style and Fashion Avant- Gardes? Curatorial Practices and Cultural Memory in Vienna’s Museum Für Angewandte Kunst.” Presented at the Transnational Memory Workshop, Memorial University, St. John’s, NFL, May 2.
———. 2013b. “Old and New Guards: Fashion in Vienna’s Museums.” Presented at the Fashion Research Group, Ryerson University and York University, Toronto, ON, June 26.
———. 2013c. “The Schindler- Chase House and L.A. Modernist Architecture.” Presented at the Meeting the Urbanization Challenge, Los Angeles, CA, October 12.
———. 2015a. “Interdisciplinarity in the Digital Episteme.” Presented at the “New Directions for Humanities Graduate Education”, Jackman Humanities Institute and School of Graduate Studies, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, April 16.
———. 2015b. “Spaces of Translation in the Digital Episteme: Digital Humanities Approaches to Literature, the Environment, and the Archive." CRLCC Translation Research Summer School 2015: Translation, Language, and Place.” Presented at the York University, Toronto, ON, June 23.
———. 2016. “Changing Urban Imaginaries: Topographies of Mobility, History and Culture in Smart Cities and New Urbanism.” Presented at the York University, Toronto, ON, January 12.
———. 2017. “Die Geschichte: ein Zivilisationsprozess?” Presented at the Wiener Vorlesung (public lecture organized by the Mayor of Vienna], ORF RadioKulturhaus, Vienna, Austria, March 15.
———. 2018a. “California’s Counterculture Turns 180 Degrees South: Obsessively Documenting Drop- Outs While Saving the Planet.” Presented at the Obama Institute for Transnational American Studies, University of Mainz, Mainz, Germany, June 20.
———. 2018b. “Liminal Memories of the Beaches: Hawaiian Surf Culture as America’s Contact Zone in William Finnegan’s <em>Barbarian Days: A Surfing Life</Em>.” Presented at the Transcending Boundaries: Migrations, Dislocations, and Literary Transformations, Centre for the International Study of Literatures in English, Ljubljana, Slovenia, July 17.
———. 2019. “Counterculture on the Move: Routes of US Imperialism and Imaginaries of Escape.” Presented at the Keynote, Literary and Cultural Discourses of Mobility, University of Göttingen, Göttingen, Germany, October 16.
———. 2021. “Journal Typsetting and Galley Production.” Presentation presented at the York Digital Journals workgroup, York University (online), May 18.
———. 2022a. “Mobilizing Cultural Studies Lineages to Challenge Anglocentrism in Intercultural Communication.” Keynote presented at the INTERSECT: Communication, Culture, Community, October 28.
———. 2022b. “Rolling Up the Sidewalk: Toronto Tech Tribulations.” Keynote presented at the Toronto Chic Symposium, Toronto, September 30.
N.d. In .
Conference Papers
“Albert Lin – Explorer, Innovator, and Philosopher - DR. ALBERT YU-MIN LIN.” n.d. Accessed November 27, 2024.
Erlach, Daniela, and Markus Reisenleitner. 1992. “Databases as Prerequisites of Research in the Early Modern Period.” Presented at the Renaissance ’92: A Question of Documentation, University of Toronto.
———. 1994. “A Relational Approach to Computer-Based Studies of Genealogy, Family and Social Bonding.” Presented at the International Conference of the Association for History and Computing: Structures and Contingencies in Computerized Historical Research, Njmegen, Netherlands.
Reisenleitner, Markus. 1992. “Possibilities of Data Modelling and Data Preparation in the Historical Sciences.” Presented at the International Conference of the Association for History and Computing: Storia&Multimedia, Bologna, Italy, August.
———. 1995a. “Computer-Aided Statistical Analysis of Data on the Musical Life of Associations in the 19th Century.” Presented at the Hummel Foundation, Bratislava, Slovak Republic, October.
———. 1995b. “Cultural Traditions in Central Europe: Possibilities of a Networked Historical Database.” Presented at the University of Music and Dramatic Arts, Vienna, Austria, March.
———. 1995c. “Network Analysis and Genealogical Studies.” Presented at the Jubilee Conference of the Genealogical Society Adler, Vienna, Austria, October.
———. 1995d. “The Nobility as a Strategic Elite in the Habsburg Monarchy in the 16th Century.” Presented at the Sixteenth Century Studies Conference, San Francisco, CA, October.
———. 1996. “Language Use as Social Action and as a Carrier of Social Identity.” Presented at the Austrian Historians’ Conference, Vienna, Austria, December.
———. 1997a. “Cultural Traditions in Central Europe.” Presented at the International Congress of the International Musicological Society, London, UK, August.
———. 1997b. “Interactivity and the Presentation of Music History.” Presented at the Anniversary Conference of the Department for Music History at the University of Music and Performing Arts, Vienna, Austria, December.
———. 1997c. “Music and Dance on Screen: The Opportunities of New Media.” Presented at the International Federation of Television Archives Conference: Television Archives: Between Cultural Heritage and Profit Centres, Budapest, Hungary, September.
———. 1997d. “Possibilities and Limitations of Multimedia Productions.” Presented at the International Conference of the Association for History and Computing: The Dissemination of Knowledge, Glasgow, Scotland, June.
———. 1997e. “The Methodology of Media Culture: Internet / CD-ROM / Paper.” Presented at the Symposium Culture -- Communication -- Technology, Triest, Italy, October.
———. 1998. “Writing the History of Minorities: The Impact of Information Technologies.” Presented at the Conference: “Women in Musicology,” University of Music and Dramatic Arts, Vienna, Austria, February.
———. 1999a. “Language, Meaning and Social Identity in the Habsburg Lands.” Presented at the American Hungarian Educators’ Conference, Cleveland, Ohio, April.
———. 1999b. “Spectacular Theatre-Theatre of the Spectacular: Social Control, Cultural Hegemony and Symbolic Resistance in the Popular Theatre of Vienna, 1780--1848.” Presented at the Annual Conference of the Group for Early Modern Cultural Studies, Coral Gables, Coral Gables. FL, October.
———. 1999c. “Tradition, Cultural Boundaries, and the Construction of Spaces of Identity.” Presented at the Conference: “Central European Culture Today,” University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB, September.
———. 2000a. “Legitimate Theatre and Notions of European Culture in Dawson City, YK.” Presented at the Workshop Cultural Practices and the Formation of Imagined Communities, Semmering, Austria, June.
———. 2000b. “Public Entertainment and the Construction of a Public Sphere in 19th-Century Vienna: Creating a Middle Class Audience in Urban Entertainment Spaces.” Presented at the German Studies Association, Houston, TX, October.
———. 2000c. “Themed Environments and Urban Consumption.” Presented at the 3rd International Crossroads in Cultural Studies Conference, Birmingham, UK, July.
———. 2001a. “Beachhaus vs. Traum(a) Factory: The L.A. Experience Through Central European Eyes.” Presented at the University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, May.
———. 2001b. “The Theming of Urban Environments.” Presented at the Workgroup Global Cityscapes, Miami--Vienna, Miami, FL, June.
———. 2002a. “Among the Throng but Not of the Throng -- Male Subjectivity and Visions of the City.” Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Hong Kong Sociological Association, Hong Kong, November.
———. 2002b. “The American Traveling Detective and the Exotic City: *Macao*, *Algiers* and *The Third Man*.” Presented at the International Workshop “Ports of Call,” Vienna, Austria, October.
———. 2002c. “Themes and the City: Themed Environments and the Construction of Urban Imaginaries.” Presented at the organized and chaired panel at the 4th International Crossroads in Cultural Studies Conference, Tampere, Finland, July.
———. 2002d. “Visuality in Motion and the Production of Cityscapes: The Detective, the Exile and the Yuppie.” Presented at the Summer Institute for Public Criticism and Visual Culture, Hong Kong, 06/02, Hong Kong, June.
———. 2003a. “Asian Villains and the Modern Western Metropolis: The Containment of Colonial Space in Sax Rohmer’s Novels.” Presented at the 2003 Southwest/Texas Popular Culture Association Annual Conference, Albuquerque, NM, February.
———. 2003b. “Producing the Urban Experience in Popular Culture.” Presented at the International Workshop “East Asian Cities: New Cultural and Ideological Formations,” Shanghai, China, December.
———. 2003c. “Texturing Global City-Space in the Matrix of Style: Networks, Flows and Routes in William Gibson’s *Pattern Recognition*.” Presented at the International Conference “Net -- Culture -- Science,” Budapest, Hungary, December.
———. 2004a. “Hunting the Global Urban Cool in William Gibson’s Asian Imaginary.” Presented at the International Conference “Urban Imaginaries: An Asian--Pacific Research Symposium,” Hong Kong, June.
———. 2004b. “Pole-Arizing Avalon: The Persistence of European Myth in the Asian Imaginary.” Presented at the International Workshop “Floodgates,” Toronto, ON, July.
———. 2005a. “Beyond Bildung: The ‘Disciplinarity and Dissent’ of Cultural Studies in the Global Managerial Academy.” Presented at the International Conference “Hyphenated Histories, Cultural Theory and the Humanities Tradition in the Contemporary Academy,” Department of History, Classics and Religious Studies and Department of Modern Languages and Cultural Studies, University of Alberta, Edmonton, ALberta, May.
———. 2005b. “Conceptualizing a Framework for German Studies.” Presented at the DAAD Steering Committee Meeting, York University, Toronto, ON, December.
———. 2005c. “Ghost in the City: Transnational Urban Imaginaries in Cyberpunk.” Presented at the International Roundtable “Urban Imaginaries: Spatiality after Colonialism,” Australian National University, Canberra, Australia, July.
———. 2005d. “Welcome to Class Europa.” Presented at the International Conference “Cinema in Europe: Networks in Progress,” Amsterdam School for Cultural Analysis, Amsterdam, Netherlands, June.
———. 2005e. “What the Walls Remember : Sites of Memory in the Urban Environment.” March 10.
———. 2006a. “Edgar Wallace, Uncannily British: Imagining London in German Popular Cinema during the 1960s.” Presented at the Joint CCLA/CAUTG panel, Congress 2006, York University, Toronto, ON, May.
———. 2006b. “Memories of Migration.” Presented at the International Interdisciplinary Conference “Lessons from History,” Institute of Humanities and Social Sciences, Lingnan University, Hong Kong, June.
———. 2006c. “Poles of Globalization: Arthurian Myth and the Realities of the European Union in Mamoru Oshii’s *Avalon*.” Presented at the “Meaningful Marginalities: Religious Influences and Cultural Constructions,” University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, May.
———. 2007. “Limehouse, Global Trade, and Popular Culture in the Persisting Nostalgia of London’s Urban Imaginary.” Presented at the CCLA panel, Congress 2007, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, SK, May.
———. 2008a. “Chinatown Nostalgia in London’s Docklands.” Presented at the International “Crossroads” Conference in Cultural Studies, University of the West Indies, Kingston, Jamaica, July.
———. 2008b. “Gibson Country: Global City-Spaces in the North American Imaginary.” Presented at the “The Canadian Mosaic in the Age of Transnationalism”, University of Göttingen, Göttingen, Germany, July.
———. 2008c. “Virtually Flaneuring Eastern Europe and Global Imaginaries: The Streetscapes of Mamoru Oshii’s Avalon.” Presented at the Prises de Rue / Street Takes: Streets and Roads in Contemporary European Cinemas / Rues et Routes dans les cinémas européens contemporains, McGill University, Montréal, September.
———. 2009a. “Londonland’s Nodality Between New Age and New Media: William Gibson’s and Dan Brown’s Global Geographies of London’s Bestselling Urban Imaginary.” Presented at the Literary London 2009: Representations of London in Literature," Queen Mary University, London, UK, July.
———. 2009b. “The Sky Is the Limit: CGI Space, Animated Cities, and Digital Nostalgia for the Future in *The Sky Crawlers* (2008) and *Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow* (2004).” Presented at the CCLA panel, Congress 2009, Carleton University, Ottawa, ON, May.
———. 2009c. “The Sky Is the Limit: CGI Space, Animated Cities, and Digital Nostalgia for the Future in *The Sky Crawlers* (2008) and *Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow* (2004).” Presented at the Popular Culture Association International Meeting, Turku, Finland, July.
———. 2010a. “Digital Nostalgia in Cinematic Urban Imaginaries.” Presented at the China and the West: Cosmopolitics, Memory and Visual Media in the 21st Century, Hong Kong, June.
———. 2010b. “Exploring Urban Imaginaries: Cities of Memory and Nostalgia as Objects of Study in Visual Culture, Cultural History and Comparative Literature.” Presented at the International Comparative Literature Association Conference, Seoul, Korea, August.
———. 2010c. “It’s a Kind of Magic: Situating the Nostalgia for Technological Progress and the Occult in London’s Urban Imaginary.” Presented at the International Crossroads in Cultural Studies Conference, Hong Kong, June.
———. 2010d. “Reimagining the Urban Future as Nostalgic Pasts: War and Its Digital Reconstruction in *The Sky Crawlers* (2008) and *Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow* (2004).” Presented at the ACLA Annual Meeting, New Orleans, April.
———. 2010e. “Translating the Past, Digitally: Nostalgia, the City and the Digital Image in Peter Jackson’s *King Kong* (2005) and Baz Luhrmann’s *Australia* (2008).” Presented at the CCLA panel, Congress 2010, Concordia University, Montréal, QB, May.
———. 2011a. “History, Memory and the Digital Image.” Presented at the ACLA Annual Meeting, Vancouver, BC, April.
———. 2011b. “Red Indians and the Yellow Peril Against a Noir Backdrop: Post-WWII Cinematic Reconstructions of German Popular Memory.” Presented at the CCLA panel, Congress 2011, Fredericton, NB, May.
———. 2011c. “Zero History for Monolinguals: William Gibson’s Global Concerns.” Presented at the CISLE conference, Literatures in English: New Ethical, Cultural, and Transnational Perspectives, Concordia University, Montréal, QC, July.
———. 2012a. “Accounting for Scholarship in the University 2.0: Knowledge Production and Dissemination under the Conditions of Global Knowledge Economies.” Presented at the CCLA/CAUTG panel, Congress 2012, Waterloo, ON, May.
———. 2012b. “Comments on Mundane Music on the Move. Interactions of Balkan Folklore and Electronic Music.” Presented at the Crossroads 2012 International Conference in Cultural Studies, Paris, France, July 2.
———. 2012c. “Policing Murky Depths and Glowing Peaks: Competing Imaginaries of Central European Crossroads in *SOKO Kitzbühel and SOKO Donau*.” Presented at the Trans-Aesthetics: Crossing Central Europe," Wirth Institute for Austrian and Central European Studies, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, April.
———. 2012d. “Policing Murky Depths: *SOKO Donau* and *The Border*.” Presented at the Crossroads 2012 International Conference in Cultural Studies, Paris, France, July 2.
———. 2012e. “Take This Waltz: Negotiations of Vienna’s Urban Imaginary in Fashion Exhibits.” Presented at the Fashion Tales 2012: 13th International Conference of ModaCult -- Center for the Study of Fashion and of Cultural Production of the Università Cattolica of Milan, Milan, Italy, June 7.
———. 2013a. “A Peripheral View of Theory Effects and/on Comparative Literature in the Global Academy.” Presented at the ACL(x) / E(x)amine, Pennsylvania State University, State College, PA, September 27.
———. 2013b. “How App-Osite: Fashioning the City on Mobile Devices.” Conference presentation presented at the American Comparative Literature Association, Toronto, April.
———. 2013c. “Musealizing Art, Style and Fashion Avant-Gardes: Curatorial Practices and Cultural Memory in Vienna’s Museum of Applied Arts.” Presented at the Conference ASAP/5: Arts of the City, Wayne State University, Detroit, MI, October 3.
———. 2013d. “Pedagogy, Visualized: Transforming the Foundation Classroom Lecture for Moodle.” Presented at the Teaching in Focus Workshop, Teaching Commons, York University, Toronto, ON, May 23.
———. 2013e. “Placing Fashion in the City with Zero History.” Presented at the Literary London 2013, University of London, London, UK, May 17.
———. 2013f. “Thunder Perfect Mind: The Gnostic Flaneur Does Berlin.” Conference presentation presented at the “EUPOP 2013”: International Institute for Popular Culture, Turku, Finland, August.
———. 2014a. “From Europe’s Early Iron Age to a Shanzhai Village: Themed Environments, Global Property Markets, and the Role of Hallstatt’s Cultural Legacy.” Conference presentation presented at the Usable Pasts and Futurities: The Changing Place of Europe in Global Memory Cultures, Toronto, May 23.
———. 2014b. “Pueblo and Hollywood, the Pacific Rim and the World: Re-Fashionings of LA’s Urban Imaginary.” Conference presentation presented at the ACLA Annual Meeting, New York, March 21.
———. 2014c. “Resetting the Clock: Theme Parks and New Urbanism in Los Angeles’ Imaginary.” Conference presentation presented at the Here You Leave Today”: Time & Temporality in Theme Parks, Mainz, September 19.
———. 2014d. “Runrig’s Celtic Revival: Folk-Rock, the Gaelic Language, and the Cultural Politics of the Scottish Islands.” Presented at the Crossroads in Cultural Studies, Tampere, Finland, July 4.
———. 2014e. “Tales of Three Pacific Rim Cities: Representations of Los Angeles, Vancouver and Honolulu in Popular Culture.” Conference presentation presented at the Shifting Grounds: Cultural Tectonics along the Pacific Rim, Germersheim, University of Mainz, Germany, July 18.
———. 2014f. “The Digital Humanities Moment: A Historical Contextualization.” Association meeting presented at the CCLA meeting Congress 2014, Brock University, May 26.
———. 2015a. “Digital Humanities: Experimentation and Comparative Literature.” Conference presentation presented at the Modern Language Association, Vancouver, January 10.
———. 2015b. “‘East Meets West’ between Global Real-Estate Capitalism and Rent Protection: Re-Imagining Vienna’s Urbanism for the 21st Century.” Conference presentation presented at the Places and Non-places of Modernity: Movement, Memory and Imagination in Contemporary Europe. Centre for Baltic and East European Studies Annual Conference 2015, Stockholm, December 3.
———. 2015c. “Graduate Programs: Privatissima and Diploma.” Conference presentation presented at the ACL(X) Otherwise, Columbus SC, February 6.
———. 2015d. “Interdisciplinarity.” University of Toronto, April 16.
———. 2015e. “Noir Transgressions: Bending Gender, Ethnicity and Style in Recent LA Fiction and Film.” Presented at the Transgressions Transformations: Literature and Beyond, CISLE Centre for the International Study of Literatures in English, Göttingen, Germany, July 27.
———. 2015f. “Rethinking Graduate Programs: Diplomas and Privatissima.” Presented at the ACLx Otherwise, Columbia, SC, February 5.
———. 2015g. “Spaces of Translation in the Digital Episteme: Digital Humanities Approaches to Literature, the Environment, and the Archive.” Roundtable presented at the CRLCC Translation Research Summer School 2015: Translation, Language, and Place, Toronto, June 23.
———. 2015h. “Theme Parks, New Urbanism, and Smart Cities.” Presented at the Libidinal Circuits: Scenes of Urban Innovation, Liverpool, UK, July 8.
———. 2015i. “Video Blogs in the Fashion District: Re-Inventing LA’s Urban Fashion Imaginary in the Digital Mediascape.” Presented at the ECREA TWG Media & The City 2015 Conference, University of Zagreb, Faculty of Political Science, Zagreb, Croatia, September 24.
———. 2015j. “Walking, Cycling, and Dancing in the Streets: New Urbanist Imaginaries as Stages for Flaneuring in Santa Fe, Los Angeles and Vienna.” Presented at the Fashion Symposium, Museum of Vancouver, Vancouver, BC, November 14.
———. 2016a. “Furiously Mobile in the Global City: Fast Family, Smart Cities, and Muscle/Cars in *Furious 7*.” Presented at the Popular Culture Association, Seattle, WA, March.
———. 2016b. “Gentrification by Adobe: Imagining Santa Fe’s Past in Popular Culture.” Presented at the Popular Culture Association, San Diego, CA, April 12.
———. 2016c. “Memorializing, Performing and Reclaiming Latina/o Identities in Los Angeles and Santa Fe.” Presented at the 4th Annual Conference of the International Association for the Study of the Culture of Cities (IASCC), Ermoupolis (Syros), Greece, July 27.
———. 2016d. “Memorializing, Performing and Reclaiming Latina/o Identities in Los Angeles and Santa Fe.” Presented at the Crossroads in Cultural Studies 2016, Sydney, Australia, December 16.
———. 2016e. “Vancouver’s Global Imaginary: Smartest, Greenest, Most Expensive?” Presented at the The Concept of Vancouver. The 30th Annual Two Days of Canada Conference, Centre for Canadian Studies, Brock University, St Catharines ON, October 13.
———. 2016f. “Walking in (Latino) Style: Fashion and Street Style as Vehicles for Imagineering New Urbanism in Santa Fé and Los Angeles.” Presented at the Fashion on the Move: Rethinking Design. 10th International Fashion Conference, Universidad de Navarra, Pamplona, Spain, April 20.
———. 2017a. “Digital Spatial Ecologies: Geolocating the Layers of History and Memory in New Media.” Presented at the Congress 2017, Ryerson University, Toronto, ON, May 28.
———. 2017b. “Do Androids Dream of Going Surfing? Silicon Beach and L.A.’s Persistent Countercultural Beach Utopia.” Presented at the Canadian Association for American Studies 2017: Uncertain Futures, OCAD University, Toronto, ON, October 27.
———. 2017c. “Surfing L.A.’s Silicon Beach: The Infrastructures, Mobilities and Practices of Google & Friends’ New Locationality.” Presented at the Workshop [Digital Media and Borders: Infrastructures, Mobilities, and Practices across Asia and Beyond](, Lingnan University, Hong Kong, December 7.
———. 2017d. “The Digital Traces of History: Geomediating Vienna’s Gentrification.” Presented at the Spaces of the In-Between, An Interdisciplinary International Conference, Karlstad, Sweden, May 9.
———. 2017e. “Translating and Negotiating Latinidad in L.A.’s Fashion System.” Presented at the Congress 2017, Ryerson University, Toronto, ON, May 28.
———. 2018a. “Countercultural Heritages in Los Angeles: Silicon Beach’s Appeal to IT Startup Culture.” Presented at the Intangible Heritage: Scenes Of Urban Innovation, V: 5th Annual Conference of the International Association for the Study of the Culture of Cities (IASCC), Athens Greece, July 23.
———. 2018b. “Fiddling with Southern California at a Time of Upheaval: A.E. Maxwell’s Mystery Series.” Presented at the Alternative/Mainstream: A U.S. Studies Conference, St. Mary’s University, Calgary, October 12.
———. 2018c. “Gentrification by Adobe: Design Traditions of Santa Fe’s Urban Imaginary.” Presented at the Shaping Justice and Sustainability Within and Beyond the City’s Edge: Contestation and Collaboration in Urbanizing Regions, 48th Conference of the Urban Affairs Association, Toronto, ON, April 4.
———. 2018d. “Lineages of Digital Discourse: Silicon Beach and Its Countercultural Origins.” Presented at the [Digital Doings: Perspectives on Artificial Intelligence](, York University, Toronto, February 15.
———. 2018e. “Meaning Making and Digital Scholarship at York.” Roundtable presentation presented at the Meaning Making in the Digital Age: Open access and the 21st century university, York University, Toronto, November 23.
———. 2018f. “Riding the Tech Wave: Silicon Beach and Californian Surfing’s Hegemonic Beach Imaginary.” Presented at the Congress 2018, University of Regina, Regina, SK, May 26.
———. 2018g. “Roundtable: "Theoretical Directions in Comparative Literature / Orientations Théoriques En Littérature Comparée.” Presented at the Congress 2018, University of Regina, Regina, SK, May 26.
———. 2018h. “Spectres of the Counterculture: The Properties of Gentrification in Silicon Beach, Los Angeles.” Presented at the Spectral Cities - Western Humanities Alliance Conference, Calgary, Alberta, November 2.
———. 2019a. “Climb Every Mountain: Provincializing European Lineages in Mountain Documentaries.” Presented at the European Popular Culture Association EUPOP 2019, Limerick, Republic of Ireland, July 17.
———. 2019b. “Hippies, Strangers, Colonizers: The Multifaceted Legacies of the Californian Counterculture.” Presented at the 6th ANNUAL MEETING on SOCIAL INQUIRY AND ITS DIALECTICS: Otherness, Alterity, and Estrangement: Revisiting ‘The Stranger,’ Paros, Greece, June 13.
———. 2019c. “Mediating Mountains: Patagonia’s Countercultural Lineages in *Mountain of Storms* (1968) and *180 Degrees South*.” Presented at the 2019 National Conference of the Popular Culture Association of America, Washington, DC, April 17.
———. 2019d. “New Editing and Legitimizing Practices in Comparative Literature and Digital Humanities.” Roundtable presented at the Congress 2019, University of British Columbia, June 3.
———. 2020a. “Aspects Théoriques de La Gestion de Version et plus Particulièrement de Git.” Presented at the Troisième réunion du groupe de recherche CCLA : Git et versionnement, December 15.
———. 2020b. “Not a Marketplace of Ideas: Countercultural Lineages and Academic Publishing in the Digital Era.” Roundtable presentation presented at the CSDH/SCHN 2020: Building Community Online, online conference, June 3.
———. 2020c. “Revisiting Representation: IT Architectures and Imaginaries of Text.” Presented at the Première réunion du groupe de recherche CCLA : “Questioning Inscription,” October 2.
———. 2021a. “Discussant: Littérature et Numérique : Les Sessions d’atelier Du Groupe CCLA.” Presented at the Colloque Humanistica 2021, Association francophone des humanités numériques 10-12 mai 2021 Rennes (France), May 11.
———. 2021b. “Imaginaries of Mobility: Locating Internet Culture on the Pacific Rim.” Conference presentation presented at the 2021 National Conference of the Popular Culture Association, June 4.
———. 2021c. “Roundtable: Questioning Inscription.” Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Canadian Comparative Literature Association: Changing Directions in Comparative Literature, May 13.
———. 2022a. “Geek Goes the World: Revisiting the Mother of All Demos.” Presented at the National Conference of the Popular Culture Association, April 14.
———. 2022b. “Translating Cultural Studies in an Oligopolistic Anglophone Academic Publishing Landscape.” Conference presentation presented at the Posthumanismus. Transhumanismus. Jenseits des Menschen? 7. Jahrestagung der Kulturwissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft (KWG), 25.5.-28.5.2022, Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz, Graz, Austria, May 26.
———. 2022c. “What Gets Published as Cultural Studies?” Conference presentation presented at the What’s Happening to Cultural Studies?, Centre for Memory, Narrative, and Histories, University of Brighton, UK, September 15.
———. 2023a. “A Tale of Two Smart Cities: Fashioning Los Angeles and Toronto in Technofuturist Sunshine or Noir.” Conference presentation presented at the Solidarity: What Love Looks Like in Public: American Studies Association 2023, Montréal, November 3.
———. 2023b. “Auto-Magic in the Digital World: Tech Demos as Popular Culture Events.” Presentation presented at the Popular Culture Association, San Antonio, April 8.
———. 2023c. “Configuring Digital Practices for Scholar-Led, Multilingual, and Sustainable Publishing.” Conference presentation presented at the Global Digital Humanities Symposium 2023, Michigan State University, March 17.
———. 2023d. “Sidelining Synthetic Sidewalks: Toronto’s Resistance to Alphabet’s Algorithmic Urbanism.” Conference presentation presented at the The Synthetic City Conference: Exploring the Impact of AI and Digital Media on Urban Living, Dublin, September 6.
———. 2023e. “Tech Demos as Popular Culture Events.” Conference presentation presented at the 8. Jahrestagung der Kulturwissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft »Populäre Kulturen / Popular Cultures«, Saarbrücken, University of the Saarland, September 28.
———. 2024a. “Beyond the Digital: Literary and Documentary Negotiations of the Materiality of Books in *Mr. Penumbra’s 24-Hour Bookstore* (2013) and *Au-Delà Du Papier * (2023).” Conference presentation presented at the Canadian Comparative Literature Association, Montréal, June 16.
———. 2024b. “Mystical Hubris: The Destructive Appeal of AI in Devs, Foundation, and ST Discovery - Markus Reisenleitner.” Conference presentation presented at the Popular Culture Association National Convention, Chicago, March 27.
———. 2024c. “Sustainable Computing in Scholar-Led Publishing: Open Tools as Principle and Praxis.” Conference presentation presented at the DH 2024 Annual Conference of the Alliance of Digital Humanities Organizations, Washington DC, August 8.
———. July 7. “A Dope Boat from China: Imagining London in Post-War German Popular Culture.” Presented at the Conference “Literary London 2007: Representations of London in Literature,” University of Westminster, London, UK.