Matthew Klima
I am currently a student with the College of Education and Human Development, and I hope to receive my M.Ed. in the next year and a half. In my undergraduate career, I earned a double major in history and anthropology, but after recognizing my unwillingness to pursue higher degrees in either of these fields as well my unwillingness to pursue an unrelated career opportunity, I removed myself from college for one year. I returned in the fall of 2008 in order to begin earning the endorsement credits necessary to teach social studies in Virginia. In the process, I discovered a new love for political science, and in the future, I will pursue a higher degree in this field.
In this class, I hope to gain new understandings of pedagogical techniques and in the process learn to better succeed in my future career: teaching. I would love to speak frequently with any other current or future educators in this class.
Lastly, and most importantly, I am a newly wed who is enjoying a wonderful new lifestyle with my bride, Kate Dye. Marriage is great. I recommend it.
George Mason University