Steve Overman : Curriculum Vitae
Steven S. Overman, MD MPH FACR
3701 E. Union
Seattle, WA 98122
Cell: 206.819.9424
7.1975 - 12.1975 Physician Assistant – General Practice and Emergency Room, J.P.
Morgan, M.D., Longview General Hospital, Grayesville, AL
7.1978 - 6.1981 Emergency Room Physician (part-time), Allenmore Hospital, Tacoma,
WA; Swedish, Veterans and Public health Hospitals, Seattle, WA
7.1982 - 6.1984 Emergency Room Physician, Valley General Hospital, Renton, WA
7.1984 - 6.1986 Contract Physician for Employee Health, Federal Building, Seattle, WA
7.1984 - 5.2003 Private Practice Rheumatology and Internal Medicine, Minor & James
Medical, Seattle
7. 2000 - 6.2003 Volunteer Rheumatologist, International District Health Center
6. 2003 – 7.2003 Rheumatology medical director and consultant, Northwest Hospital &
Medical Center
8.2003 - 7.2015 Rheumatology consultant and director, The Seattle Arthritis Clinic
3.2006 Clinical Professor, University of Washington School of Medicine
1.2016 - 3.2017 Rheumatology/MSK ultrasound volunteer consultant for
NeighborCare Community Clinic
1983 Professor of Clinical Medicine, University of Washington Department of
Medicine School of Medicine; Attending Physician, Swedish, Providence,
VA Medical Centers, Seattle, WA
2006 Appointed member, ACR abstract review committee, health services research
2011 Manuscript reviewer for the Journal of Musculoskeletal Pain
2017 KenSci, Inc., Senior Medical Director
1980-1981 Discharge Planning Task Force, University of Washington Hospital, Seattle, WA
1982-1984 Director, Arthritis Resource Center, Providence Hospital, Seattle, WA
1983-1986 Chairman, Arthritis Self Help Advisory and Implementation Workgroup, Western Washington Chapter Arthritis Foundation
1984-1989 Member, Advisory Board, Kimberly Home Care
1985-1986 Chairman, Administrator Search and Chart Committees, Minor & James Medical Group
1985-1986 Reviewer, Professional Review Organization of Washington: Appropriateness of Hospital Admissions, Quality of Care and DRG Coding Review
1985-1990 Member, Professional Review Organization of Washington
1986-1989 Chairman, Utilization Review Committee, Providence Medical Center
1986-1992 Medical Director, Network Health Plan. Responsible for Quality Assurance, Provider Relations and Utilization Review Programs, Board of Directors
1986-1990 Consultant to Thomas Bonifield, Ph.D.; Research Scientist, DFOH in Development of Occupational Illness and Injury Contingency Management Systems for NOAA. Participant at two-day symposium at University of Maryland on "Occupational Illness and Injury Disability Management,” March 1987. Directed symposium: Attributes of Model PNI Based Interventions for HIV Seropositive Members of Military and Non-Military Occupational Health Service Delivery Programs of the United States Public Health Service. November 1992.
1987-1990 Co-Chairman, Comprehensive Care Center Committee, First Hill Medical Building
1988-1989 Consultant, ECONOMEDRICS, Quality Assessment Procedures.
1989-1994 Member, Quality Assurance Committee, Department of Medicine, Swedish and Providence Medical Centers.
1990-1992 Member, Data Review and Program Advisory Committee, Foundation for Health Care Quality, Washington State
1990-1991 Associate Medical Director, Washington State Department of Labor and Industry Peer Review Program; contract award to Business Health Services, Skip Rosenbloom, M.D., M.P.H., President, Sacramento, CA
1991-1994 Member, Community Home Health Care Quality Assurance Committee
1992-1998 Principal and Director, CAPPS, Inc. (Comprehensive Applications for Patient
and Provider Systems), Seattle, WA. Developed and Implemented
Musculoskeletal Consultation System for Network Health Plan.
1992-1998 Director, Growth and Action Theater, Seattle, WA
1994-1996 Director, Puget Sound Spine Interest Group
1992-1994 Chairman, Osteoporosis and Bone Health Action Committee, Spine
Institute, Swedish Medical Center
1994-1996 Organizer, Osteoporosis Journal Club
1994-1997 Co-director, Minor & James Medical, Osteoporosis and Bone Health Ctr.
1996-2002 Chairman, Rheumatology Section, Providence Medical Center, Seattle, WA
1997-1999 Chairman, Rheumatology Section, Minor & James Medical, PLLC, Seattle
Board of Directors, Minor & James Medical, PLLC, Seattle, WA
1999-2001 Consultant Advisory Board, International Rheumatology Network
1997-2008 CORC Representative, Washington State, ACR
2003-2009 Director, Musculoskeletal Planning and Development, Northwest Hospital
and Medical Center
2004-2015 Chief, Rheumatology section, Northwest Hospital and Medical Center
2005-2015 Founding Partner, director, The Seattle Arthritis clinic
2005-2009 Member, WA State Carrier Advisory Committee, Noridian, Medicare B
2006-2008 Member, Puget Sound Health Alliance, Clinical Improvement Team for Low
Back Pain
2006-2010 Ambassador, Research and Education Foundation (REF) campaign for ‘The Cure for Rheumatoid Arthritis’, American College of Rheumatology (ACR),
2006-2010 Elected member, Regional Advisory Committee, ACR
2006-2010 Appointed member, Data and Safety Monitoring Board, Department of Veterans
Affairs Cooperative Studies Program clinical trial, “Rheumatoid
arthritis: Comparison of active therapies in patients with active disease despite
methotrexate therapy”.
2007-2010 Program Advisory Committee, Salud Juntos for Honduran community health
2007-2010 Appointed member, REF Development Advisory Council
2007-2010 Appointed member, ACR Strategic Planning Committee
2013-2015 Member of Bree Implementation Team, Foundation for Health Care Quality
2012-2017 WA State Arthritis Foundation, Leadership Board, (current chair – 2013)
2015-2017 Associate Medical Director, QualisHealth
2015-2017 NeighborCare volunteer, rheumatology and musculoskeletal management
2016-2017 SEIU Trust medical management
2016-2017 Clinical advisor to start-ups & midsize companies: GreyZone; Revvolve;
JumpStartCSR; Health Rosetta Institute; Pacific Pharma Group; Occtegrity;
Switch Healthcare; Supirb; Pacific Pharma Group
9.1968 - 6.1972 Bachelor Arts (Mathematics), DePauw University, Greencastle, IN
7.1972 – 6.1975 Medical Doctorate, University of Alabama Medical School,
Birmingham, AL
12.1975 – 5.1976 Graduate Course in Neurology, Internal Medicine, Hammersmith
Hospital, Royal Postgraduate Medical School, London, England
7.1976 – 6.1979 Residency, Internal Medicine, University of Washington, Seattle, WA
12.1978 - 6.1979 Chief Medical Resident, Providence and University Hospitals, Seattle,
7.1979 - 6.1981 Fellow in Rheumatology and Acting Instructor, University of
Washington, Seattle, WA
7.1980 - 6.1982 Robert Wood Johnson Clinical Scholar, University of Washington,
Seattle, WA
7.1980 – 6.1982 Master of Public Health, University of Washington, Seattle, WA
1.1999 – 1.2000 Leadership Training Program, (80 hours), VHA (Volunteer Hospital
Association of America)
Rector Scholarship (1968); James Gavin Leadership Scholarship (1972); Phi Beta Kappa (1972); NCAA Postgraduate Scholarship (1972); Alpha Omega Alpha-Medical Honorary (1974); Carey Phillips Scholarship, University of Alabama Medical School (1975); Robert Wood Johnson Postgraduate Fellowship (1980); Award of Appreciation, Arthritis Foundation (1985); Providence Medical Center Award of Appreciation (1987, 1988), DePauw University Athletic Hall of Fame (2004), Seattle’s Best Physicians (2002, 2006, 2009, 2012, 2015)
1980 Diplomat of the American Board of Internal Medicine
1984 Fellow of the American College of Rheumatology
1988 Diplomat of the American Board of Utilization Review and Quality Assurance
2000 Certified Clinical Densitometrist
2014 ARDMS certification in MSK ultrasound
LICENSURE TO PRACTICE Washington State #MD00015860
American College of Physicians
American College of Rheumatology
American College of Physician Executives
American Pain Society
International Myopain Society
King County Medical Society
Northwest Rheumatology Association
Puget Sound Spine Special Interest Group
The Ernest Becker Foundation
Washington State Physicians for Social Responsibility
Washington State Medical Association
Washington State Rheumatology Association
Washington State Health Advocacy Association
NeighborCare Community Clinics
University of Washington Medical Center
Northwest Hospital & Medical Center, inactive
Swedish Medical Center, inactive
Veterans Administration Hospital, inactive
1983-1995 Inpatient attending, Internal Medicine, Providence Medical Center
1983-1999 Inpatient attending, Internal Medicine, Swedish Medical Center
1983- 2003 Office teaching, Internal Medicine and Family Medicine residents,
Rheumatology fellow, Podiatry Fellows average 5-6 months per year,
Medical student, 3rd year
1983-2005 VA attending, inpatient or outpatient
2005-2010 University of Washington rheumatology clinic attending physician
§ Knee, a Pilot Study (Principle Investigator), The Upjohn Company
§ NSAI / Endoscopy Study (Sub-Investigator), Norwich
§ Prophylasix Study of NSAID – Associated GU or DU in patients with Osteo or Rheumatoid Arthritis (Co-principle Investigator), Glaxo Pharm
§ Silicone Breast Implants: a descriptive study of clinical characteristics (Co-investigator), Minor & James Medical Group
§ H2B342 Ranitidine Bismuth Citrate Prophylaxis of NSAID – induced GU/DU (Sub-Investigator), Glaxo
§ Cox-2 Anti-inflammatory (Sub-Investigator), Merck
§ DHEA in Lupus (Sub-Investigator), Genelabs
§ sTNFR-1gG in RA (Sub-Investigator), Hoffmann-LaRoche
§ Piroxicam B-cyclodextrin vs Piroxicam in OA (Sub-Investigator), Pfizer
§ Osteoporosis Education and Guidelines Program (Project Director), Merck
§ TNFR in RA (Sub-Investigator), Immunex
§ DHEA in Lupus (Sub-Investigator), Genelabs
§ Cox-2 Anti-inflammatory in OA (Sub-Investigator), Merck
§ Idoxifene for Vasomotor Symptoms (Sub-Investigator), SmithKline Beecham
§ Anti-CD4 in RA (Sub-Investigator), SmithKline Beecham
§ TNF in RA (Sub-Investigator), Roche
§ DHEA in Lubus (Sub-Investigator), Genelabs
§ Parathyroid Hormone in Osteoporosis (Sub-Investigator), Lilly
§ Idoxifene in Postmenopausal Women with Vasomotor Symptoms (Sub-Investigator), SmithKline Beecham
§ Idoxifene in Osteoporotic and Osteopenic Women (Sub-Investigator), SmithKline Beecham
§ TNF in RA (Sub-Investigator), Roche
§ Enbrel in RA (Sub-Investigator), Immunex
§ NSAID Gastrotoxicity (Sub-Investigator), Searle
§ Anti-CD4 in Ra (Sub-Investigator), SmithKline Beecham
§ Enbrel™ in psoriatic arthritis and psoriasis (Sub-Investigator), Immunex
§ Celebrex (COX-2 NSAID) Gastrotoxicity (OA/RA) (Sub-Investigator), Searle
§ D2E7 anti-TNF DMARD in RA (Sub-Investigator), Knoll
§ TAK-603 in RA (Sub-Investigator), TAP
§ SN-2011 in Sjogren’s Syndrome (Sub-Investigator), Snow Brand
§ DHEA in Lupus (Sub-Investigator), Genelabs
§ Parathyroid Hormone in Osteoporosis (Sub-Investigator), Lilly
§ Idoxifene in Postmenopausal Women with Vasomotor Symptoms (Sub-Investigator), SmithKline Beecham
§ Idoxifene in Osteoporotic and Osteopenic Women (Sub-Investigator), SmithKline Beecham
§ TNF in RA (Sub-Investigator), Roche
§ Enbrel™ in RA (Sub-Investigator), Immunex
§ NSAID Gastrotoxicity (Sub-Investigator), Searle
§ Vioxx in OA (Sub-Investigator), Merck
§ Vioxx in RA (Principal Investigator), Merck
§ Colloral in RA (Sub-Investigator), Autoimmune
§ Bay 12-9566 (metalloproteinase inhibitor) in OA (Sub-Investigator), Bayer
§ Adult Still’s treatment with Enbrel™ (Sub-Investigator in Dr. Michael Weinblatt), Harvard
§ SLIP Study: Conventional X-ray vs MRI in the diagnosis of Lower Back Pain (Principal Investigator), University of Washington – NIH grant
§ Enbrel™ in psoriatic arthritis and psoriasis (Sub-Investigator/Investigator IND with Immunex support)
§ Celebrex (COX-2 NSAID) Gastrotoxicity (OA/RA) (Sub-Investigator), Searle
§ D2E7 anti-TNF DMARD in RA (Sub-Investigator), Knoll
§ Arava plus Methotrexate in RA (Sub-Investigator), Hoescht Marion Roussell
§ DHEA in Lupus (Sub-Investigator), Genelabs
§ Parathyroid Hormone in Osteoporosis (Sub-Investigator), Lilly
§ Idoxifene in Postmenopausal Women with Vasomotor Symptoms (Sub-Investigator), SmithKline Beecham
§ Idoxifene in Osteoporotic and Osteopenic Women (Sub-Investigator), SmithKline Beecham
§ TNF in RA (Sub-Investigator), Roche
§ Enbrel™ in RA (Sub-Investigator), Immunex
§ UCLA RA Treatment Outcome Study
§ 2nd Generation COX-w NSAID in OA (Sub-Investigator), Merck
§ Vioxx in RA (Principal-Investigator), Merck
§ Vioxx in OA (Sub-Investigator), Merck
§ Colloral in RA (Sub-Investigator), Autoimmune
§ Bay 12-9566 (metalloproteinase inhibitor) in OA (Sub-Investigator), Glaxo
§ MRA Rheumatoid Arthritis study (Principle Investigator), Hoffmann-La Roche
§ A Multicenter, Randomized, Double-Period, Double − blind Study to Determine the Optimal Protocol for Treatment Initiation with Methotrexate and Adalimumab Combination Therapy in Patients with Early Rheumatoid Arthritis (OPTIMA) (Sub-Investigator)
§ Consortium of Rheumatology Researchers of North America, Inc. (CORRONA) (Principle Investigator)
§ A Phase 3, Multi-Center, Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled, 76-Week Study to Evaluate the Efficacy and Safety of Belimumab (HGS1006, LymphoStat-B™), a Fully Human Monoclonal Anti-BLyS Antibody, in Subjects with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) (Sub-Investigator)
§ A randomized, double-blind, parallel-group study to evaluate the safety and efficacy of tocilizumab (TCZ) versus placebo in combination with methotrexate in patients with moderate to severe active rheumatoid arthritis (RA) (Sub-Investigator)
§ Narratives of relationships with pain: Mindfulness and Well-being- To explore patients’ relationship with their chronic pain and examine the influence of patients’ mindfulness on their well being (Investigator)
§ Evaluation of an Elimination Diet Used in Identifying Food Allergies and Sensitivities in Patients with Musculoskeletal Conditions-We propose to examine the overall effectiveness of the Seattle Arthritis Clinic’s Elimination Diet in relief of chronic symptoms in musculoskeletal conditions, and any association between adverse reactions to food and exacerbation of symptoms in rheumatoid arthritis. (Sub-Investigator)
§ Index for Rheumatoid Arthritis Measurement (InFoRM) Study (Sub-Investigator)
§ Phase 3, Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Study of the Safety and Efficacy of 2 Doses of CP-690,550 In Patients with Active Rheumatoid Arthritis on Background DMARDS A3921046 (Sub-Investigator)
§ A Golimumab Phase 3b, Multicenter, Switch Assessment of Subcutaneous (SC) and Intravenous (IV) Efficacy in Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients Who Have Inadequate Disease Control Despite Treatment with Etanercept (Enbrel) or Adalimimab (Humira) (Sub-Investigator)
§ Multi-center, Double Blind, Randomized, Parallel Arm Study to Determine the Effect of Methotrexate Dose on Clinical Outcome and Ultrasonographic Signs in Subjects with Moderately to Severely Active Rheumatoid Arthritis Treated with Humira (MUSICA) M12-071 (Sub-Investigator)
· LILLY_14V_MC_JADV,X,Y,Z Protocols: RCTs of Baricitinib (JAK Inihibitor) for four subgroups of Rheumatoid Arthritis patients, Principle Investigator
1. Overman SS. Rockey PN, Dickstein DA, Larson JW: Physical Therapists as Primary Care Providers for Low Back Pain: A controlled Trial, accepted for presentation at the Robert Wood Johnson Clinical Scholars Program Annual Meeting, November 1981 and Pan-American Congress of Rheumatology; June 1982.
2. Deyo RA, Inui TS, Leininger J, Overman SS: Measuring Chronic Disease Outcomes: Comparison of Clinician Ratings, Patient Self-Ratings and a Self-Administered Health Status Instrument, accepted for presentation at the Robert Wood Johnson Clinical Scholars Program Annual Meeting, November 1981.
3. “Disability Assessment in Arthritis Care” Invited presentation of Division of Rheumatology, Mayo Clinic; March 1982
4. Arthritis Review Course, for Nurse Practitioners at Bellevue Community College, April 1983.
5. Arthritis Foundation Speakers Bureau; general public, seniors and business presentation; 1983-present.
6. “Osteoarthritis: A non-crippling disease?” Invited presentation to division of Rheumatology, University of Colorado, March 1984.
7. “Oh My Aching Back!” To NOAA Federal Employees; September 1984.
8. “Socioeconomic Impacts of Rheumatoid Arthritis,” Invited presentation at Northwest Hospital Arthritis Symposium; May 1986.
9. “Utilization Review and Case Management,” Invited presentation to Network Management, Inc., Annual Meeting, November 1986.
10. “Cardiovascular Disease Prevention,” Federal Employees Disease Prevention Lecture Series; February 1987.
11. “Small Area Analysis; Using Utilization Data to Buy Right.” Invited discussant at the Health Systems Resources Conferences, “Innovation and Excellence in Evolving Competitive Market.” February 1987.
12. “Cardiovascular Manifestations of Rheumatic Diseases,” Pensacola Medical Society, Cardiovascular Diseases Update; February 1988.
13. “Musculoskeletal Causes of Chest Pain,” Pensacola Medical Society, Cardiovascular Diseases Update, February 1988.
14. “Ethics of Managed Care.” Invited presentation to Washington Health Care Purchasers Association, March 1988.
15. “Pre employment Exams,” Presented to Network Management, Inc., Annual Meeting, 1988.
16. “Physical Therapy, Acupuncture and Manipulation.” Swedish Hospital Rheumatology Symposium, February 1989.
17. Chiropractor Responsibilities as Referral Providers.” Chiropractic Network Services, IPA, March 1990.
18. “What Is Managed Care?” Presented to forum of company and broker representatives, Network Management, Inc., and Network Health Plan, October 1990.
19. “Insurance Impediments to Biopsychosocial Health Care.” Invited presentation for Lee Edward Travis Institute for Biopsychosocial Research. First Symposium, October 1991.
20. “Psychoneuroimmunology and the Implications for Modern Clinical Medicine.” Invited presentation for Lee Edward Travis Institute for Biopsychosocial Research. Second Symposium, November 1992.
21. “Managed Care Approaches to Back Pain.” Presentation to the Family Practice Association of Snohomish County, April 1992.
22. “Anti-inflammatory Medications in the Treatment of Chronic Pain.” Invited presentation to Swedish Hospital Symposium of Chronic Pain. September 1992.
23. “Managed Care.” Invited presentation to Washington State Chiropractic Association. February 1993.
24. “Rheumatology Practice in the United States.” Invited presentation to physicians at Western China University, Chengju, Sichuan, PRC; Capital Institute of Medicine and Peking Union Medical College on Beijing, PR China. June 1994.
25. Overman S, Lewis R, Kent D, Uslan D: “Rheumatologists as Musculoskeletal Managers in a Medicare Risk Program.” Abstract and plenary presentation to the National Scientific Meeting of the American College of Rheumatology, San Francisco, October 1995.
26. Mease P, Overman S, Green D: “Clinical Symptoms/Signs and Laboratory Features in Symptomatic Patients with Silicone Breast Implants.” Abstract and poster at the National Scientific Meetings of the American College of Rheumatology, October 1995.
27. “Spondyloarthopathies: How To Diagnosis.” Invited presentation to the Puget Sound Spine Association; Seattle, WA. November 1995.
28. “Osteoporosis Update”, Puget Sound Spine Interest Group, 1996
29. “Rheumatologists as Musculoskeletal Managers”, University of Washington Division of Rheumatology, April 1996
30. “Rheumatologists as Musculoskeletal Managers”, Rockwood Clinic, Illinois, October 1996
31. “Arthritis Overview”, Orthopedic Physicians Symposium, September 1997
32. “New innovations in the Management of Fibromyalgia and other Rheumatic Pain Syndromes”, Swedish Medical Center Pain Symposium, September 1998
33. “Fibromyalgia and Myofascial Pain: believe it or not?”, American Academy of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation National Meeting, November 1998
34. “Celebrex: COX II Inhibitor”, Searle speaker’s bureau, 1999.
35. “Update in Rheumatology”, September, 2000;
“Living with a Chronic Illness”, September, 2001;
“Leg Pain: Diagnosis and Care”, September 2002;
“Musculoskeletal Wellness”, Keynote Presentation. September, 2003 University Alaska Care the Elderly Conference, Sitka
36. “Fibromyalgia and the Ten Essentials of Musculoskeletal Pain Management”, Swedish/Providence Musculoskeletal Grand Rounds, July, 2002
37. “The Urgent Care of Rheumatoid Arthritis”, Northwest Hospital Grand Rounds, October, 2003
38. “The Development of an Office-based Strategy for Fibromyalgia (FM) Care”, OHSU and NIH Sponsored workshop; Washington DC, November 11-12, 2004
39. “Team care of Fibromyalgia Patients: and the Phase of Chronic Illness Model”, 7th Annual National Collaborative Family Healthcare Conference, Seattle, October 7, 2005.
40. “Fibromyalgia Update” and “Living Well with Chronic Illness”, Pensacola CME, invited speaker, April, 2006
41. “Living Well with Chronic Illness”, Washington State Arthritis Foundation annual symposium, keynote address, August, 2006.
42. “Living Well with Chronic Pain”, University of Washington Pain conference, September, 2006
43. ACR Review – “Soft Tissue, OA & Crystals” – Arthritis Foundation Scientific Meeting, November, 2006
44. “Connective Tissue Disease Update”, CME invited presentation to the Washington State Association of Physicians of Indian Origin, September, 2006
45. “Adult Still’s”, Mystery Diagnosis, Discovery Channel, August, 2007
46. “Rituxan Treatment for Rheumatoid Arthritis”, speakers’ bureau for Genentech, 2007.
47. “RA Disease Activity Measurement in Clinical Practice”, CME presentation to local rheumatologists, Seattle, WA, May, 2008.
48. “Inflammatory Arthritis: Early Recognition and Treatment”, CME, WA State Association of ARNPs, Seattle, WA, December, 2009
49. “You Don’t LOOK Sick: Living Well with Chronic Invisible Illness”, Invited presentation, National Mastocytosis Society, Tucson, AZ, October, 2010
50. “The Role of Complementary and Alternative Medicine in Rheumatology”, invited presentation, ACR/ARHP national meeting, Atlanta, GA, November, 2010
51. “You Don’t LOOK Sick: What I learned from writing a book with a Patient”, invited presentation to the 2011 “Education for Innovation”, presented by the 4th World Congress of Cardiovascular Science & Care Institute of Medical Sciences, Ahmedabad, India, February, 2011
52. “Chronic Pericarditis: a Rheumatologist’s Perspective”, invited presentation to the 2011 “Education for Innovation”, presented by the 4th World Congress of Cardiovascular Science & Care Institute of Medical Sciences, Ahmedabad, India, February, 2011
53. “Beyond the Blood Tests: Tackling Chronic, Invisible Illness Together”, Annual Arthritis Foundation Symposium, Seattle, July, 2011.
54. “Treating Rheumatoid Arthritis to Target: Recommendation of an International Task Force”, for Abbott Pharmaceutical to Eastern WA rheumatology practitioners, Richland, WA, June, 2012.
55. “Basic Facts” and “Transitioning to Adult Care: Living Well”, talks at the Arthritis Foundation’s Annual camp, July, 2012.
56. “Patient / Physician Compassion”, invited presentation for the National Mastocytosis Society, Seattle, WA, October, 2012
57. “Losing Your Serve?”, invited presentation for the Autoimmune Advocacy Alliance, May, 2013.
58. “Living Well with Chronic Illness”, invited presentation for the Oregon Scleroderma Association, February, 2014
59. “Serving Tea: Living Well with Chronic Illness”, invited presentation to the WA State Arthritis Foundation Annual Banquet, November, 2014
60. “Creating a Positive Patient Provider Relationship”, Webinar for National Interstitial Cystitis Society, May 2015
61. “You Don’t LOOK Sick: Living Well with Chronic Invisible Illness”, invited web interview, The NEW! Fibromyalgia AWARE book club, Community Pain Center, August, 2015
62. “Health Advocacy for ALL?”, invited talk for Washington State Health Advocacy Association annual meeting, November 2015
63. “Inflammation: the Good, The Bad and the Diet”, two talk series to employees at Puget Sound Energy, Bellevue, WA, May 2016
64. “Rheum with a View for OT & PT: a rheumatology review course”, 3 hour presentation for UW doctorate of PT students, Seattle, WA, June 2016
1. Deyo RA, Inui TS, Leininger J, Overman S: Physical and Psychosocial Function in Rheumatoid Arthritis: Clinical Use of a Self-administered Health Status Instrument.. Arch Intern Med. 1982 (Vol. 142): 879-882.
2. Overman S,: Improving Access to Preventive and Physical Medicine Care for Patients with Low Back Pain: Physical Therapists Acting as Primary Care Providers. Thesis. The Department of Health Services and Community Medicine, University of Washington, 1-143, 1982.
3. Deyo RA, Inui TS, Leininger J, Overman S: Measuring Functional Outcomes in Chronic Disease: A Comparison of Traditional Scales and a Self-Administered Health Status Questionnaire in Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis. Medical Care, 1983.
4. Overman S, Larson JW, Dickstein O, Rockey PH: Physical Therapy Care for Low Back Pain: A Monitored Program of First Contact Non-Physician Care. Physical Therapy, 68(2); 99-207, 1987.
5. Overman S, Larson JW: Letter to the Editor. Physical Therapy, 1988.
6. Overman S,: (Of special interest) A Riposte on Outcome Management. Bulletin of the King County Medical Society. February 14-15, 1990.
7. DeLaCruz M, Smith J, Overman SS: Physician Perspectives on Clinical Application sof Psychoneuroimmunology (PNI) Research. Proceedings of the Lee Edward Travis Institute for Biopsychosocial Research Second Symposium. 1-17, 1992.
8. Overman SS, Kent DL, Lewis RL, Uslan DW: Cost of Care and Patient-Satisfaction from Routine Referral to Non-surgical Musculoskeletal Specialists in a Medicare Risk Plan. J Clin Rheumatol 4:120-128, 1998.
9. Husni ME, Maier AL, Mease PJ, Overman SS, Fraser P, Gravallese EM, Weinblatt ME. Etanercept in the treatment of adult patients with Still's disease. Arthritis Rheum. 2002 May;46(5):1171-6.
10. Jarvik J; Hollingworth W; Martin B; Emerson S; Gray D; Overman S; Robinson D; Staiger T; Wessbecher F; Sullivan S; Kreuter W; Deyo R. Rapid Magnetic Resonance Imaging vs Radiographs for Patients With Low Back Pain: A Randomized Controlled Trial; JAMA. 2003 Jun 4;289(21) p45628
11. Ersek M; Cherrier M; Overman S; Irving G. The Cognitive Effects pf Opioids; Pain Management Nursing 2004 June 5(2):75-93.
12. You Don’t LOOK Sick! Living Well with Invisible Chronic Illness , Selak & Overman, The Haworth Medical Press, 2005.
13. You Don’t LOOK Sick! Living Well with Invisible Chronic Illness, Fully Revised and Updated Second Edition, Selak & Overman, DemosHealth, 2012
14. “Compassionate Care: A More Affordable Approach to Patient Care”, King County Medical Bulletin, April, 2013
15. “Comments on Kathleen O’Connor’s article, The Turbulent Health Care Reform Road Ahead”, King County Medical Bulletin, June, 2013
16. “Lost or Home at Last: a rheumatologist in the Upper Mustang of Nepal”, THE RHEUMATOLOGIST, Wiley, pp. 51-53, October, 2013
17. “Reflections on My Last Day of Practice”, THE RHEUMATOLOGIST, Wiley, pp. 22-31, November, 2015
18. “No More Lost Voices”,