git clone
cd citeproc-node
== Step 2 ==
Fetch CSL 1.0 citation styles to where citeproc-node will find them
git clone csl
== Step 3 ==
Get CSL locale files
git clone csl-locales
Your directory listing is now
citeprocmodule.js csl sampledata.json
citeprocnode.js cslFetcher.js test
citeprocnode-repl.js csl-locales testciteproc.js
citeServerConf.json csl_nodejs.js zoteronode.js
citeServer.js csl_nodejs_jsdom.js
COPYING node_modules
(csl, csl-locales, node_modules and test are all directories)
== Step 4 ==
An attempt to start the server may yield this error (the command syntax shown below assumes the node binary
is in your path, of course):
node ./lib/citeServer.js
Error: Unable to load shared library /blah/blah/contextify.node
If so, follow the instructions at the top of the error message, which on a Linux system might read something like this:
>>> To rebuild, go to the Contextify root folder and run
'node-waf distclean && node-waf configure build'.
So we do this:
cd node_modules/jsdom/node_modules/contextify/
node-waf distclean && node-waf configure build
If the command gives an error the first time, try it again.
If that does not help, try this while you are still in the contextify directory:
cd .. && rm -r contextify
git clone
cd contextify && npm rebuild
== Step 5 ==
Return to the top of the citeproc-node directory and attempt to run the server (again assuming that the node binary is in your path):
node ./lib/citeServer.js
If all is well, you will see:
debug log file :./citeServerLog.log
precaching CSL engines
Server running at
== Step 6 ==
Now to test the server using the sampledata.json file provided in the citeproc-node sources. Try posting it to your server (which you should still have running):
curl --header "Expect:nothing" --header "Content-type: application/json" --data @sampledata.json -X POST\&style=modern-language-association
== Step 7 ==
You should see this response appear on your screen:
Abbott, Derek A. et al. “Metabolic Engineering of Saccharomyces Cerevisiae for Production of Carboxylic Acids: Current Status and Challenges.” FEMS Yeast Research 9.8 (2009): 1123–1136. Print.
Beck V. Beck. Vol. 1999. 1999. Print.
---. Vol. 733. 1999. Print.
Bennett, Frank G., Jr. “Getting Property Right: ‘Informal’ Mortgages in the Japanese Courts.” Pacific Rim Law & Policy Journal 18 (2009): 463–509. Print.
British Columbia Elec. Ry. V. Loach. Vol. 1916. 1915. Print.
Clayton Act. 1914. Print.
---. Vol. 38. 1914. Print.
Donoghue V. Stevenson. Vol. 1932. 1932. Print.
D’Arcus, Bruce. Boundaries of Dissent: Protest and State Power in the Media Age. New York: Routledge, 2006. Print.
FTC Credit Practices Rule. Vol. 16. 1999. Print.
Malone, Kemp. Chapters on Chaucer. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Press, 1951. Print.
Malone, Nolan J., U.S. Bureau of the Census. Evaluating Components of International Migration: Consistency of 2000 Nativity Data. New York: Routledge, 2001. Print.
People V. Taylor. Vol. 73. 1989. Print.
---. Vol. 541. 1989. Print.
---. Vol. 543. 1989. Print.
Razlogova, Elena. “Radio and Astonishment: The Emergence of Radio Sound, 1920-1926.” Society for Cinema Studies Annual Meeting. 2002.
---. “True Crime Radio and Listener Disenchantment with Network Broadcasting, 1935-1946.” American Quarterly 58 (2006): 137–158. Print.
Razlogova, Elena, and Lisa Lynch. “The Guantanamobile Project.” Vectors 1 (2005): n. pag. Print.
Zelle, Rintze M. et al. “Key Process Conditions for Production of C4 Dicarboxylic Acids in Bioreactor Batch Cultures of an Engineered Saccharomyces Cerevisiae Strain.” Applied and Environmental Microbiology 76.3 (2010): 744–750.
梶田将司 et al. “高等教育機関における次世代教育学習支援プラットフォームの構築に向けて.” 日本教育工学会論文誌 31.3 (2007): 297–305. Print.
民法. Print.
== Step 8 ==
And ... er ... //that's it//!