==== I'm the publisher/editor of a journal. What can I do to have Zotero support our style? ==== Fantastic! You are the perfect person to get your style supported and approved. Zotero uses the [[http://citationstyles.org/|Citation Style Language]] (CSL). By helping to create a CSL style, you also create a style that can be used by [[http://www.mendeley.com/|Mendeley]], [[http://www.mekentosj.com/papers/|Papers3]], and many other reference management programs. If the [[/styles|Zotero Style Repository]] already contains a style for your journal, but is found to contain errors, please point out these errors on the [[/forum|Zotero Forums]]. Otherwise, either [[dev/citation_styles|create a CSL style]] yourself or [[https://github.com/citation-style-language/styles/wiki/Requesting-Styles|request]] one at the [[/forum|Zotero Forums]]. Once you have a CSL style that is of sufficient quality, consider linking to it on your webpage (or host it yourself) in the "Instructions for Authors" section. {{tag>kb styles}}