File sync
Better handle invalid characters in filenames
Automatically rename downloaded file to match known filename if different
Fixed possible 404 error during Zotero file sync
Don't trigger file conflict if saved file timestamp is off exactly one hour from saved timestamp (due to timezone-related issues)
Automatically delete .prop files that don't contain valid timestamps (WebDAV)
Don't show annotations toolbar on file types it doesn't support (e.g., PDF)
Renaming an attachment file with certain extended characters could cause it to be deleted
When relinking a file, automatically rename file with cross-platform invalid characters (e.g., “/”) filtered out
Files with spaces were saved via Create New Item from Current Page with “20” in place of spaces
Don't show various context-menu options for imported attachments in groups if no file editing access
Spacebar didn't work on attachment view/show buttons
Word processor integration
Cross-machine consistency
zotero://report, zotero://select, and zotero://timeline URLs are now consistent across machines
“Collection” and “Saved Search” search conditions are now consistent across machines
Fixed UI issues and “Item already exists outside of collection” error duplicating a child note or dragging child items between items
Fixed UI problem when adding a note to an item after deleting child notes from that item
Don't show “Show in Library” context-menu option in groups
Export Library was exporting items in all group libraries
Enabled export/bibliography/report context-menu options for read-only items
“New Subcollection” context-menu option was active in read-only groups
Don't include deleted items in collection-based operations (Export, Create Bibliography)
Display implicit title for related items when they're letters or interviews
Shortcut key for New Item wasn't properly selecting item type menu and wasn't preventing Firefox's Recently Closed Window shortcut
Fixed “script stack space quota is exhausted” error with extremely large notes
Fixed DOI translator hang on error
Allow slash in second part of DOI
Prevent creation of blank tags via data layer
Fixed repeated text-to-HTML conversion of unedited plaintext notes (which might exist at this point only from direct DB writes)
Item type menus in metadata pane, New drop-down, and advanced search window now sort by localized string
Fixed collection and item highlighting when dragging items in Firefox 3.6
Improved spacing in conflict resolution window
Collection report sorting was backwards (since Fx3.5)
Fixed some spacing issues in metadata pane