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translators [2021/06/29 00:31] – [Full List of Translators] Remove test link abejellinektranslators [2022/08/03 16:41] (current) – [Translator Troubleshooting] dstillman
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 ======Zotero Translators===== ======Zotero Translators=====
-Zotero automatically detects library records, news items, journal articles, and other objects you might like to save in your collection. Zotero uses so-called "translators" to detect and import data from websites. There are currently more than 500 different translators, facilitating data import from countless sites. +Zotero automatically detects journal articles, library records, news items, and other objects you might like to save to your Zotero library. Zotero uses so-called "translators" to detect and import data from websites. There are currently more than 600 different translators, facilitating data import from countless sites. 
 You can see the translator Zotero is using on a given page by hovering over the Zotero save button in your browser. You can see the translator Zotero is using on a given page by hovering over the Zotero save button in your browser.
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 ====Full List of Translators==== ====Full List of Translators====
-You can see a list of the 570+ Zotero translators, along with their code, at the [[https://github.com/zotero/translators/|Zotero Translator GitHub repository]].+You can see a list of the 600+ Zotero translators, along with their code, at the [[https://github.com/zotero/translators/|Zotero Translator GitHub repository]].
 ==== Translator Troubleshooting ==== ==== Translator Troubleshooting ====
-If Zotero fails to import high-quality data from a site that you think should be supported, first check whether you're experiencing a general problem by trying to save an article from the New York Times or a book from Amazon. If that doesn't work either, see [[Troubleshooting Translator Issues]]. You're having trouble with a specific site, report it in the [[/forum|Zotero Forums]] along with the exact URL you're trying.+If Zotero fails to import high-quality data from a site that you think should be supported, first check whether you're experiencing a general problem by trying to save an article from Wikipedia or a book from Amazon. If that doesn't work either, see [[Troubleshooting Translator Issues]]. You're having trouble with a specific site, report it in the [[/forum|Zotero Forums]] along with the exact URL you're trying.
translators.1624941094.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/06/29 00:31 by abejellinek