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Zotero automatically detects library records, news items, journal articles, and other objects you might like to save in your collection. A few of the popular sites that we already support include:
- The Library of Congress
- Harvard University Library
- University of Michigan Library
- The New York Times
- The Washington Post
- Google Books
- Google Scholar
- The New York Review of Books
- The Chronicle of Higher Education
Zotero also currently works with these electronic resources:
- OCLC WorldCat/FirstSearch
- ProQuest
- Project MUSE
- LexisNexis
- InfoTrac College Edition
- InfoTrac OneFile
- EBSCOhost
- History Cooperative
- PubMed
- CiteSeer
Because Zotero relies on common library standards, hundreds of other sites also already work with Zotero. In fact, Zotero should work with any library and museum catalogs that are produced using these common software packages and technologies:
- Voyager (WebVoyage)
- InnoPAC
- Aleph
- Dynix
- TLC/YouSeeMore
- Embedded RDF
- COinS
If you happen to find a site that Zotero does not recognize, please let us know in the forums. We are working hard to extend our compatibility and want to learn how we can meet your needs. In the meantime please remember that Zotero also currently lets you save any URL or take a screenshot of any web page.