Edward (Ted) Newell : Curriculum Vitae
142 Birch Hill Crescent
E1G 4T3 Canada
Phone: 506-853-5853 (home)
506-863-6456 (work)
Email: ejn13@columbia.edu; ted.newell@crandallu.ca
Teachers College, Columbia University, New York, NY. Doctor of Education (Religion and Education), 2004. Dissertation: “James Michael Lee's Social Science Religious Instruction,” challenges Lee’s advocacy that empirical social science, not theology, must direct religious education. Exposes Lee’s tacit theology using Kuhn’s philosophy of science. Advisors: Mary C. Boys, John Kuentzel.
Westminster Theological Seminary, Philadelphia, PA. Master of Divinity, 1994. Courses with Sinclair Ferguson, Tremper Longman, Harvie Conn, Richard Gaffin, Ray Dillard, Moises Silva, Vern Poythress, Tim Keller, others.
Ivey School of Business, University of Western Ontario, London, ON. Bachelor of Arts (Honours Business Administration), 1983. Admitted in competition following two years of liberal arts. The school’s case teaching method developed strategic capability in generalist managers.
Associate Professor of Education, Crandall University, Moncton, NB, Canada (2004-present).Teach curriculum foundations to Bachelor of Education students -- historical, philosophical, anthropological, theological foundations. Capstone integration seminar (“Worldview”) for B.A., B.B.A., B.Sc. students; Jesus as Teacher; Perspectives on the World Christian Movement. Degree-completion courses in worldview or introductory theology. Supervision of teacher interns.
Senior Pastor, Jemseg Baptist Church, Jemseg, NB, Canada (2000–2004).Led a congregation of 130. Education for congregational development and community outreach by sermons series. Informal education via weekly adult study sessions, board leadership, and development-focused special events. Built up congregational life by member visitation and crisis intervention. Directed and mentored summer students for children’s and youth ministry, 2001-2004. Fundraised for building renovation, 2001.
Minister of Adult Education/Director of Christian Education, First Baptist Church, Dartmouth, NS, Canada (1994 –1999).Developed formal and non-formal education for adults and children in 600-member congregation. Recruited, trained and resourced group leaders and teachers. Developed and resourced informal education programs including Singles Again, men’s ministry, and job transition. Championed and organized Alpha education-evangelism programs. Co-developer of Centre for Christian Leadership, a regional church leadership education initiative.
District Manager, Transamerica Commercial Finance Corp., Dartmouth, NS, Canada (1987–1991). Authorized inventory credit for businesses in Atlantic Canada. Monitored creditworthiness by on-site inspections and financial statement analysis. Promoted 1989.
Senior Teacher, Buin Specialized Training Centre, Department of Education/CUSO, Bougainville Island, Papua New Guinea (1984 – 1986). Taught rudiments of business in a rural agricultural vocational school. Wrote a new small business development curriculum for the country’s many “early school leavers.” Participated in nonformal education planning at provincial and national levels, assisted in nonformal education professional development seminars for teachers, arranged publication and national distribution of new business curriculum.
Franchise Manager, College Pro Painters, Halifax, Philadelphia (1981, 1982, 1991). Initiated Halifax franchise (Jan-Sept 1981; 1982), operated Philadelphia Mt Airy franchise (Jan-Sept 1991). Recruited, trained, and supplied up to six crews of two-to-four students. Marketed and sold householder and small commercial painting contracts. Sales in excess of $140,000.
Education theory and Christian belief. Narrative theory in education. Christian religious education. Liberal arts education. Critical/transformative adult education. Theological education.
Worldview and religious education. Educational foundations including philosophy of education, history of education, anthropology of education. Curriculum and teaching. Jesus as a teacher. Theories of human nature. Christian theology.
“Education Has Nothing To Do with Theology”: The Social Science Religious Instruction of James Michael Lee. (Cascade, WA: Princeton Theological Monograph Series, 2006), reviewed in Christian Education Journal, NS5:1 (Spr 2008), pp. 195-98.
Articles and Chapters
Four entries in Encyclopedia of Christian Education, eds. George Thomas Kurian and Mark Lamport. Historical: D. S. Amalorpavadass; Brethren of the Common Life; Geert Groot. Intellectual Traditions in Christian Education: Romanticism. (Lanham, MD: Scarecrow Press, 2014, in press).
“Education for What Matters: Aims for Christian Schooling,” in Matthew Etherington, ed., Foundations of Education: A Christian Vision (Eugene, OR: Wipf and Stock, 2013, in press).
“Symbolic Storytelling, Freedom Movements, and Church Education: Cesar Chavez as Virtuoso of Identity,” Religious Education 109:3 (May-June 2014, in press).
“Selling Students on the Character of Liberal Arts: A Benefit of Worldview Awareness in Education?” Journal of General Education 61:3 (2012) pp. 294-304.
“Caught Between Stories: A Narrative Approach to Worldview for Christian Professionals,” with Ken Badley, in Bridging the Gap: Connecting Christian Faith and Professional Practice in a Pluralistic Society, eds. A. De Muynck, J. H. Hegeman, and P. H.Vos. (Sioux Centre, IA: Dordt Press, 2011), pp. 117-126.
“Is Durkheim Right?: The Worldview of a Classical Literary Curriculum.” In Looking Back and Moving Forward: The Next 100 Years of Liberal Arts – Confronting the Challenge,Proceedings of the International Conference on the Liberal Arts, Fredericton, NB, Canada, September 30-Oct 2, 2010, retrieved from http://w3.stu.ca/stu/academic/departments/social_work/lib_arts_conf.aspx on Jan 20, 2011.
“Worldviews in Collision: Jesus as Critical Educator,” Journal of Education and Christian Belief 13:2 (Fall 2009), pp. 141-154.
“James Michael Lee’s Crusade for Empiricism,” Christian Education Journal, NS3:1 (Spr 2006) pp. 6-26.
James Michael Lee’s Social Science Religious Instruction. Teacher’s College Columbia University Ed.D. dissertation, 2004.
“Cesar Chavez, Religious Educator: How Identity and Vision Release People.” Religious Education Association (REA:APPRRE), Atlanta, GA, November 2, 2012. Available at http://www.religiouseducation.net/rea2012/files/2012/10/RIG1.4-Newell.pdf
“Was Durkheim Right? The Worldview of a Classical Literary Curriculum.” International Conference on the Liberal Arts, St. Thomas University, Fredericton, NB, October 2, 2010.
“The Value of a Worldview Course for Unchurched Preservice Teachers.” International Community of Christian Teacher Educators, Letourneau University, Longview, TX, May 2, 2010.
“Narrative, Worldview, and Professional Life,” with Ken Badley. International Association for the Promotion of Christian Higher Education (IAPCHE) Europe Conference, “Bridging the Gap: Connecting Christian Faith and Professional Practice in a Pluralistic Society,” Biezenmortel, The Netherlands, April 20, 2009.
“Jesus as a Worldview Educator.” North American Professors of Christian Education, Atlanta, GA, October 18, 2008.
“Worldviews in Collision: Jesus as a Critical Educator.” International Community of Christian Teacher Educators, Gordon College, Boston, MA, May 28, 2008:
“Constructivism and Christian Belief.” Canadian Evangelical Theological Association, York University, Toronto, ON, May 27, 2006.
“James Michael Lee’s Social Science Religious Instruction.” Evangelical Theological Society, Valley Forge, PA, November 17, 2005.
“Theology Talks to the Social Sciences.” North American Professors of Christian Education, Boston, MA, October 24, 2003.
“Marriage and legal recognition of same-sex unions,” written brief and verbal presentation for hearings Parliament of Canada, Standing Committee on Justice and Human Rights, Sussex, NB, April 8, 2003. Brief at: http://www.scribd.com/doc/51420237 Transcript at: http://www2.parl.gc.ca/HousePublications/Publication.aspx?DocId=835105&Language=E&Mode=2&Parl=37&Ses=2
Gospel and Our Culture Network editorial consultation on theological essay collection, Chicago, May 2001.
“Worship Leadership,” Atlantic School of Theology lay training program seminar, May 1999.
“There Must Be More.” Halifax County Baptist Ministerial presentation on the R. Bibby research, June 1997.
“Pastoring Today.” Acadia Divinity College, Hayward Lectures panel, March 1997.
Davis and Miroshnikova, eds., Routledge International Handbook of Religious Education. Journal of Education and Christian Belief (in press).
T. Turnau, Popologetics: Popular Culture in Christian Perspective. Themelios 38:1(Ap 2013), pp. 191-192.
W. Nord, Does God Make a Difference? Taking Religion Seriously in our Schools and Universities. Journal of Education and Christian Belief 16:1 (Spring 2012), pp. 122-124.
G. Sunshine, Why You Think the Way You Do: The Story of Western Worldviews from Rome to Home. Haddington House Journal 14 (2012), pp. 111-113.
C. Mathews, The Republic of Grace: Augustinian Thoughts for Dark Times. Themelios 37:1 (Ap 2012), pp. 168-70.
S. Loomis & J. Rodriguez, C.S. Lewis: A Philosophy of Education. Journal of Education and Christian Belief 15:2 (Fall 2011), pp. 181-82.
P. Spears and S. Loomis, Education for Human Flourishing. Journal of Education and Christian Belief, 15:1 (Spring 2011), pp. 90-93.
D. Naugle, Reordered Love, Reordered Lives. Themelios 35:2 (Jul 2010), pp. 376-77.
D. A. Carson, Christ and Culture Revisited. Themelios 34:2 (Jul 2009), pp. 278-79.
D. S. Long, Theology and Culture. Themelios 34:1 (Ap 2009), pp. 146-48.
K. Vanhoozer, Everyday Theology. Themelios 34:1 (Ap 2009), pp. 148-150.
E. Meek, Longing to Know.Themelios 33:2 (Sept 2008), pp. 121-122.
A. Wright, Religion, Education, and Postmodernity. Christian Education Journal NS4:1 (Spring 2007) pp. 142-145.
Non-Refereed Publications
“Can God be Trusted?” Moncton Times & Transcript/Saint John Telegraph-Journal, E6, Oct. 9, 2010.
“Academic Freedom: Heart of the University.” Christian Legal Journal (London, Canada) (Spring 2010).
“Can a Christian be a Constructivist?” IAPCHE Contact (Sept 2009), pp. 3-4.
Review, Ling and Bieler, eds., Chinese Intellectuals and the Gospel. Atlantic Baptist, 2000.
Review, Alpha Update. Atlantic Baptist, 1998.
Review, Blocher, Original Sin. Atlantic Baptist, 1998.
Review, Bibby, There's Got to Be More. Atlantic Baptist, 1997.
Teachers College, Columbia University. Entrance and Continuing Scholarships, 1999 - 2004.
Westminster Theological Seminary, Entrance Scholarship, 1991-1992.
Religious Education Association, International Community of Christian Teacher Educators, International Association for the Promotion of Christian Higher Education (IAPCHE).
Course Coordinator, Perspectives on the World Christian Movement, Moncton, NB, 2012-present
Member, Murray Lecture Committee, 2004-present.
International Community of Christian Teacher Educators, Coordinator of Online Seminars, May 2010-present.
President, Crandall University (CU) Faculty Association, May 2010 – August 2012.
CU President Search Committee faculty appointee, Jan. – Dec. 2011.
Member, CU Recruitment Planning Group, directed by Noel-Levitz Inc., Dec. 2010 – June 2011.
Supply speaker in Westmorland-Kent Association of Baptist Churches, NB.
Highfield Baptist Church, Deacon (2008-2011, 2013- ); Christian Education Board member, 2005-2007. Adult study class leader.
CU Christian Life Committee, 2008-2010
CU Academic Council 2004-2008.
First Baptist Church,Dartmouth, N.S., 1987-1991: Young Married Adults education and fellowship leader; men's study leader; young adult fellowship leader; adult study leader; prison ministry volunteer; music team leader; foreign language coach, etc.
Ordained to ministry in the Convention of Atlantic Baptist Churches, 1996.
French (read); Hebrew (read) Koine Greek (read), Neo-Melanesian (spoken, read).
Born: Dec. 21, 1961, St. John’s, NL. Married to Wanda Beth née King, Dec. 31, 1994. Children: Nathan (Dec. 30, 1995); Zoë (Oct. 9, 1997); Eli (Mar. 16, 2001).
http://ca.linkedin.com/in/tnwll; www.academia.edu/EdwardNewell
-August 14, 2013