Cinda Holsombach-Ebner
Cinda Holsombach-Ebner is a professional educator working primarily in the areas of distance learning and educational technology. She is currently serving as the volunteer digital citizenship coordinator for Avery County Schools, North Carolina. Her most recent full-time position was as an online course production coordinator in the Instructional Design and Development department at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University – Worldwide. Previously, Cinda has taught and/or coordinated instructional technology efforts for over 20 years in public and private, K-12 and post-secondary, and domestic and international institutions in the United States and Europe. Areas of additional professional interest include: sustainability education, international education, secondary social studies, TESOL, administration, strategic planning, project management, curriculum development, organizational psychology, research and evaluation, compliance/accreditation, event planning and management, marketing, public relations, leadership, and entrepreneurship.
Banner Elk, NC
Appalachian State University, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, New Mexico State University