Critical Point of View : Curriculum Vitae
June 2009: The initiative started with a proposal for a research network, two conferences and a reader, organized by Centre for Internet & Society (Bangalore, India) and the Institute of Network Cultures (Amsterdam, Netherlands)
January 12/13, 2010: Wiki Wars
• Conference in Bangalore, India
March 26/27, 2010: Critical Point of View
• Conference in Amsterdam, Netherlands
Speakers/Themes - Bangalore
1. Wiki Theory
Shunling Chen (TW/US) Harvard Law School, USA Wikipedia - A republic of Science Democratized?
Stuart Geiger (US) GeorgeTown University, USA The Wisdom of Bots: A Critique of 'Self-Organization' in Wikipedia
Beatriz Martins (BR) Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brasil Wikipedia: Authorship through web networks
Dipti Kulkarni (IN) Indian Institute of Technology, India Wikipedia: A Social Semiotic Perspective
Geert Lovink (NL) Insitute of Network Cultures, Netherlands Moderator
2. Wikipedia and Critique of Western Knowledge Production
Johanna Niesyto (DE) University of Siegen, Germany Wikipedia as a Translingual Space
Eric Zimmerman (IL) IDC, Israel Wikipedia and the Current Research Information System
Stian Haklev (NO/CA) University of Toronto, Canada Equitable Governance in Multilingual Wikipedia
HanTeng Liao (TW) Oxford Internet Institute, England User-generated Encyclopedia as Critical Case of Keyword Economy
Zainab Bawa (IN) Centre for Internet and Society, India Moderator
3. Wiki Art
Isaac Mao (CN) Internet Activist and Curator, China Curating the Wikipedia: What constitutes WikiArt
Scott Kildall (US) e Nathaniel Stern (AU) Wikipedia Art, EUA Wikipedia Art: Citation as Performative Art
Rut Jesus (PT/DK) e Anne Goldenberg (CA) Artists from Canada and Denmark Our Coll(nn)ective Mind: Critics and The WikiWay
Namita Malhotra (IN) Alternative Law Forum, India Moderator
4. Critique of Free and Open
Linda Gross (DE) Universität Bielefeld, Germany Wikipedia: Openness, Egalitarianism and the Emergence of Structures
Heather Ford (ZA) UC Berkeley, EUA Wikipedia and the Digital Commons: An African perspective
Elad Wieder (IL) Creative Commons, Israel Communities vs. Markets - The dissonance within growing open projects
Nathaniel Tkacz (AU) University of Melbourne, Australia Force is Not Binary - The implications of Open Politics
Sunil Abraham (IN) Centre for Internet and Society, (IN) Moderator
5. Global Politics of Exclusion
Mark Graham Trinity College Dublin, Ireland WikiSpace - The Construction and Visibility of Hybrid Places
Alok Nandi (CD/BE) Architempo, Belgium Constructing WikiHeroes - A case study of an Indian Auteur and his demise on the Wikipedia
Dror Kamir (IL) Wikipedian from Israel My Side, your Side and Wikipedia -the tension between neutral information and narrative knowledge on Wikipedia demonstrated with articles about the Middle East conflict
Asha Achuthan (IN) Centre for Contemporary Studies, India Moderator
6. Wikipedia and the Place of Resistace
William Buetler (US) Internet Analyst, USA Wikipedia's Open Door and Closing Window
Eric Ilya Lee (TW) Academia Sinica, Taiwan Re-appropriating Wikipedia: Lazy People's Archives
Yi-Ping Tsou (TW) National Central University, Taiwan Resistance, Reluctance and Reticence: Why Taiwan does not like Wikipedia
Amie Parry (TW) National Central University, Taiwan Moderator
7. Wikipedia and Education
Usha Raman (IN) Teacher-Plus, India Definitive references and disruptive locations? The wikipedia as a school teaching-learning resource
Nupoor Rawal e Srikiet Tadepalli (IN) Christ University, India Problems of authenticity in experiential information on the English Wikipedia
Nishant Shah (IN) Centre for Internet and Society, India Moderator
Speaker/Themes - Amsterdam
1. Wiki Theory
Ramón Reichert (AT) University of Vienna, Austria Rethinking Wikipedia: power, knowledge and the technologies of the Self
Jeanette Hofmann (DE) London School of Economics, England and Social Science Research Centre Berlin, Germany Wikipedia between emancipation and self-regulation
Mathieu O'Neil (AU) Université Paris Sorbonne, France The critique of law in free online projects
Gérard Wormser (FR) Maison des sciences de l'homme Paris-Nord, France The knowledge bar
Geert Lovink (NL) Institute of Network Cultures , Netherlands Moderator
2. Encyclopedia Histories
Joseph Reagle (US) New York University, USA Wikipedia and encyclopedic anxiety
Charles van den Heuvel (NL) Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences Authoritative annotations, Encyclopedia Universalis Mundaneum, Wikipedia and the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy
Dan O'Sullivan(UK) Freelance writer and historian An encyclopedia for the times: thoughts on Wikipedia from a historical perspective
Alan Shapiro(US/DE) MIT and Cornell University, USA Gustave Flaubert laughs at Wikipedia
Nathaniel Tkacz (AU) University of Melbourne, Australia Moderator
3. Wiki Art
Scott Kildall(US) Cross-disciplinary artist Wikipedia Art: Citation as performative act
Patrick Lichty(US) Digital intermedia designer, artist, writer, and independent curator Social media, cultural scaffolds, and molecular hegemonies, musings on anarchic media, WIKIs, and deterritorialized art
Hendrik-Jan Grievink(NL) Designer, Editor WikiLovesArt
Rachel Somers Miles (CA) INC Moderator
4. Designing Debate
Andrew Famiglietti(UK) Georgia Institute of Technology Negotiating the Neutral Point of View: Politics and the moral economy of Wikipedia
Teemu Mikkonen (FI) University of Tampere Kosovo War in Wikipedia: Tracing the conflict and consensus in the Wikipedia talk -pages
Florian Cramer(DE/NL) Rotterdam University
Sunil Abraham (IN) Center for Internet and Society, India Moderator
5. Global Issues and Outlooks
Mayo Fuster Morell (IT) European University Institute Wikimedia governance: The role of the Wikimedia Foundation and the form and geopolitics of its internationalization
Amit Basole(IN) University of Massachusetts Knowledge Satyagraha: Towards a people's knowledge movement
Maja van der Velden(NL/NO) University of Oslo When knowledges meet: Database design and the performance of knowledge
Athina Karatzogianni(UK) University of Hull Wikipedia's impact on the global power-knowledge hierarchies
Johanna Niesyto (DE) University of Siegen Moderator
6. Wikipedia Analytics
Felipe Ortega (ES) University Rey Juan Carlos, Madrid New trends in the evolution of Wikipedia
Stuart Geiger (US) Georgetown University (Washington, D.C) Bot politics: The domination, subversion, and negotiation of code in Wikipedia
Esther Weltevredeand Erik Borra Digital Methods Initiative Controversy Analysis with Wikipedia
Hans Varghese Mathews (IN) Online Journal Phalanx Clustering the contributors to a Wikipedia page
Nishant Shah (IN) Centre for Internet and Society, India Moderator
Planned to be launched in January 2011.