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Daniele Salerno : Curriculum Vitae
Post-doc Fellow at University of Bologna
Address: Via Azzo Gardino, 23
40121 Bologna
Email: daniele.salerno@gmail.com
Ph. Number: +393292094977
My research interests lie in Semiotics of Culture, Cultural Memory, Cultural Trauma and
Subjectivities as constitution of collective and individual identities. My PhD thesis In the
Name of the Community, Analyses of Security and Terrorism Discourse centres on the
relation between the constitution of collective identities and the problem of defence from
community threats after 9/11. I am currently post-doc at the Department of
Communication Studies in Bologna, working in the Centre for Cultural Memory and
Trauma (TraMe – www.centrotrame.wordpress.com). In particular, I am focalising my
research on the case of the memorialisation practices in Italy related to terrorism in the 70s.
I am interested in cultural memory and cultural traumas related to terrorism, political and criminal violence.
2006 – 2008
PhD research:
In the Name of the Community. Analyses of Security and Terrorism Discourses.
Università di Bologna – Scuola Superiore di Studi Umanistici; Istituto Italiano di Scienze
Professor Patrizia Violi – Director of Communication Studies Department - Bologna;
Professor Cristina Demaria – Researcher in Semiotics, Semiotics of Memory, Gender
September 2007 – March 2008
Visiting Scholar at School of Advanced Studies – University of London. Auditor in the
Cultural Memory Master (Institute of Germanic and Romance Studies).
1999 – 2005
Communication Studies, University of Bologna.
Graduated with the thesis The passionate face: recognition of emotions in facial expressions.
Subjects: Semiotics, Cognitive and affective sciences.
Supervisors: Patrizia Violi and Anna Maria Lorusso.
General subjects of the course: Semiotics, Sociology, Psychology, Linguistics, Medieval and
Modern history, cultural studies, conversation analysis, philosophy of language, cinema,
economics, computer science, anthropology, theories and systems of communication, mass
2002 – 2003
Visiting Student (Erasmus Project) at Université Paris VIII, Vincennes-Saint-Denis. French
culture and language, International Relations, Cultural Anthropology, projects in team
(theatre and journalism), Radio, Information Technology, Analysis of television discourse.
March 2011 “Comunità di memoria nei social network: il ’77 bolognese” [“Communities of
Memory in social networks: Bolongna in 1977]
December 2010 “La legge, la storia la fiction: memorie d’Italia in ‘Romanzo criminale’”
[“Law, History, Fiction: Italy’s memory in ‘Romanzo criminale’”]. Paper presented in
Languages of Memory conference, Bologna, December 2-3.
November 2010 “Forms of Memory and Commemoration. Remembering the Ustica
Massacre”. Paper presented in I Congreso Internacional Semiótica de la Cultura: Análisis y
Nuveas Perspectivas, Madrid, November 17-19.
October 2010 “Fotografia e diritti umani. La rappresentazione dei bambini nelle alluvioni in
Pakistan” [Photography and Human Rights. Representation of Children during the Pakistan
flooding] Paper presented in the Italian Association of Semiotic Studies Congress. Rome
October 8-10.
September 2010 “Protecting the community: security practices in London after 7/7”.
Paper presented in the Global Media and the ‘War on Terror’ conference, London,
September 12-13.
May 2010 “’Immaginare ciò che non si sa o che si tace’: la memoria degli anni di piombo”
[“’Imagining what we do not know or what we silence”: Years of Lead memories”. Relation
for the workshop Memoria storica e cultura visiva [Historical memory and visual culture],
Dipartimento di Politica, Istituzioni e Storia, Bologna, May 26.
April 2010 “La Voce delle Donne. Ruoli e spazio di parola delle donne nei media” (with
Laboratorio Rigenerazioni) – Voices of Women. Roles and Words of Women in Media. In
the Seminar on “Etica e Politica. Corpi e Rapprsentazione del Maschile e del Femminile”
(Ethics and Politics. Bodies and Representations of Manhood and Womanhood), Bologna
19th April 2010.
April 2010 “Graphing Memory, Graphing Trauma. The Years of Lead in the Becco Giallo
graphic novels”, Graphic novels and Comics International Conference, Manchester
Metropolitan University, Manchester April 12-14.
February 2010 “The Museum for the Memory of Ustica. Christian Boltanski and the
Wreckage of Itavia Airlines DC-9”, Transcultural Memory Conference, Centre for the Study
of Cultural Memory-University of London, London February 4-6.
October 2009 “Il discorso della sicurezza: un approccio semiotico” (Security Discourse. A
Semiotic Approach) – Communication for the Italian Association of Semiotic Studies
Congress. Bologna.
November 2008 “Gay files. Visti e persi nella TV italiana” (Gay files. Got and Lost in Italian
TV) – Conference Soggettiva for Gender Bender, Bologna (http://vimeo.com/3803305)
June 2008 – Summer School on “Cultural Diversity”, Scuola Superiore di Studi Umanistici
& International Forum of Public Universities – Presentation of my Research within the
October-February 2008 Auditor in the MA in Cultural Memory – Institute of Germanic
and Romance Studie – University of London.
February 2008 “The Empty Place of the Enemy: Representations of the Other in the 'War
on Terror'” – presentation for the Work in progress seminars – School of Advanced Studies
November 2007 “Media coverage of the War on Terror”, CAMMRO conference 24th
November 2007, King's College, The Strand Campus, University of London
September 2007 “Identità e violenza: il caso della “Guida spirituale” degli attentatori dell’11
settembre” (“Identity and Violence: the Case of 9/11 Attackers’ Spiritual Manual”),
communication for the Association Philosophy of Language Association, Siena
July 2007 "Forme della serialità. Una guida semiotica all'analisi delle fiction",
communication with the SMART_SERIALS group for the conference Semiotica e fiction
(Semiotics and TV series) San Marino.
PUBLICATIONS (2007-2011)
2011 “’La repubblica del dolore. Le memorie di un’Italia divisa’ [‘The Republic of Suffering.
Memories of a Divided Italy’] by Giovanni de Luna”, book review for Memory Studies, 4/4.
2011 “’Il ricordo dopo l’oblio’ di Caterina Di Pasquale”, book review for Rassegna Italiana di
Sociologia, 2/2011.
2011 Uno scontro di narrazioni: gli attentati di New York e Londra nelle rappresentazioni dei
terroristi e in quelle della sicurezza [A clash of narrations: New York and London bombings
in terrorists’ and security’s representations], Librerie Universitarie, Padova [in press].
2010 “Alla voce ‘sicurezza’. Per una critica del discorso e delle pratiche della sicurezza” (“To
the Heading ‘Security’. For a Critique of the Security Discourses and Practises”), E|C Rivista
dell’Associazione di Studi Semiotici online
2009 In nome della comunità. Analisi dei testi della sicurezza e del terrorismo (In the Name of
the Community. Analyses of Security and Terrorism Discourses) PhD Thesis
2008 “Dal soggetto della comunità al soggetto della immunità: analisi delle pratiche di
sicurezza nel sistema dei trasporti londinesi” (“From the Community Subject to the
Immunity Subject: Analyses of Security Practises in London Transport”), Carte semiotiche.
Rivista della Società Italiana di Semiotica del Testo e del Centro Senese di Semiotica,
numero 11: pagine 103-117, Le Monnier.
2008 “Protecting the Community: Security practises in London after 7/7”
2008 “Identità e violenza: il caso della “Guida spirituale” degli attentatori dell’11 settembre”
(“Identity and Violence: the Case of 9/11 Attackers’ Spiritual Handbook”) in Il logos nella
polis. La diversità delle lingue e delle culture, le nostre identità (a cura di Fabrizia Giuliani e
Monica Barni), atti del congresso nazionale della società di filosofia del linguaggio di Siena,
24-26 settembre 2007, Aracne, Roma.
2008 "Memoria culturale e processi interpretativi. Uno sguardo semiotico" (“Cultural
Memory and Interpretative Processes: A Semiotic Approach”) with Patrizia Violi, Anna
Maria Lorusso, Claudio Paolucci, Elena Codeluppi, Tommaso Granelli, Francesco
Mazzucchelli, Agata Meneghelli, Paolo Odoardi, Daniele Salerno, Marco Seghini, e
Damiano Razzoli), in Chora (Istituto Italiano per gli Studi Filosofici n. 16, Maggio-Giugno
2008), Symposium, Milano.
2008 “Forme della serialità. Una guida semiotica all’analisi della fiction” (“Seriality forms. A
Semiotic Guide for the analyses of TV serials”) with others (Smart_Serials group) in Mondi
seriali. Percorsi semiotici nella fiction, Link, Milano.
2007 “Frammenti di canzoni amorose. Il passaggio dall’io testuale all’io vocale nella canzone
d’amore” (“Love Songs: Fragments. From the Textual ‘I’ to the Vocal ‘I’ in love songs”), E|C
Rivista dell’Associazione di Studi Semiotici online (http://www.ecaiss.
February 2008 – November 2008 Tutorial Assistant – Department of Communication
Studies, University of Bologna. Tutorial Assistant for Semiotics Disciplines students
June 2008 Tutorial Assistant – Scuola Superiore di Studi Umanistici, Bologna University.
Tutorial Assistant for International PhD students coming from International Forum Public
Universities for the Summer School on “Cultural Diversity”.
2007 Tutorial Assistant – Department of Communication Studies, Bologna University.
Tutorial Assistant for Semiotics of Culture students and Analyses of journalistic discourse.
2010 – onwards Author for the TraMe Centre weblog on Cultural memory and trauma
topics [centrotrame.wordpress.com]
2010 Organisation of the conference “I linguaggi della memoria” [The languages of
memory], Scuola Superiore di Studi Umanistici – University of Bologna, December 2-3.
2009 – onwards Post-doc Research Fellow
Research activities on Cultural Memory and Trauma. Charged for administration,
organization, scientific and membership secretary.
2009 – onwards Webmaster for the website www.trame.unibo.it.
2008 Translation (from Italian to English) for websites and linguistic assistant for academics
for “Semiotics and Perception conference” (Scuola Superiore di Studi Umanistici, Bologna,
6-7 October) and “Places and practises” (Scuola Superiore di Studi Umanistici, Bologna, 23-
24 October).
2007 Translations of articles for the book Marketing delle guerre e rappresentazione dei
conflitti (Marketing of wars and conflict representations) Bononia University Press, Bologna.
Webmaster for official sites, Office, Internet Explorer.