Rafael Fajardo : Curriculum Vitae
Designer, researcher, and educator at the University of Denver. Named one of the fifty top designers in the US by ID Magazine in 2004. Co-Principal Investigator on the NSF sponsored project: Pixels, Programming, Play & Pedagogy. Associate Professor in Emergent Digital Practices.
Al-Bow, Mohammed, Debra Austin, Jeffrey Edgington, Rafael Fajardo, Josh Fishburn, Carlos Lara, Scott Leutenegger, and Susan Meyer. “Motivating Young Women in Game Development Via the Pixels, Programming, Play and Pedagogy Project.” In Women In Games Conference 2008. Warwick, England, 2008. http://www.eylesm.myweb.port.ac.uk/mark/wig/conf-2008/programme.html.
Al-Bow, Mohammed, Debra Austin, Jeffrey Edgington, Rafael Fajardo, Joshua Fishburn, Carlos Lara, Scott Leutenegger, and Susan Meyer. “Using Game Creation for Teaching Computer Programming to High School Students and Teachers.” In Proceedings of the 14th Annual ACM SIGCSE Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education, 104–8. Paris, France: ACM, 2009. https://doi.org/10.1145/1562877.1562913.
———. “Using Greenfoot and Games to Teach Rising 9th and 10th Grade Novice Programmers.” In Proceedings of the 2008 ACM SIGGRAPH Symposium on Video Games, 55–59. Los Angeles, California: ACM, 2008. https://doi.org/10.1145/1401843.1401853.
Anderson Ranch Arts Center. Live Artist Panel - Finding Your Voice: Culture and Community in Latinx Art. Accessed October 9, 2022. https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=okgA2TfYWfk&fbclid=IwAR1TdFMoR4Cy95s9Eux0I1HZsQkrkOWqhOSUb6jYhMyyQ9Tk9HrNueen3Oc.
Argent, L., B. Depper, R. Fajardo, S. Gjertson, S.T. Leutenegger, M.A. Lopez, and J. Rutenbeck. “Building a Game Development Program.” Computer 39, no. 6 (2006): 52–60. https://doi.org/10.1109/MC.2006.189.
Austin, Debra. “ISTE 2010 Attendees | Program | Search Results Details.” Accessed April 23, 2010. http://center.uoregon.edu/ISTE/2010/program/search_results_details.php?sessionid=50067808&selection_id=54412933&rownumber=1&max=10&gopage=.
Austin, Debra, Rafael Fajardo, and Scott Leutenegger. “Epistemic Learning Environments: Using Game Creation to Teach Art, Design, Computer Science, and Innovative Thinking.” Charleston, SC, USA, 2009.
———. “Game Creation: Epistemic Learning of Art, Design, and Computer Science.” In ISTE NECC 2009. Washington, DC, USA, 2009. http://center.uoregon.edu/ISTE/NECC2009/program/search_results_details.php?sessionid=43715526&selection_id=62600380&rownumber=1&max=1&gopage=.
Austin, Debra, Rafael Fajardo, Scott Leutenegger, and Susan Meyer. “Teacher Game Institute 101: 2D Humane Game Design and Development, 6 Hour Workshop.” Denver, Colorado, USA, 2010.
Austin, Debra, Scott Leutenegger, Rafael Fajardo, Debra Austin, Scott Leutenegger, and Rafael Fajardo. “Epistemic Learning Environments: Using Game Creation to Teach Art, Design, Computer Science, and Innovative Thinking,” 2009:1359–66, 2009. https://www.learntechlib.org/p/30801/.
CCA. “Can Game Design Be a Tool for Social Justice?” Accessed October 3, 2024. https://www.cca.edu/newsroom/game-design-social-justice-tool/.
Crowe, Kate, Megan Kelly, and Rafael Fajardo. “Zine about Zines.” Google Docs. Accessed June 22, 2018. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1IrtKuB3eTyao9aQt7ljrIIiPs4iawINB7RB4u_2zg8M/edit?ts=5b2a9bd2&usp=embed_facebook.
Fajardo, Rafael. “Code Drawings [i] in Hopscotch.” Reconstruction: Studies in Contemporary Culture, March 22, 2016. http://link.galegroup.com/apps/doc/A484096650/AONE?sid=googlescholar.
———. “Code Drawings in Hopscotch.” Reconstruction 16, no. 1 (March 7, 2016). http://reconstruction.eserver.org/Issues/161/Fajardo.shtml.
———. “Complexity and Confusion in Cyber Spaces | The Denver Session : The Program | Cumulus Digital Culture.” Conference website. Cumulus Digital Culture, August 2011. http://www.cumulusdigitalculture.net/cdc/?p=197.
———. “Crosser & La Migra on Vimeo.” Accessed July 25, 2020. https://vimeo.com/showcase/7382342.
———. CrosserTM. 2000. Videogame (Cocoa, MacOS 8 executable), 480 pixels x 530 pixels x 8 bits per pixel, silent. SWEAT. http://www.sudor.net/games/crosser_lamigra/index.html.
———. CrosserTM. Socially Conscious Videogame. SWEAT, 2000. http://www.sudor.net/games/crosser_lamigra/index.html.
———. CrosserTM. 1st ed. Border Games 1. El Paso, Texas, USA: SWEAT (Cocoa, Mac OS 8 executable), 2000. http://www.sudor.net/games/crosser_lamigra/index.html.
———. “Design Envy · 1-Bit Symphony: Tristan Perich,” November 13, 2011. https://web.archive.org/web/20111113054934/http://designenvy.aiga.org/1-bit-symphony-tristan-perich/.
———. “Design Envy · Music for Shuffle: Matthew Irvine Brown,” December 5, 2011. https://web.archive.org/web/20111205150711/http://designenvy.aiga.org/music-for-shuffle-matthew-irvine-brown.
———. “Design Envy · Paper Pop! — Matt Hawkins,” December 4, 2011. https://web.archive.org/web/20111204160311/http://designenvy.aiga.org/paper-pop-matt-hawkins.
———. “Design Envy · Scratch: MIT Media Lab,” November 4, 2011. https://web.archive.org/web/20111104124951/http://designenvy.aiga.org/scratch-mit-media-lab/.
———. “Design Envy · Tiny Wings: Andreas Illiger,” December 4, 2011. https://web.archive.org/web/20111204160546/http://designenvy.aiga.org/tiny-wings-andreas-illiger/.
———. Excite Burro. (Stagecast Creator, Java Applet), Socially Conscious Videogame. SWEAT (Stagecast Creator, Java Applet), 2004. http://www.sudor.net/games/juan.html.
———. “Excite Burro.” In Juan and the Beanstalk, 1st ed. War on Drugs 3. Denver, Colorado, USA: SWEAT (Stagecast Creator, Java Applet), 2004. http://www.sudor.net/games/juan.html.
———. Fifa Fo Fum! (Stagecast Creator, Java Applet), Socially Conscious Videogame. SWEAT (Stagecast Creator, Java Applet), 2004. http://www.sudor.net/games/juan.html.
———. “Fifa Fo Fum!” In Ju, 1st ed. War on Drugs 2. Denver, Colorado, USA: SWEAT (Stagecast Creator, Java Applet), 2004. http://www.sudor.net/games/juan.html.
———. “Getting to k(No)w Her.” Streaming Egos (blog), 2015. http://blog.goethe.de/streamingegos/archives/114-Getting-to-know-her.html.
———. “Hopscotch.” In Art2<code>, 2016. https://v1b3.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/art2codeF.pdf.
———. Juan and the Beanstalk. (Stagecast Creator, Java Applet), Socially Conscious Videogame. SWEAT (Stagecast Creator, Java Applet), 2004. http://www.sudor.net/games/juan.html.
———. Juan and the Beanstalk. 2004. Videogame (Stagecast Creator, Java Applet), Varies. SWEAT. http://www.sudor.net/games/juan.html.
———. Juan and the Beanstalk. 1st ed. War on Drugs. Denver, Colorado, USA: SWEAT (Stagecast Creator, Java Applet), 2004. http://www.sudor.net/games/juan.html.
———. Juan Runner. (Stagecast Creator, Java Applet), Socially Conscious Videogame. SWEAT (Stagecast Creator, Java Applet), 2004. http://www.sudor.net/games/juan.html.
———. “Juan Runner.” In Juan and the Beanstalk, 1st ed. War on Drugs 3. Denver, Colorado, USA: SWEAT (Stagecast Creator, Java Applet), 2004. http://www.sudor.net/games/juan.html.
———. La MigraTM. 2001. Videogame (Cocoa, MacOS 8 executable), 545 pixels x 630 pixels x 8 bits per pixel, silent. SWEAT. http://www.sudor.net/games/crosser_lamigra/index.html.
———. La MigraTM. Socially Conscious Videogame. SWEAT, 2001. http://www.sudor.net/games/crosser_lamigra/index.html.
———. La MigraTM. 1st ed. Border Games 2. El Paso, Texas, USA: SWEAT (Cocoa, Mac OS 8 executable), 2001. http://www.sudor.net/games/crosser_lamigra/index.html.
———. “Pixels, Politics and Play: Digital Video Games as Social Commentary.” Intelligent Agent 3, no. 2 (2003). http://www.intelligentagent.com/archive/Vol3_No2_gaming_fajardo.html.
———. “Play Think Make: Critical Game Studies | Google Groups,” January 13, 2012. http://groups.google.com/group/playthinkmake.
———. “Playform - ButterflyloopGAN.” Playform, 2019. http://preview.playform.io/create/result/NTU1K2J1dHRlcmZseWxvb3BHQU4=.
———. “Playform - SelfGAN.” Playform, 2019. http://preview.playform.io/create/result/NTUxK3NlbGZHQU4=.
———. “Rafael Fajardo at Scratch Ed.” Accessed April 18, 2018. http://scratched.gse.harvard.edu/user/4358/contributions.
———. “Rafaelfajardo (Rafael Fajardo) GitHub Code Repositories.” GitHub, June 5, 2013. https://github.com/rafaelfajardo.
———. “Reconstruction 16.1 (2016): ARCHIVES ON FIRE: Artifacts & Works, Communities & Fields.” Reconstruction 16, no. 1 (March 7, 2016). http://reconstruction.eserver.org/Issues/161/Fajardo.shtml.
———. “Reconstruction 16.1 (2016): Archives on Fire: Artifacts & Works, Communities & Fields.” Accessed December 1, 2021. http://reconstruction.digitalodu.com/Issues/161/contents_161.shtml.
———. “Reconstruction 16.1 (2016): ARCHIVES ON FIRE: Artifacts & Works, Communities & Fields.” Accessed December 1, 2021. http://reconstruction.digitalodu.com/Issues/161/Fajardo.shtml.
———. Seeds of Solitude. (Stagecast Creator, Java Applet), Socially Conscious Videogame. SWEAT (Stagecast Creator, Java Applet), 2004. http://www.sudor.net/games/juan.html.
———. “Seeds of Solitude.” In Juan and the Beanstalk, 1st ed. War on Drugs 1. Denver, Colorado, USA: SWEAT (Stagecast Creator, Java Applet), 2004. http://www.sudor.net/games/juan.html.
———. “SWEATblog: Gestalt Theory. Design. Computer Science. Games.” Single author blog. SWEATblog (blog), August 13, 2010. http://www.sudor.net/blog/archive/2010/08/gestalt_theory.html.
———. “TakeTurns | Google Groups.” Accessed September 15, 2011. https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/taketurns.
———. “TakeTurns | PBworks Wiki.” Wiki. TakeTurns. Accessed September 15, 2011. http://taketurns.pbworks.com/w/page/16898843/FrontPage.
———. “What Are We Going to Do Now? A Set of Conceptual Games.” GitHub, January 25, 2015. https://github.com/rafaelfajardo/WAWGTDN.
———. “What Are We Going to Do Now? A Set of Conceptual Games | Global Game Jam.” Global Game Jam, January 25, 2015. http://globalgamejam.org/2015/games/what-are-we-going-do-now-set-conceptual-games.
Fajardo, Rafael, and Scott Leutenegger. “‘2D Game Design 101’, 3-Hour Workshop.” In Proceedings of the 42nd ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education. Dallas, Texas, USA: ACM, 2011. http://www.sigcse.org/sigcse2011.
———. “An Argument for ‘Humane Games’ in Game Education.” In Games in Engineering and Computer Science. Washington, DC, USA, 2010. http://gecs.tamu.edu/.
———. “‘Game Design 101’, 3-Hour Workshop.” In Proceedings of the 41st ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education. Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA: ACM, 2010.
———. Pixels, Programming, Play & Pedagogy: Provost’s Luncheon Presentation V.2, 2009. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zVYZa5xHGmo&feature=youtube_gdata_player.
———. “Programming, Pixels & Play : A University Summer Game Camp To Attract Under-Represented Populations to Game Development and Computer Science.” In Proceedings of Future Play. London, Ontario, CA, 2006. http://www.digra.org/news_folder/futureplay06.
Fajardo, Rafael, Scott Leutenegger, and Bill Depper. Squeezed. Multi-player Online, First-person-picker, 2006. http://squeezed-thegame.org/.
———. Squeezed. 1st ed. Border Games 3. Denver, Colorado, USA: mtvU (multi-player online, Torque), 2006. http://squeezed-thegame.org/.
Fajardo, Rafael, Scott T. Leutenegger, and Karen Michaelson. “Game Design and STEM Learning on Vimeo.” Panel Discussion presented at the The Power of Design: Youth Making Social Issue Games, New York, New York, May 24, 2010. http://vimeo.com/12932754.
Fajardo, Rafael, and Victoria Lyall. “Response(Art)Ability and Leadership in Continued Times of Injustice.” Eventbrite. Accessed January 22, 2021. https://www.eventbrite.com/e/136860482387?aff=efbneb.
Fajardo, Rafael, and Chad Schmidt. “Essay on Generative Game Engine Published in IDMAa Journal.” Multi-author blog. SWEATblog (blog), November 8, 2005. http://www.sudor.net/blog/archive/2005/11/essay_on_genera.html.
———. “International Digital Media and Arts Association | V2N2: The Generative Game Engine.” IDMAA (blog), March 8, 2013. http://idmaa.org/?post_type=journalarticle&p=544.
———. “International Digital Media and Arts Association | VOL. 2 NO. 2 SUMMER 2005.” Accessed October 19, 2014. http://idmaa.org/?post_type=journalissue&p=779.
———. “The Generative Game Engine.” The International Digital Media & Arts Association Journal 2, no. 2 (May 15, 2005): 9–12. http://idmaa.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/Vol-2-No-2-2005.pdf.
Fajardo, Rafael, and SWEAT. “Juan & The Beanstalk: A Game Work in Progress.” Works & Days 43/44 22, no. 1 & 2 (2004): 155–58. http://www.worksanddays.net/2004/File17.Fajardo_File17.Fajardo.pdf.
Grace, Lindsay, and Susan Gold. Global Game Jam Stories. Global Game Jam Inc., 2018.
Howard, W. Scott. “Reconstruction 16.1 (2016): Archives on Fire: Artifacts & Works, Communities & Fields.” Accessed March 8, 2016. http://reconstruction.eserver.org/Issues/161/contents_161.shtml.
———. “WYSIWYG Poetics: Reconfiguring the Fields for Creative Writers and Scholars.” The Journal of Electronic Publishing 14, no. 2 (October 3, 2011). https://doi.org/10.3998/3336451.0014.204.
Landa, Robin. Take a Line for a Walk: A Creativity Journal. 1st ed. Wadsworth Publishing, 2011.
Leutenegger, Scott, Debra Austin, Susan Meyer, and Rafael Fajardo. “P4Games | Humane Game Development for Students and Teachers.” P4Games | Humane game development for students and teachers. Accessed May 17, 2010. http://p4games.org/.