We’re in the process of updating the documentation for Zotero 5.0. Some documentation may be outdated in the meantime. Thanks for your understanding.
Search Fields
These are the values of the fieldName column in the fields table from system.sql
The complete listing is below:
- url
- rights
- series
- volume
- issue
- edition
- place
- publisher
- pages
- publicationTitle
- date
- section
- callNumber
- archiveLocation
- distributor
- extra
- journalAbbreviation
- accessDate
- seriesTitle
- seriesText
- seriesNumber
- institution
- reportType
- code
- session
- legislativeBody
- history
- reporter
- court
- numberOfVolumes
- committee
- assignee
- patentNumber
- priorityNumbers
- issueDate
- references
- legalStatus
- codeNumber
- artworkMedium
- number
- artworkSize
- libraryCatalog
- videoRecordingFormat
- interviewMedium
- letterType
- manuscriptType
- mapType
- scale
- thesisType
- websiteType
- audioRecordingFormat
- label
- presentationType
- meetingName
- studio
- runningTime
- network
- postType
- audioFileType
- version
- system
- company
- conferenceName
- encyclopediaTitle
- dictionaryTitle
- language
- programmingLanguage
- university
- abstractNote
- websiteTitle
- reportNumber
- billNumber
- codeVolume
- codePages
- dateDecided
- reporterVolume
- firstPage
- documentNumber
- dateEnacted
- publicLawNumber
- country
- applicationNumber
- forumTitle
- episodeNumber
- blogTitle
- type
- medium
- title
- caseName
- nameOfAct
- subject
- proceedingsTitle
- bookTitle
- shortTitle
- docketNumber
- numPages
- programTitle
- issuingAuthority
- filingDate
- genre
- archive