How do I import BibTeX or other standardized formats?
Zotero can import bibliographic data stored in a variety of standardized formats used by databases and other reference management tools. The most popular formats are RIS, Bib(La)Tex, and MODS.
If you have a database stored in one of these formats, such as a BibTeX database you've compiled or a RIS database you've exported from another reference manager, you can import them into Zotero by clicking File → “Import…” and choosing “A file”.
See also Moving to Zotero.
Zotero can import the following bibliographic formats
- Zotero RDF
- BibTeX
- BibLaTeX
- Can be convenient for quick edits between export & import because of its simple structure
- Bibliontology RDF
- MODS (Metadata Object Description Schema)
- Endnote XML
- Best format for exporting from Endnote
- Citavi XML
- Best format for exporting from Citavi
- MAB2
- MEDLINE/nbib
- OVID Tagged
- PubMed XML
- RefWorks Tagged
- Best format for exporting from RefWorks
- Web of Science Tagged
- Refer/BibIX
- Generally avoid if any other option is available
- XML ContextObject
- Unqualified Dublin Core RDF